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Monday, 01 July 2024 20:31

Ethiopian Youths Participate in Writing Training at the Indonesian Embassy in Addis Ababa Featured

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A total of 30 Ethiopian youths participated in a writing training activity organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia -KBRI Addis Ababa in Arba Minch City on Wednesday (26/6/2024).

Indonesian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Djibouti and the African Union, Al Busyra Basnur, said the writing training was held to enhance the knowledge and writing skills of Ethiopian youths so that they are able to write well about Indonesia and Ethiopia.

The training was mentored by Ambassador Al Busyra Basnur, who is also a writer and former journalist, with five resource persons from Ethiopian youths. They are Selamawit, Lidya, Evelyn, Getayawkal, and Yared, who are students of Arba Minch University.

Interestingly, the five students are part of fifteen Ethiopian youths who wrote a book entitled “Indonesia in the Hearts and Minds of Ethiopian Youth” which was officially launched and discussed today, on Saturday, (June 29). Ambassador Al Busyra Basnur is also involved as an editor of the book.

The Indonesian Embassy in Addis Ababa continues to encourage Ethiopian youths to write books along with Indonesian ones. Until now, the Embassy has published 10 books written by youths, academicians, and prominent figures from Ethiopia and Indonesia.

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