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The Indonesian government will further encourage and develop the manufacturing sector. This is in accordance with the direction of President Joko Widodo to enhance the economic growth. Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto said that the manufacturing industry sector is the mainstay of Indonesia's exports due to its high competitiveness. In a meeting of the Trade Ministry held in Jakarta on Thursday (February 1st), Minister Airlangga explained that there are five main commodities of manufacturing exports. They are food and beverage, chemical industry, metal, rubber and food. Thus, the government will improve the good climate in the manufacturing industry.

"... Well, if we see there, that the export we send is 74% of our exports from the industry. And from investment, it is the industry's highest sector. So, the only way we can do to improve the job is by providing industry with a good climate, including giving ease in getting raw materials. Well…, if this can be provided, I'm sure the investment will increase," Airlangga said.

Minister Airlangga further explained that in the future, there will be some sectors that can also be prioritized for exports, such as automotive, electronics, food and beverages. He views that the future of the sector will be the determinant sector of the world’s economy. These sectors have also run a 4.0 industry revolution or industry that utilizes technological advances to boost competitiveness. Minister Airlangga added that Indonesia's competitiveness rate has improved, namely at 36th rank out of 137 countries. But there are some sectors that still cannot compete in the field of primary education and labor market efficiency. To cope with it, the government encourages vocational education programs and facilitates the permits of foreign workers.///(VOI/Skr/AHM)


Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi received the visit of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front -MILF delegation led by All Hajj Murad Ebrahim. The delegation of ex-separatist group in the Southern Philippines visited Indonesia to learn about successful peace process or reconciliation in Aceh Province. It was conveyed by spokesperson of the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Arrmanatha Nasir in a press conference held in Jakarta on Thursday (February 1st, 2018).

“…The visit of the MILF delegation to Indonesia is to learn from the peace process that has been implemented in Aceh. During the meeting, the Foreign Minister expressed her support for the efforts being made in the Southern Philippines to achieve peace. The Foreign Minister also called all parties, including MILF to contribute in peace-building process and maintaining peace. In Indonesia, the MILF will also meet some representatives of Islamic organizations such as Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah, two largest Islamic organizations. The MILF delegation will also meet the Vice President,” Arrmanatha said.

Arrmanatha further said that the visit of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) delegation to Indonesia shows how important Indonesia’s role is in maintaining peace in Southeast Asia, including Southern Philippines. He added that apart from joining International Monitoring Team in the South Philippines, Indonesia has sent 84 Garuda personnel and civilians to be involved in the peace process./// (VOI/Rezha/AHM)


Indonesia and Australia will expand their cooperation in digital sector through several initiatives that have been discussed during the Indonesia-Australia Digital Forum 2018 at Fairmont Hotel in Jakarta. This forum is an initiative of President, Joko Widodo and Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull. During a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday February 1st, 2018), Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Rudiantara stated that Indonesia has begun to prepare all documents in digital form with good protection.

“…The government embarks the initiative all issues, all permits or licensed issuance have to go online. Starting this year, President instructed that every permit or license applied by the bisness have to go by single submission process which is online. That is the transparency from the government. The transparency in general has to go along with the private data protection and the government is preparing the law for private data protection. We have discussed it with the parliament but hopefully soon it will be part of Indonesian National Legislative Program (Prolegnas). That is Indonesian transparency and how we have to protect the privacy of the people of Indonesia,” said Rudiantara.

Minister Rudiantara added that to convert all analog data into digital , Indonesia is cooperating with Australia through the Indonesia-Australia Digital Forum held in Jakarta on January 31st to February 1st 2018./// (VOI/NK/EDT AHM)


President Joko Widodo wants the foreign workers permit which is until now still complicated to be immediately simplified. Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Anung quoted the President as saying in Jakarta on Wednesday after a limited cabinet meeting chaired by President Joko Widodo. It is realized that until now, many things related to foreign workers permit are still complicated. Secretary Pramono also remarked that if this is not immediately resolved, a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) will be issued to regulate it. He further said, the foreign workers in question are those who have the knowledge and the capacity and also needed in Indonesia, instead of the foreign field workers. This effort is to boost the "ease of doing business" in Indonesia to be more competitive even though Indonesia`s investment grade has improved. (Ant)