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Zona Integritas
Wednesday, 07 March 2018 10:48

Mosaic of Indonesia

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Ubud’s art village in Gianyar regency, Bali will hold Balispirit Festival on April 2 until 8 for a week. The event is expected to attract more than 8,000 visitors from 50 countries. This was stated by assistant manager of Balispirit Festival, Yuliani Supandji, in Gianyar, on Tuesday (6/2). The 11th Balispirit Festival has the theme Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in English "Unity in Diversity" which refers to the diversity of the Indonesian nation. In addition, the festival also indicates that regardless of the difference, the multi-culture of the people, there is a true unity among Indonesian people. Balispirit Festival is established with the theme of the main event, namely holistic, health and world music which give positive contribution on ecologic health, cultural spirit and vitality in Bali in specific and in Indonesia in general. Yuliani Supandji said that through yoga tradition, dance, music, and an inspirational method of healing the soul, Balispirit Festival describes Hindu Bali concept about Tri Hita Karana, the harmony of life with spiritual, social, and natural environment.

Reducing drugs abuse among young generation needs strict parental supervision and intensive religious education. Manager of Islamic boarding school of Matlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng, Taufikurrahman said in Sumenep, Madura, East Java on Tuesday (6/3), the important factor which can prevent children from drugs or other negative behaviors, must be begun from family’s environment by giving maximally supervision on child’s behavior. In addition, parent must pay attention on religious education of their children. Strong faith will protect children from negative influence. Law enforcers must give heavy punishment drug abuse in order to have a deterrent effect. Even, socialization to boarding school is very effective to give understanding to people or students about the danger of the drugs. Taufikurrahman also said that the development of social media also has a central role in giving comprehension about the danger of the drugs and punishment which is given for drug abuse.

Monkey Forest natural tourism object in Ubud, Gianyar regency, Bali is able to earn 225 million rupiah. The tourist visit reached around 4,500 people. This was stated by Bendesa or traditional leader of the village Pakraman Padangtegal, Ubud district, Gianyar, I Made Gendra in Ubud on Monday (5/3). The tourism object which is occupied by hundreds of monkeys and becomes tourists’ attraction, is quite successful to be managed by local people. So, it needs no private sector for the management.The natural tourism object has been managed and developed by local people since 1970s. Monkey Forest Ubud is one of businesses of Padangtegal village. Other businesses are house of compost, management of garbage dues for tourism businessmen, the management of central parking in Ubud. No wonder, Padangtegal village received Kalpataru award for the service to manage and to preserve the forest.

Read 1401 times Last modified on Thursday, 08 March 2018 20:00