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Head of the Village Information and Development Agency, Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia, Ivanovich Agusta giving his remarks (Photo : Perpusnas) - 



VOInews, Jakarta : Head of the Village Information and Development Agency, Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia, Ivanovich Agusta said, to build a village, a community reading garden (TBM) and village libraries are needed. This is one measure village development. 

He conveyed this at the National Sector Coordination Meeting (Rakornas). Library which took place at the Mercure Hotel, Jakarta on Tuesday (14/5/2024).

Ivan was a speaker on the theme "Village Fund Policy in the Construction and Development of Village Libraries and Reading Materials Quality.”

Participants participated in this activity in a hybrid manner, online via the Zoom application and live broadcasts on the National Library channel on YouTube, as well as face to face or offline. 

"If you look at the village, there is a village development index which is a measure for get village funds. There is a social resilience index and an educational aspect. "The condition is that the village must have a TBM with a village library or another name," he said.

Ivan explained that the 2016 Village Regulations in which libraries played a role were 0.8 percent of total village development. 2023 data that has There are libraries in 33 thousand villages, 30 thousand villages are active. There are 41 thousand villages yet has a TBM and village library.

As far as the village library will be to advance villages, the Ministry of Villages and Bapennas have calculated one. The main factor in developing villages is the emergence of libraries.

“So, there is a positive correlation "when villages develop village libraries, they are more advanced and independent," he explained Ivan.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Tuesday (14/05/24), there are 10 thousand villages and TBM gets a thousand book titles each with a total of 10 million book titles so it is very helpful for village libraries. Task The Ministry of Villages opens up opportunities, but it all depends on the results village deliberation. An important stakeholder is the head of the empowerment service community and village//VOI



Deputy for Human Development, Society and Culture, Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas Amich Alhumami, giving his remarks on the National Sector Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) Library (Photo : Perpusnas) - 



VOInews, Jakarta : Deputy for Human Development, Society and Culture, Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas Amich Alhumami, said that the government has a dream to become a developed country within the next two decades. He conveyed this at the National Sector Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) Library, which took place at the Mercure Hotel, Jakarta on Tuesday (14/5/2024).

Meanwhile, Amich presented material with the title "Development policy literacy as a National Priority in the 2025 – 2029 RPJMN”. “Indonesia can become a developed country, characterized by high achievements in many fields. In relevant development sectors and will indicate for creating a quality nation. Reflected in economic productivity, achievements in development of education, science and technological innovation which are barometers for see whether the nation has good achievements or not," he explained.

However, continued Amich, currently the human capital index is only 0.54 percent. That This means that people born today will become productive humans 18 years later with that percentage.

“This is relatively low, meaning there must be an increase in the sector health and education. "Because literacy skills will be reflected there," he added.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Tuesday (14/05/24), in realizing the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045, education plays an important role creating superior and quality human resources with literacy skills. “Want to come in Companies must demonstrate good literacy skills, reading work manual, understand instructions, oriented to the work field and responsible for the task at hand," he explained. 

Amich said that in Golden Indonesia 2045, the government also has a vision education 2045. With a population of 278 million people, if an analysis is made Population structure according to age group and level of education, majority 59 percent of the population only graduated from junior high school/madrasah tsanawiyah (MTs) and below. 

“Literacy is important in the future and can both identify and strengthen. There is no absolute doubt that the increasingly advanced world is developing and competitive. It requires the most elementary and complex literacy skills. Through literacy can encourage societal transformation in various dimensions of life, even by utilizing technology, including artificial intelligence, to achieve achievements high," he said//VOI


The left ; UNDP Indonesia Resident Representative, Mr. Norimasa Shimomura ; Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN, H.E. Mr. Kiya Masahiko ; Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Economic Community, H.E. Mr. Satvinder Singh giving statement after the launching of ASEAN Blue Economy Innovation Project on Tuesday (14/05/24), (Photo : VOI) - 



VOInews, Jakarta : The ASEAN Blue Economy Innovation project has been officially inaugurated by the Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN, alongside the Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN and the UNDP Resident Representative in Indonesia.

This ASEAN endeavour is supported by the Government of Japan and UNDP operating out of its office in Jakarta, designed to invite entrepreneurs and innovators from the ten ASEAN Member States and Timor-Leste to address challenges and drive progress in the blue sectors, which encompass ocean and freshwater ecosystems.

The project encompasses three primary activities: the ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge, the Blue Incubation Programme, and Blue Business Matchmaking. Through these initiatives, 60 successful innovators will receive financial support of up to US$40,000 each.

They will also benefit from a mentorship programme during the incubation phase to refine and commercialise their solutions within a six-month period. Furthermore, during the business matchmaking activity, winning teams will have the opportunity to present their innovative solutions to business communities, financiers, and investors, thereby gaining access to blue investments in the region.

During the project launch at the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta Secretary-General of ASEAN, H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn delivers his opening remarks through the recorded video.

He mentions that with the ASEAN Blue Economy Innovation project came at an opportune time as the region gears up with the implementation of the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework,

“The project seeks to not only improve the economic output of marine sectors but also to enhance the resilience of coastal communities against climate change and environmental degradation. This initiative stands as a testament to ASEAN’s commitment to harnessing the blue economy for regional development, environmental sustainability, and socio-economic inclusion,” said Dr. Kao Kim Hourn.

Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Economic Community, H.E. Mr. Satvinder Singh said,

“Since the adoption of the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework in September 2023, we continue to make another step forward in our collective efforts to enhance the sustainable use of both ocean and freshwater resources for the economic growth and prosperity of ASEAN people. This pioneering project also further emphasizes ASEAN’s commitment and readiness to take the lead on regional cooperation and economic integration concerning blue economy innovations.”

ASEAN stands at the forefront of the world’s maritime potential. ASEAN also boasts a diverse array of marine resources with an estimated market value of up to US$2.5 trillion per year or five percent of the global economy.

Recognising the vast promise of ASEAN’s blue economy, there are numerous challenges that ASEAN Member States must grapple with. Issues like overfishing, habitat degradation, and marine pollution pose significant threats to the region’s marine and freshwater ecosystems. This underscores the urgent need for collaborative and concerted efforts to address them.

Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN, H.E. Mr. Kiya Masahiko remarked,

“ASEAN-Japan cooperation has just started a new journey toward the next 50 years. Japan continues to encourage ASEAN’s success in this new frontier of blue economy and innovation. I look forward to working with all of you to make this project impactful to the people in the entire region. I am hopeful that this project will serve as a catalyst for further cooperation and investment in this field.”

Aligned with Ambassador Kiya’s message on the importance of collaboration, UNDP Indonesia Resident Representative, Mr. Norimasa Shimomura stated,

“collaboration and innovation are key to address the challenges in sustainably harnessing and managing marine and freshwater ecosystems. From our base in Jakarta, we hope that this blue economy innovation project will benefit ASEAN member states and Timor-Leste to expand the blue economy's potential in these countries.”

UNDP has been an advocate for the blue sector on a global scale for more than 25 years. Having mobilised over US$1 billion for ocean protection and restoration across more than 100 countries, UNDP remains committed to promoting a sustainable global blue economy that harnesses ocean and freshwater resources for inclusive development.

For example, in Indonesia, UNDP has helped realise the vision of the Government of Indonesia to promote multilateral cooperation with the aim of protecting the marine environment and promoting the blue economy through the Archipelagic and Island States Forum (AIS Forum). Archipelagic Island States (AIS).

The ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge is open for applications until 31 May 2024 midnight Jakarta time, offering the entrepreneurs and innovators in ASEAN and Timor-Leste the chance to access financial and incubation support from the project in the areas of climate change, marine plastic pollution, sustainable fisheries, and sustainable tourism. Apply through



An online interview was held at the RRI Voice of Indonesia studio in Jakarta, Indonesia on April 2024. (Photo: VOI/Rama Shidqi P)


VOInews, Jakarta: One of the Voice of Indonesia (VOI) shortwave radio frequencies moved starting this Monday (13/5/2024). The international radio station of the Indonesian public broadcaster, Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) moved its frequency from 4750 to 4755 kHz.

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