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Friday, 31 May 2024 22:26

Indonesian Consulate General in Cape Town serves Indonesian Paspor for Double Citizenship Featured

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The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Cape Town, South Africa  carried out biometric services to Indonesian passports for children with dual nationality from a couple of Indonesian and South African citizens in Struisbaai, South Africa. According to a written statement from the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Cape Town received by Antara in Jakarta on Monday (5/27), the Consulate General visited Struisbaai  located about 271 kilometers from Cape Town  to provide the service.  The service was carried out by the Consul for Protocol and Consular Affairs of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Cape Town, Faiez Maulana along with staff to an Indonesian citizen -an Indonesian citizen from Yogyakarta who is married to a South African citizen and has a child with dual nationality. 


On that occasion, Faiez explained to the couple about mixed marriage, regulations related to their child who is a child with Dual Nationality, solutions to problems in processing documents, visas  and other matters related to immigration.


Children born from mixed marriages, according to Law No.12 2006 on Citizenship  have limited dual citizenship. Those who are 18-21 years old must determine their choice, whether they want to become Indonesian citizens or foreign citizens. The choice of citizenship of children is very important  because it is related to citizenship status and legal protection. According to article 23 of Law No. 12 of 2006, a person can lose Indonesian citizenship for several reasons, such as acquiring another citizenship of their own accord. 


Moreover, Faiez also explained the Consulate General in Cape Town regularly socializes Indonesian regulations on immigration and mixed marriage regulations and regulations on children with dual nationality that continue to change in a bid to protect Indonesian citizens abroad. The Consulate General mentioned that the protection system for Indonesian citizens abroad continues to be built and strengthened by building an Integrated Protection and Service System for Indonesian citizens abroad, namely the Indonesian Citizen Care Portal and the Safe Travel application.

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