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To protect Indonesian citizens abroad, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs makes use of information and communication technology by launching the Safe Travel application. The Android and iOS smart phone-based application was officially launched by Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi, in Jakarta, on Saturday (14/4). Minister Retno Marsudi said the launch of Safe Travel application is one of Indonesian foreign policies that prioritizes the protection of Indonesian citizens.

So, we’ve just launched Safe Travel application. The application can be accessed through multiple platforms, because previously in January 2017 we launched in the form of maps, now we can access through various ways. The question is why Safe Travel, the shortest answer is in the framework of protection. Because the protection of Indonesian Citizens, as it was stressed by the President, is a priority of Indonesian foreign policy,” Retno Marsudi said.

Minister Retno Marsudi moreover added there are several advantages of the Safe Travel application. Through the application, the Indonesian citizens will get complete information about 180 countries related to security level and vulnerability of  a country marked with color indicator, as well as information related to complete address and contact from Indonesia’s representatives in that country. Complete information related to the rule of law, currency, place of worship, culinary, and tourist attraction in a country can also be known through this application. In addition to present various kinds of information from 180 countries in the world, the Safe Travel application can also be used to organize travel and direct contact with the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs both at home and abroad. One of them can be done by using panic button feature or emergency button to send photos, videos, coordinates of the location, and to contact the nearest Indonesian representative offices. (VOI/Rezha/NT)    


Related to situation in Syria which  is getting worse, after the air strikes conducted by the United States in Damascus, Syria's capital, the Indonesian Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to monitor the current situation in the country. The main objective of such monitoring related with thousands of Indonesian citizens still living in Syria. This was stated by the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi in Jakarta, on Saturday, April 14.

Since last week, we have been constantly monitoring the situation, because there are still thousands of Indonesian citizens living in Syria. Therefore we consistently convey the principles of international law. Surely we express our concerns about the current situation in Syria and we also ask all parties to restraint, to avoid an escalation,” said Retno Marsudi.

Minister Retno Marsudi added that Indonesia has made all parties either involved directly or not, to protect the environment and civil society, especially women and children. In addition, Indonesia also continues to emphasize the importance of conflict resolution, negotiation process and peaceful means. Related to the Indonesian citizens residing in Syria, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested that they immediately report themselves and continue to communicate with the Indonesian Embassy in Damascus. (VOI/Rezha/Edt.N)


The Government of Russian Federation Republic is preparing the bilateral visit of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin to Indonesia scheduled in 2018. Through an extra preparation, it is hoped that the bilateral visit can provide enormous benefits for the people of both countries and of course increase cooperation between the two countries in various fields, especially in the fields that have not been explored maximally. This was conveyed by the Ambassador of Russian Federation Republic to Indonesia, H.E Lyudmila Georgievna Vorobieva in her press conference in Jakarta Friday (13/04/2018).

This kind of visit need to be prepared very well, so of course before he comes, also off course the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and all the agency council will work hard to make the visit very substantial. So, because the purpose of the visit is to boost the relations between the two countries to bring a new quality level to ensure that all fields of cooperation are fully explored. So, we will have to work hard to make this visit, if it is happen great suceess. And it will givee benefit for the people of the two countries,” said Lyudmila Georgievna Vorobieva.

Related to the exact time of the Russian President’s bilateral visit, Ambassador Lyudmila Georgievna Vorobieva has not been able to provide further assurance. The Ambassador moreover said that President Vladimir Putin who has just won the 2018 Russian presidential elections, is occupied with inauguration preparations for his victory. All decisions regarding the president's visit will be taken after the inauguration in May 2018. The issue of President Vladimir Putin's visit to Indonesia began to emerge since the Indonesian President Joko Widodo conveyed an invitation to President Putin when the two leaders met in Sochi in 2016. The issue then increased, after Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi met with the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov last year. (VOI/Rezha/NT)

US Ambassador to Indonesia, Joseph R. Donovan met Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi. The meeting took place closely at the Building of Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry in Jakarta on Friday (April 13th). After the meeting, Ambassador Donovan said that he and Minister Retno Marsudi discussed about bilateral relations between the two countries. In the near future, he plans to conduct consultations related to the relations of the United States with various countries, including Indonesia.
“…I mentioned that I will be going back for some consultation in Washington about two week and we will review a number of things, bilateral relationship. So, it was very – very good meeting and I appreciate the minister take the time during the busy schedule to meet me,” Ambassador Donovan said.
Furthermore, Ambassador Donovan said that in his meeting with Minister Retno Marsudi, he also briefly touched on security cooperation between the two countries. When asked what form of security cooperation was discussed in the meeting, the Ambassador was not willing to provide further answers to the reporters. In addition, he also said that he appreciates Indonesian foreign policies that bring about positive contribution to the world community, especially the United States. (VOI/Rezha/RHM)