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Tuesday, 26 March 2019 00:00

Revitalisation of 15 Lakesin Indonesia is a Remarkable Thing

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The Environment and Forestry Ministry held coordinating meeting on National priority lake rescue in achieving target of middle terms National Development Plan of 2015-2019. Director General of Watersheds Control and Protection Forests (PDASHL), IB Putera Parthama at Manggala Wanabakti,Jakartaexplainedthat revitalization of 15 damaged lakes requires a huge budget.

“...Many of our lakes are damaged and 15 of them are severely damaged. Lots of funds are needed. So, the lake management plan is needed. The problem is, this is the duty of the sector and the funds should also be taken from the sector. While the Ministry has the task to improve water catchment in upstream area, and we are looking for a budget for that, for each lake needs different funds” Putera said. 

Moreover, IB Putera Parthama added that the Environment and Forestry Ministry was also in cooperation with other 11 ministries among others Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Transportation Ministry, Tourism Ministry, Agriculture Ministry and Bappenas. The Rawa Pening lake in Semarang is one of the lakes that becomes priority as revitalizing pilot. (NK)

Read 619 times Last modified on Friday, 12 April 2019 08:37