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The Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) seeks to boost market share of Indonesian game and digital applications created by Indonesians which qualitycontinuously grow and develop The effort is based on the fact that Indonesia is one of the countries with huge game market potential and digital applications. However, the great potential has not been maximized yet. As stated by the Director of Infrastructure of Bekraf Muhammad Neil El Himam, to media on Tuesday (6/3), that the market share of games and digital applications made by the local developers in the country is still very small compared to the games and digital applications produced by foreign countries.

The development is positive and better, because the game market in Indonesia is quite large. But the marketshare of Indonesian game developer in  local market is still very small, even it tends to go down. Well, we hope with the existence of Bekraf we can increase the market share. Based on a report from,  last year Indonesia’s game market reached 800 million USD,” Muhammad Neil El Himam said.

Muhammad Neil El Himam added that so far the Creative Economy Agency -Bekraf has made some efforts in the upstream sector to boost the competitiveness of games and digital applications created byIndonesia. These efforts are realized through several programs such as Bekraf Developer Day, Bekraf Game Prime, and the latest is by sending a delegation of Indonesian game and apps developers to participate in the 2018 Connection Game in San Francisco, USA, on March 19-21// (VOI/Rezha/ahm


The Ministry of Technology and Higher Education in cooperation with the World Indonesian Student Association (PPI Dunia)is holding an Indonesian International Education Fair. The exhibition is held in Jakarta on March 6 and 7 and in Yogyakarta on March 9. This event is a series of events held in conjunction with 1 decade anniversary of the establishment of the World Indonesian Student Association (PPI Dunia. The Indonesian International Education Fair Coordinator Program, Qaulan Sadida on Tuesday (6/3) explained that  the event is aimed to appreciate the increasing interest of young generation towards higher education both inindonesia and abroad.

“Hopefully we can help our friends who are actually interested in continuing their higher education, especially for master and doctoral programs,so that they can get adequate information to register themselves to the campus or the scholarship,” aulan Sadida said.

Qaulan Sadida further explained, the students who participate in the exhibition are those from the Universitiesfromthe US, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Netherlands and Taiwan. There are 55 booths that provide required information to registertothe colleges at home and abroad. He targeted five thousands people in Jakarta and ten thousands people in Yogyakarta wilvisit the scholarship exhibition. Previously, on Monday (5/3)there was also a meeting or forum between exhibitors and stakeholders related to the higher education in Indonesia. In addition to the education exhibition, to commemorate 1 decade anniversary of the World Indonesian Student Association,there will also be aNational Workshop at the Ministry of Education and Culture on Sunday(10/3) in Jakarta. (VOI/Sekar/Edt.N)


The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology has blocked 800 thousand negative sites. This was said by Minister of Communication and Information Technology Rudiantara, when attending a seminar themed "Go Digitalization" in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, on Tuesday (06/03). Minister Rudiantara also stated, that the blocking of the negative sites as the Government's commitment is to protect the Indonesian Nation from the negative influence of the Internet. Minister Rudiantara added that his ministry has made 200 thousand positive sites which are useful for Indonesian children.

It depends on the main stakeholders, the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Children Protection (PPA), Ministry of Education and Culture, as the children mostly spend their time at school. There also also the parents representing the community. It will be discussed in detail. The ultimate goal is to keep our children from negative content. We have blocked 800 thousand negative sites, but we provide 200 thousand more positive sites especially for school children (students). But I'm sure, it's just a matter of time, we'll pursue it. The positive site will be much more than the negative ones, " Rudiantara said.

Although he admitted that negative sites are dominating the internet, Minister Rudiantara believes with the intensive efforts of his ministry, the domination will reverse and the effort must be done by all related steakholders to protect the generations from negative influence of the Internet. (KBRN/Wanda/Trs.N)


Commander of the Indonesian Military, Air Marshal  Hadi Tjahjanto submitted Annual Tax Return(SPT) by online to Directorate General of Tax, of Finance Ministry at the Military Headquarters in Cilangkap Jakarta on Tuesday (06/03). Hadi Tjahjanto said that the Annual Tax Return(SPT) through E-Filing is part of government’s efforts to improve administration system in Indonesia. The Military Commander further explained that the tax has important role in development process of the country. 

“In addition to functioning as budgetary receipts, tax also serves as income redistribution from the people who have higher economic income to the lower income people. Therefore, it is clear that the tax has an important role for the country and very dominant in supporting the government and in financing the development,”

Air Marshal  Hadi Tjahjanto moreover explained that TNI personnel and the TNI civil servants obliged to pay tax for the state,  taken from their incomes. He also said that obedience to conduct the rights and obligation of taxation are the realization of  love for the country among TNI personnel as well as all citizens    who becometaxpayers