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President Joko Widodo attended the opening ceremony of the 32nd ASEAN Summit in Island Ballroom, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore, Saturday, April 28, 2018.

"There are several meetings, firstly the opening of the summit itself, the official opening, then ASEAN Leader's Retreat will discuss more about regional issues, international issues," Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi told journalists on Friday night, April 27, 2018 , at the Shangri-la Hotel, Singapore.

In addition, the President will also hold a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Nguyen Xuan Phuc. The meeting is scheduled to take place after lunch, at the 3rd Bilateral Meeting Room, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore.

Before returning to Indonesia, the President will first attend the 11th Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) Meeting at Banyan Room, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore.

The meeting was held in order to improve the welfare of the people of the three countries and the region. ( release )


President Joko Widodo  on Saturday asked Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to immediately wrap up negotiations on the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) between the two neighboring countries. President Joko Widdodo raised the border issue at a bilateral meeting with the Vietnamese Prime Minister on the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit conference being held in this city country. Joko Widodo said a number of the results of the Joint-Council-Bilateral-Cooperation (JCBC) meeting need immediate follow up talks include issue of maritime borders between Indonesia and Vietnam.  Conclusion of the border talks would prevent unnecessary incident and would help promote fishery and maritime cooperation.

Indonesian authorities have detained and exploded a number of foreign fishing boats including Vietnamese fishing vessels caught illegally fishing in Indonesian waters.

"I am confident we could immediately wrap up the negotiation," Jokowi told the Vietnamese leader.

The Indonesian President also said that the drafting of 2019-2023 Action Plan on strategic partnership between the two countries should be finished in November 2018. He expressed appreciation for the agreement to remove bottlenecks that exports of motor vehicles from Indonesia to Vietnam could be normal again soon, and the bilateral trade target of US$10 billion set for 2020 could come to a reality. He said he appreciates support by Vietnam for the initiative on Indo-Pacific cooperation concept proposed by Indonesia at the ASEAN summit meeting.

He took the occasion to convey invitation to the Vietnamese Prime Minister to attend the ASEAN Leaders Gathering to be held in Bali on 11 October 2018. He said he would seriously consider an invitation by Prime Minister Nguyen to attend the World Economic Forum on ASEAN in September 11-13 this year.

"I will seriously consider the invitation," he said.

Accompanying the president at the meeting included Coordinating Minister for Security, law and Political Affairs Wiranto, Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita, Chief the Presidential Staff Moeldoko, and Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore I Gede Ngurah Swajaya. ( antara ) 


A Dutch port company is willing to establish cooperation in various fields, including modernizing seaports in Indonesia. This was stated by Head of Economic Department of Dutch Embassy to Indonesia, Siebe Schuur in an interview with Voice of Indonesia recently in connection with the commemoration of King's Day this year. According to Siebe Schuur, Port Rotterdam from the Netherland, in cooperation with Indonesia Port Corporation (Pelindo I), wants to build 5 modern seaports in Indonesia, including one in North Sumatra.

“Port Rotterdam wants to be involved in any way in the development of 5 big seaports in Indonesia, because port Rotterdam believes in the sea toll that President Joko Widodo has announced in Indonesia, but we do not only involve in modernizing the ports but also the ports' workers, because if you have modern ports and the workers are not modernized to be better skill as well, so you will spend a lot of time and efforts in educational training of port workers for instance in Pelindo ports,” Siebe Schuur said.

Siebe Schuur further said that especially for North Sumatra, Port Rotterdam will cooperate with Pelindo to build not only seaports but also special economic zones to boost industrial activity. He convinced that building a modern seaport is important but it is enough, since there should be product to be transported. Thus, it is necessary to develop an industrial area that will also create employment in the region. (VOI/DP/AHM)


The negative campaign on Indonesia’s palm oil in Europe has no impact on its export to the Netherlands. This was stated by Head of Economic Department of the Dutch Embassy to Indonesia, Siebe Schuur to RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia in an interview in connection with the commemoration of King’s Day which falls on April 27. According to him, it is true that there was a lot discussion on palm oil in Europe but Indonesia’s export on this product was increasing.

“It may be a little bit surprising to Indonesian audience, for instance last year, while there is a lot discussion about palm oil, the export of Indonesia to Europe and particularly to Holland in whatever form actually increase. So, I would like to make this statement because there to be perception, may be you, may be the Netherland discriminating palm oil. I think the trade shows different,” Siebe Schuur said.

Siebe Schuur further said that the Netherland government is doing negative campaign but there are NGOs and some private citizens in Europe who have concern in palm oil have opinion in palm oil. He also said that recently, there has been a little change on UK and Iceland’s opinion on palm oil, but it does not reflect the opinion of the Dutch government or other governments in Europe. (VOI/Pane/RHM)