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Monday, 30 November 2020 10:41

BI Governor wants Indonesia to become a global player in Islamic economy

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Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Perry Warjiyo wants Indonesia to become a global player in the Islamic economy and finance because it has great potential and has become a world trend.

"The government and all of us want Indonesia to become a global player in the Islamic financial economy," Perry Warjiyo said at a webinar on accelerating the development of the Islamic capital market in Jakarta, Monday.

According to him, since 2015, BI, the government, and other related institutions have stepped up steps to develop Islamic economics and finance, which focus a lot on banking and are now expanding, including the capital market, mobilization of zakat, and productive waqf.

In addition, he continued, it will also improve the sharia economy in forming a halal supply chain in synergy with the government, BI, the business world including conducting education and literacy through a campaign in the Sharia Economic Festival which was held by BI some time ago.

Perry said that sharia economy and finance is not related to religion but is a trend in the world as an approach to economic and financial business models.

In fact, he continued, a country whose population is not predominantly Muslim has become the center of the sharia economy, including China as the world's largest exporter of Muslim clothing.

Likewise, South Korea is the largest producer of halal cosmetics and halal tourist destinations, Japan is also one of the centers of the halal industry and tourism. '

Do not miss neighboring countries, namely Thailand also has a vision of a world halal kitchen. Observing this, the previous government had formed the National Committee for Sharia Financial Economics (KNEKS).

Indonesia, he said, still needs to pursue sharia economics, including in the pharmacosmetics, tourism, and finance industries because it is currently in sixth place based on the State of Global Islamic 2020-2021 report.

Even so, several industries from Indonesia have entered the top 10 of which halal food is in fourth place, and fashion is in third after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Turkey.

"Our efforts since 2015 have been developing Islamic financial banking, sharia economy and continuing to carry out education and literacy," he said. (Antaranews)

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