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The opening of direct flights –Wings Air from Pontianak, West Kalimantan to Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia or vice versa may potentially increase tourist arrivals to Indonesia, both from Sarawak Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. In his press conference at Miri International Airport on Thursday (March 15), Consul General of Indonesian Embassy in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, Jahar Gultom said that in 2017, tourist arrivals from Sarawak to Indonesia, especially West Kalimantan have increased after several airlines opens a flight route from Sarawak to Indonesia without having to transit first in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

“For West Kalimantan, in 2017, the tourist visits from Sarawak increased significantly, reaching more than 27 percent from 32,261 people in 2016 to 40,919 people in 2017. This is the highest tourist number recorded from Sarawak to West Kalimantan within 10 years. This 27percent growth was because more airlines have opened their routes from Pontianak to Sarawak and vice versa, such as Air Asia, Xpress Air, and now Wings Air,” Jahar Gultom said.

Jahar Gultom further said that with additional direct flight routes from Indonesia to Sarawak or vice versa, it is expected that cooperation of related stakeholders between Indonesia and Malaysia can be improved. One of them is by cooperating with travel bureaus and other business sectors such as plantation, wood processing and various other industries in Sarawak which may involve many workers from Indonesia. (VOI/Rezha/RHM)


Indonesian Institute of Sciences -LIPI will again hold ‘Indonesia Science Expo’ -ISE in Tangerang, Banten in November 2018. ISE is one of LIPI's efforts to introduce research results from Indonesian researchers and inventors. This was stated by Head, Bureau for Cooperation, Legal and Promotion at Indonesian Institute of Sciences Nur Tri Aries in a special interview to RRI World Service –Voice of Indoensia in Jakarta recently. Nur Tri Aries said that in next ISE, the world’s researchers will meet together to share experiences in research.

“Indonesia Science Expo is an event to interact each other and discuss research scientifically; we can share discussion not only with the scientists, but the most important thing is that we give opportunity to interact with the industrial sector,” Nur Tri Aries said.

In addition, Nur Tri Aries said that people will be able to see firsthand outcomes of technological research and various innovations. She expects the industrial sector to be interested to establish cooperation by using the results of research into industrial products. (VOI/AF/RHM)


Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia, Rusdi Kirana said that his side wants to enhance tourism cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia in a bid to increase tourist visits from potential countries such as China and Australia. He does not want Indonesia to regard Malaysia as a potential market only, and vice versa. This was disclosed by Ambassador Rusdi Kirana after witnessing Wings Air's inaugural flight ceremony from Pontianak, West Kalimantan to Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia at Miri International Airport on Thursday (March 15th).

“But the important thing is that we want to try Malaysia-Indonesia; Indonesia should not only consider Malaysia’s market and vice versa. But we are trying to collaborate together to a third country. So, we have hope there is a joint venture, such as promotion, dance performances and culture, the purpose is for trade and tourism. So, if we look at geography, Indonesia's right here and Malaysia's above; On the top of Malaysia is China. Thus, if Chinese tourists come to Malaysia and to Indonesia, this is so cheaper. There are two options,” Rusdi Kirana said.

On the same occasion, Ambassador Rusdi Kirana also explained that some examples of tourism cooperation can be implemented by Indonesia and Malaysia. The types of tourism cooperation are like between Kinabalu City and Manado, North Sulawesi; Miri and Yogyakarta; Penang and Silangit, North Sumatra. In addition, he added that with the cooperation, the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia will be more harmonious. (VOI/Rezha/RHM)


PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) Tbk through its subsidiary PT Metranet disburses capital into Cellum Global Zrt, a provider of mobile payment solutions and Hungarian electronic commerce services. Speaking on the sidelines of the 170th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution in Jakarta on Wednesday night (14/3) Telkom Director of Digital & Strategic Portfolio, David Bangun said that Cellum Global Zrt is a company sought by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk because Cellum has very strong financial services and has platform that can adapt to customer needs.

“All Cellum businesses in Indonesia are explicit with Telkom. Well, this Cellum is very strong for its financial services. So, it has a platform that can adjust to customers’ needs; this is what we pursue here because it is very strong on the platform side. Once upon a time, we had a consultant for Digital Business of Telkom. Well, specifically for financial services, we review from various platforms. Well, this Cellum is a technology partner of MasterCard, number one in the world. So, we see it the most excellent platform financial service,” David Bangun said.

David Bangun further said that Cellum is considered the most prominent company in the "financial platform" that can help develop Telkom's financial services business, including e-Money, T-Cash and T-Money, mobile phone payments payment as well as an event or festival ticket payment system. In addition to cooperation with Cellum, Telkom also brought in experts from Hungary for the development of start-up Telkom Indigo Incubator. (VOI/Ndy/Ahm/Trans by Rhm)