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Zona Integritas

President Joko Widodo inaugurated the first integrated industrial zone in Indonesia, Java Integrated Industrial Port and Estate -JIIPE in Gresik, East Java on Friday (9/3). In his speech, President Joko Widodo expects more and more of this kind of industrial estate to be built in Indonesia. In addition to attracting investment industrial estates, it also opens new employment. President Joko Widodo said that he is happy with the existence of Java Integrated Industrial Port and Estate, because the area has very complete facilities, such as a seaport, industrial area and power plant. President Joko Widodo is also happy, because the Java Integrated Industrial Port and Estate industrial area is not only done by the private sector, but also the State Owned Enterprise (BUMN), Pelindo III. Pelindo III Port has an investment of 60 percent, while state-owned companies have invested 40 percent of industrial estates. (Ant/Mar/edit r/Trans by Rhm)


The Indian-Indonesian relationship stretches back to almost two millennia. Between the 13th to 15th century, Indonesia had begun to absorb culinary influences from India and the Middle East. In regard to this, Embassy of India in Jakarta along with a hotel in Jakarta will be jointly organizing an Indian Food Festival titled “Flavors of India” from 12 to 23 of March, 2018.  During the two week periods, the Indian Food Festival “Flavors of India will showcase some of the choicest and best of Indian cuisines to Indonesian food connoisseurs. Deputy Chief of Mission of Indian Embassy in Jakarta Prakash Gupta said that the food festival is one of ways to win the hearts of Indonesians.

“We are doing this because we genuinely believe that Indian food is perhaps the best way to reach Indonesian hearts. We do believe that the best of Indian food can certainly touch the most wide variety of Indonesian hearts,” Prakash Gupta said to the media Friday (09/03) in Jakarta.

Given the shared civilization history of Indonesia and India including the famous “Spice Routes”, it is expected that the Food Festival will further strengthen the aromatic and culinary bonding between the two countries.

Indian Food Festival “Flavors of India” featuring guest chef Nandan Singh Dhami from Mumbai, is scheduled to be inaugurated by Indian Ambassador to Indonesia Shri Pradeep Kumar Rawat and distinguished guests with Indian Cultural entertainment on Monday March 12, 2018. (VOI/AHM)


Trade cooperation between Indonesia and Pakistan is expected to continue to grow and benefit the two countries. Both countries continue to form a joint commission to enhance cooperation that strengthens Islamabad and Jakarta. This was disclosed by Pakistani Ambassador to Indonesia Mohammed Aqil Nadeem to RRI World Service-Voice of Indonesia at the Embassy of Pakistan on Thursday afternoon (8/3).

“We are also hoping that this year joint commission between Pakistan and Indonesia would become appraisal. Foreign minister of Indonesia would be able to visit Pakistan to inaugurate commission. We would see more and more bilateral engagement between Pakistan and Indonesia, and it would be a major trading partner,” said Mohammed Aqil Nadeem.

Mohammed Aqil Nadeem explained Prime Minister of Pakistan will visit Indonesia at the the latest by 2019 to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in various fields such as politics, economy, culture and trade. (VOI/AHMAD FAISAL/AHM)


Indonesia will host Trilateral Ulema Meeting to be participated in by ulema from Indonesia, Afghanistan and Pakistan in the end of March 2018. Pakistani Ambassador to Indonesia, Mohammed Aqil Nadeem said on Thursday afternoon (08/03) explained that the meeting becomes a precious moment for ulemas to be able to encourage peace in Afghanistan. He also said the ulemas will be able to give recommendation for the stability and support for people of Afghanistan to feel peace because of prolonged conflict.

“I think it’s very good initiative you know Pakistani government has announced to support it and now at the moment the discussion is going on how to arrange that meeting. Our government, Indonesian government, and Afghan government are in consultation to hold that conference successfully and I am confident that this initiative by Indonesian government would contribute to the world for eternal peace in Afghanistan,” said Mohammed Aqil Nadeem to RRI World Service-Voice of Indonesia at the Embassy of Pakistan in Jakarta on Thursday afternoon (08/03).

Furthermore, Ambassador, Mohammed Aqil Nadeem also expected the meeting of ulamas from three countries can play a major role to support peace in Syria. Even, they can facilitate resolution to stop conflict in Syria. So, the people of Syria can live in a safe and stable country. (VOI/AHMAD FAISAL/RHM)