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President Joko Widodo reminded  the banking sector in Indonesia to be more brave and more open in facing challenges from foreign banks, especially those who will enter and that has already operated in Indonesia. President Joko Widodo in a meeting with the leaders of Commercial Banks in Indonesia held at the State Palace in Jakarta on Thursday (15/3/2018) said that Indonesian banks should also take advantage of the positive momentum that is being achieved, especially to attract foreign investors into Indonesia.

"In the financial services, the world is now fully open. Our people can take credit, and can open savings anywhere in the era like this. For example, people can fly to Singapore to open an account, where it is very easy. Taking credit cards in there is also so easy, and taking a loan is also very easy. Therefore, we have no choice. In the future, we have no choice. We must be open, including competition with international banks that enter and exist in Indonesia; everything must be ready. I think, it is better for international banks to operate in Indonesia, instead of our customers go overseas. That’s the only choice," the President said.

President Joko Widodo said that the world's interest in Indonesia is still quite high, and it is proven by the release issued by US News and Report magazine, where Indonesia is ranked second, as the most attractive country for investment.  President Joko WI dodo views that of course, this is one of the positive achievements in which he wants to re-boost the performance improvement of business ease in Indonesia. Thus, President Joko Widodo reminded the banking players in the country to be more daring and also more open in facing challenges from foreign banks that will go to Indonesia and also those that have already operated in Indonesia. President Joko Widodo added that in return, foreign investors are interested in investing their capital because of trend, not condition of a country. On the same occasion, Chairman of the Financial Services Authority, Wimboh Santoso explained that the banking sector is in good condition because of the adequacy of the capital that reaches 23.26 percent. The Indonesian banking is not experiencing something very worrying. (KBRN-PRADIPTA-Mar/AHM/Trans by Rhm)


Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya underscored that the cooperation between Indonesia and Hungary has improved in recent years. Speaking at the celebration of the 170th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution in Jakarta on Wednesday (14/03), Minister Arief Yahya said that the increased cooperation between the two countries has covered many sectors, ranging from information technology to tourism sector. However, he emphasized that there is an opportunity for both countries to enhance the bilateral cooperation. Minister Arief Yahya also said that there was an increase of 8.9 percent of the total trade value of Indonesia and Hungary in 2017. This has not shown the true potential of the cooperation between the two countries, given that there is open space for the development of bilateral relations between Indonesia and Hungary.

“In 2017, the forum of bilateral trade reached 133 million dollar. Increased of 8.9 percent from previous year. That figure does not reflect the real potential of Indonesia and Hungary. The two countries have a huge room to boost cooperation in various sectors such as in the technology of information and communication, health, defense, energy, agriculture, fishery, education, and most of all my favorite the tourism industry,” Arief Yahya said.

Previously, Chief of Presidential Staff, Moeldoko said that foreign direct investment from European Union -EU countries is the second largest in Indonesia. In fact, the EU is also Indonesia's fourth largest trading partner. Upon receiving 21 EU Ambassadors at the Office of the Presidential Staff, Moeldoko called for the ambassadors of the EU countries to be more optimistic to invest in Indonesia. (VOI / Ndy / AHM / Trans by Rhm)


Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, hoped for strengthening people-to-people contact between Indonesian and Russian communities, in a bid to intensify the cooperation between the two countries. In a press statement, received by ANTARA on Wednesday, the minister stated that during her visit to Moscow, Russia, she had expressed hoped that Russian nationals, who are rather fond of Indonesia, would continue to be friends with the country, in order to ultimately strengthen the relationship between Russia and Indonesia.

"The Indonesian enthusiasts acted as ambassadors for both countries," she noted.

The minister met approximately 30 Russian nationals, who were keen on everything about Indonesia, at the Indonesian Embassy in Moscow. He was accompanied by Indonesian Ambassador to Russia and Belarus, M Wahid Supriyadi. These friends of Indonesia were not only elderly Russian citizens, who have known Indonesia since the 1950s, but also the young Russian generation, who can play Javanese gamelan and sing traditional folk songs. Many of them are even fluent in Indonesian.

Furthermore, Marsudi admired Russians deep love for Indonesia and appreciated their contribution towards the development of the relations between the two nations. She believed that there was an immense opportunity for cooperation between Indonesia and Russia, including in the economic field. The value of bilateral trade between Indonesia and Russia, which only reached US$2.5 billion, is still considered to be too small when compared to the population of both the countries.

"The total population of Indonesia and Russia, which has reached 406 million, is not comparable to the current trade value between the two countries," she remarked.

Chairman of the Board of Cooperation and Friendship with Indonesia (LKPI), Sergei Shakhrai, who attended the meeting, remarked that the board will continue to encourage, seek, and develop cooperation between both the countries, including in innovative fields.

"LKPI has coordinated friendly relations and cooperation with Indonesia and is always ready to welcome efforts to establish cooperation with the country," Shakhrai revealed.

He is one of the founders of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Vice-Chancellor of one of Russia`s leading universities, Moscow State University. Shakhrai then noted that there are a number of Russian and Indonesian cooperation, which have been pioneered and can be developed further, including in the field of law, history, and sports, especially badminton. He also believed that Indonesia and Russia could develop Islamic cooperation, including in the sectors of education and halal tourism.

Marsudi was in Moscow for a bilateral visit and had organized a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on March 13. (antara ) 


The Korea Rail Network Authority (KRNA) stated their interest to invest in mass transportation sector in North Sumatra.

"Our management is ready to conduct cooperation with the North Sumatra provincial administration in building the mass transportation," the General Manager of Overseas Cooperation of Korea Rail Network Authority, Dae-Geun Park, said here on Wednesday.

Park said the company interested to invest in North Sumatra as the province has potential economic resources to be developed further. He has met the executive of N Sumatra Regional Secretary, Ibnu Hutomo. 

The KRNA is a Korean company that construct Light Rapid Transportation and Bus Rapid Transportation. The Korean company interest is inline with the Indonesian government`s plan that invites the private sector to invest in the transportation facility.

Hutomo said the N Sumatra Administration also interested to the proposal of KRNA, particularly the construction of railway.

"The provincial administration wants to have a railway that connect Medan or several regions such as Pematangsiantar-Parapat, Toba Lake-Pematang Siantar-Parapat-Silangit Airport of North Tapanuli," Hutomo added.

The adequate transportation facility can support to increase tourist visits to Lake Toba, he said. The provincial administration also wants to connect several cities such as Medan-Binjai-Deli Serdang-Karo. (antara)