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President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the House of Representatives to finalize the formulation of the law on entrepreneurship to boost the country`s economy. "I agree that this law on entrepreneurship could be finalized soon by the parliament. It involves economic acceleration, and for start-ups, this is very important," Jokowi said at the opening of a plenary session of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) in Tangerang, Banten Province on Wednesday.

According to the president, the law would encourage the emergence of new entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Jokowi has also emphasized the need for start-ups to improve their businesse and grow faster. The head of state has called on HIPMI to give its support for businessmen outside Jakarta and Java Island.

He applauded the association`s campaign to encourage entrepreneurship among students through its program of HIPMI Goes to School and HIPMI Goes to Campus. The president has opened the potential for cooperation between HIPMI and ministries in a bid to increase the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia. ( antara ) 


In 2018, for the first time Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) in cooperation with the Association of Game Indonesia (AGI) provides an opportunity for creative industry players in the field of game development and digital applications to show off in a big event dubbed Game Connection 2018. Game Connection is a big event in the field of game development and digital applications that has been annually held since 2005. In the event that will be held on March 19 to 21 next in San Francisco, the United States, the Indonesian games and digital application developers will be in a special pavilion showing how the game development industry and digital apps in Indonesia.

“This game connection event has been followed several times. But maybe the first time in the concept of one pavilion. Bekraf itself supports the actors in this new Connection Game now. Because previously we had participated in Tokyo Game Show twice with AGI as well. But this is the first time we start showing Indonesian games more firmly,” said Deputy Marketing of Bekraf, Joshua Puji Mulia Simandjuntak in a press conference in Jakarta, on Tuesday, March 7.

Joshua added, Bekraf has so far seen how game developers and digital apps in Indonesia are highly developed and able to compete in the global market. Therefore, in the Game Connection 2018 it will focus on the development of business to business network so that this industry can grow in the future. In the 2018 Game Connection event, the Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) will bring eight best game developers and digital apps that have passed various stages of selection. The eight developers include Assemblr, Semisoft, Lentera Nusantara, Megaxus Infotech, Tinker, Agate, Lyto, and Warehouse Vouchers. (VOI / Rezha / AHM)


The Japanese Government through the Consulate General of Japan in Medan, North Sumatra, grants 960 million rupiah to build the Madrasah Tsanawiyah-MTs (Islamic Juniot High School) Peuteo school building in Gampong Manyang, Lhoksukon sub district, Aceh Utara Regency, Aceh Province. The signing of a grant contract took place between the Consul General of Japan, Takeshi Ishii and Chairman of Tanah Rencong Foundation Nuryaumin at the Japanese Consulate Medan, Tuesday (06/03/2018). According to the Vice Consul of Japan Daiki Yokoyama, Mts Peuteo badly needs additional classroom for teaching, learning activities and considering the importance of basic education, the Japanese Government agreed to provide grant aid through the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects scheme for the fiscal year 2017.

"We also heard that they also have difficulties to facilitate educational infrastructure facilities at MTs level there. So we've been discussing all the time and discussing with them on how to improve the educational situation, special education for children in Lhoksukon," Daiki Yokoyama said.

Grant aid of 960 million rupiah is for the development of six classrooms with a capacity of 162 students. With the assistance, Japanese Government expect students in MTs Peute, Lhoksukon, Aceh Utara will get a better education environment and can increase school capacity. (Pro3 Medan / Dewi Sukhrani / AHM)


The World Indonesian Student Association (PPI Dunia) will hold a National Symposium in Jakarta on March 10, 2018. This national gathering is the first time held in Indonesia. National symposium Chairman Michael Siagian told Voice of Indonesia on Tuesday, March 6 that the symposium is usually held overseas to bring together students from 53 countries. This time the workshop will be held in Indonesia to involve the young generation and experts both from Indonesia and outside the country to prepare themselves as a generation that advances the nation in 2045 or 100 years of Indonesia's independence.


“Here why are we putting our views in the next 27 years, because we are keenly aware that in order to prepare for change we must prepare for development of a generation that we are no longer talking the next 1 year or 2 years. Well we determine that 27 years is enough time to make the younger generation become the nation’s spearhead,” Michael said.

Michael further explained the national symposium will be opened by General Moeldoko as a key note speaker. In various panel discussions, the speakers include the Director General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Hilmar Farid, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, Vice Governor of Jakarta Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Mulyono and Director General of Resources Knowledge, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Ali Ghufron Mukti. Michael hopes this event can create a synergy among the younger generation, government experts and various parties to support the government programs in welcoming Indonesia 2045. (VOI / SEKAR / AHM)