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Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno Marsudi received Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Angelino Alfano at Pancasila Building in Jakarta on Wednesday (7/2). Minister Angelino Alfano visited Indonesia in a series of his visit to Southeast Asia, and Indonesia is the first country which was visited before other countries. In  a press conference after bilateral meeting, Minister Retno Marsudi explained that they discussed various efforts to improve bilateral relations between Indonesia and Italy.
"In a friendly bilateral meeting, we discussed various efforts to improve bilateral relations, such as Indonesian palm oil export to Europe, and then creative economy and interfaith dialog, " Retno said. 
Related to Indonesian palm oil export, Minister Retno Marsudi added that Italy is the most important country and third export destination country for Indonesia’s palm oil to Europe. Therefore, Indonesian palm oil also has contribution on Italian economy.  She also hopes that Italy can explain to European Union parliamentary to consider the lifting of restrictions on the use of Indonesian palm oil for biodiesel starting in 2021. The restriction will bring about serious impact on Indonesia as the biggest palm oil producer in the world, especially palm oil farmers. (Rezha/trans-Yati)


The Indonesian government is committed to protecting children against cybercrimes by teaming up with other member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), an official stated.
"Cybercrimes, particularly sexual exploitation and harassment, are an important issue today. We are not aware that our children have been increasingly exposed to information technology at schools and other places," Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Social Affairs Ministry Edi Suharto noted here on Wednesday.

As the most populous nation in Southeast Asia, Indonesia plays a strategic role in leading cooperation among ASEAN member states in addressing common issues, he remarked.
"The government, non-governmental organizations, and international institutions can work together to take precautionary measures against crimes related to child exploitation," he noted.
To this end, an inter-sectoral dialog on an integrated national response was held in Jakarta on Feb 7-8 as part of the efforts to put an end to online sexual exploitation and harassment against children in the ASEAN, he stated.
The dialog was organized by the East Asia and Pacific Regional Office of the United Nations Children`s Fund, in cooperation with End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism, the ASEAN Secretariat, and Social Affairs Ministry, to formulate minimum standards to respond effectively to any sort of online sexual violence and exploitation against children. 
"Many perpetrators of sexual violence are from other countries, while the victims of sexual violence are very often children from developing countries due to their poor knowledge and economic needs. The children are only given a small amount of money sufficient to buy food items and toys," he stated. (antaranews)



Indonesia and Iran have long history of bilateral cooperation that must be continuously maintained. The bilateral cooperation is running well until nowadays. It was stated by ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran to Indonesia, Valiollah Mohammadi in a special interview with the  Voice of Indonesia at Iranian embassy in Jakarta on Tuesday (06/02). He said the two countries keep on to explore the beneficial potential cooperation both inter –government and private sectors.

The cooperation of Indonesia-Iran has huge potential. we must increase bilateral cooperation by taking opportunities from both countries, for example the cooperation in Nano technology. we have other knowledges, that can be used. I told you that both countries can complete each other in the economic sector. “ Ambassador said

Moreover, Ambassador Valiollah Mohammadi also explained that Indonesia and Iran have mutually export and import goods. He hoped the two countries will boost their further cooperation in many sectors such as tourism, education, and technology(VOI/AF)


Persahabatan Hospital as a national respiration referral hospital has a vision to become a leading Respiratory Center in Asia Pacific by 2019. Persahabatan Hospital Director Mohammad Ali Toha said that the hospital has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the International Labor Organization of the ILO or the International Labor Organization on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 in Jakarta. To RRI World Service – Voice of Indonesia on Tuesday he explained, the cooperation is done in the field of handling pneumoconiosis patient. Pneumoconiosis is a disease in the lungs caused by working in places of high pollution such as cement plants, mines and so forth. The signing of this cooperation is in the form of certificates to doctors who can handle pneumoconiosis.

"First, we must diagnose. Because in our country a lot of people with pneumoconiosis are not detected. So, we continue to educate them. Doctors are taught to diagnose pneumoconiosis. From the region all will come here to learn. After that, a study will be conducted to find out how big the case of pneumoconiosis in Indonesia is, how severe the case is, then the countermeasures, " Mohammad Ali Toha said. 

Based on the ILO data of 2013, 30% to 50% of workers in developing countries suffer from Pneumoconiosis. Indonesia is a developing country one of  which economic support is industry sector, that is mining industry. Mohammad Ali Toha further explained that Persahabatan Hospital has a vision to become the leading Respiratory Center Hospital in Asia Pacific by 2019. To be a leader in Asia Pacific. It must have a quality service and international standard. Persahabatan Hospital has already had national accreditation and this year it is targeted to get international accreditation.//// (VOI/Sekar/trs Rezha/AHM)