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Indonesia again shows its commitment to realizing world peace. One of them is to host "Ulema Trilateral Conference" which will be participated in by Indonesia, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The three country Ulema Conference is  a series of efforts to lead the peace process in Afghanistan.  On Tuesday (6/3), in Jakarta, Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, and the Indonesian Ulema Council -MUI held a closed meeting discussing the plan of the Ulema's Trilateral Conference. After the meeting, Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the role of ulema is very important in supporting the achievement of peace in Afghanistan.  The meeting in Indonesia will later become a legal umbrella, before the convening of a meeting which will discuss peace more technically.

“We hope the meeting will produce a collective agreement, how to reconcile Afghanistan. It is very important, because in Afghanistan and also like in Indonesia, the voice of the ulema is very important” Vice President said.

Jusuf Kalla added that the implementation of the Ulema Trilateral Conference is an implementation of the results of the "Kabul Peace Process Conference" meeting in late February, in which Afghanistan expected Indonesia to play a role in achieving peace. ()KBRN/Retno/AHM)


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) invites all elements of the nation to not easily be affected by hoax and slander that can divide the unity of the nation. According to him, slander that had been spread is so evil and cruel, so it should be investigated and prosecuted by the police officers. 

"I think the police know it violates the law or not, and if it does, I ask whether it's Saracen or MCA, let’s pursue it, finish it completely. it can lead to the disintegration of the nation." Said President Jokowi when giving land certificates in Sentul area, Bogor, West Java, Tuesday (06/03/18)

Hoax scattered in social media so far tend to discredit President Joko Widodo who is slandered as a stooge of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). The President himself admitted he is really surprised and often furious with the "evil politics" used by certain individuals, to kill one's character and divide the nation. (KBRN / PRADIPTA / AHM)


In addition to holding discussions, seminars and exhibitions of the national food commodity products as well as innovations in agricultural financing technology, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) will sign cooperation of rural partnership arrangements with the Indonesian Ministry of Rural Development, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration in a series of events of the fourth Jakarta Food Security Forum (JFFS) to be held on March 8-9.

From the event we will also present the signing ceremony of cooperation with the Minister of Village witnessed by the Coordinating Minister of the Economy. We are together with the regents and entrepreneurs who cooperate in the partnership program of the rural area. It will be performed and hope it is the first step we do with the village minister,” Vice Chairman of KADIN for Food Processing and Farm Industry, Juan P. Adoe said at his press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday(6/3).

Juan P. Adoe forthermore added through the signing of the cooperation, the Indonesian chamber of Commerce–Kadin hoped economic equity in the agricultural sector can be realized and new innovations emerge in the partnership program between farmers and businessmen to create and improve the national food security. (VOI/Rezha/NT)


The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) reiterated its commitment to boost economic equity in the agricultural sector through the fourth Jakarta Food Security Summit (JFFS) which will be held on March 8-9 in Jakarta. The theme which raised in the meeting is  the Economic Equity in the Sector of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery through Policy and Partnership. Chairman of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Rosan P. Roeslani in Jakarta, on Tuesday (6/3) said that agriculture is an important sector that determine the national economy because it is able to absorb labor in large numbers.

Why we raise that theme, because we see that agriculture is the sector that absorbs most number of manpower, which approximately 32 percent of the total of 132 million people. So nearly 50 million people work in agriculture sector. But its growth every year is only 3-4 percent in average and their contribution to GDP  is only 13 to 14 percent,” Rosan P. Roeslani said.

Rosan P. Roeslani moreover added that the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce –Kadin Indonesia also expects agriculture to become the sector that can minimize the national economic gap through efforts to improve the welfare of farmers. According to him, the farmers are the key that determine the Indonesian national food security. Therefore KADIN Indonesia will continue to encourage the development and innovation of the partnership pattern between farmers and businessmen. It cannot be denied that food security has a big influence on the conducive business climate in the country// (VOI/Rezha/NT)