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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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The field hospital operated by Indonesian Emergency Medical Team (EMT) was crowded by around 325 patients on Sunday (26/2);one day before it ended their emergency medical mission in Hassa, Hatay Province, Turkiye.

Stories about the service closing spread around the people. Despite surpassing its daily capacity, namely 150 patients, all Ina-EMT doctors and staff still served the patients until 9 pm local time.

Indonesian Ambassador to Turkiye,Lalu Muhammad Iqbal in a written statement on Monday(26/2)explained that Ina-EMT officially ended their mission on February 27, 2023. However, all the field hospitals will be given to the Turkish Health Ministry that will continue the operation with Turkish staff and doctors for the next three months. According toAmbassadorIqbal, Turkiyealso had listed and will add more ambulances and medical equipment needed at the field hospitals.

The Indonesian field hospital to be handed over consisted of 18 tents belonging to MDMC Muhammadiyah and Health Ministry, as well as 11 large supporting tents of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), Health Ministry, National Police, and National Army.

Starting its operation on February 15, 2023, the Indonesian staff and doctors will leave Hassa City, Hatayfor Ankaraon February 28, 2023.



The Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo held a promotion for Indonesia at Wisma Duta, last Wednesday (22/2) as part of a series of activities to celebrate the 65th anniversary of Indonesia-Japan diplomatic relations.

The promotional activities, such as Nusantara fashion shows and Indonesian culinary snacks were carried out. During this activity, demonstrations were also made of makingSogetsu Ikebanaor the Japanese art of flower arrangement in a bid to strengthen relations between the people of Indonesia and Japan.

At the fashion show this time, members of the Dharma Wanita Association of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo wore various traditional Indonesian suits, such asJambi batik, songket Palembang, andLampung's tapis cloth.

Besides presenting a fashion show for Indonesian literature, the event also featured a fashion show by a Japanese designer, Hatsumi Yoshida. The fashion creation from designer Yoshida uses recycled materials from a blend of Indonesian natural materials.

Some of the works by fashion designer Yoshida that appeared in the fashion show that day included necklaces, hats and Indonesia's national dress, namely the kebaya.

Indonesian Ambassador to Japan, Heri Akhmadi explained that in commemorating the 65th anniversary of Indonesia-Japan relations, the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo held various activities, including Indonesia-Japan Friendship Day in more than 13 cities in Japan from January to December 2023. He hopes that this activity can strengthen mutual understanding between Indonesia and Japan.

Ambassador Heri further said that Indonesia will also hold one month-long promotion of Indonesian culinary delights in Tokyo in April.



Indonesian Ambassador to Hungary, Dimas Wahab conveyed that over the last four years, the number of scholarships for Indonesian students to study in Hungary has continued to increase. As quoted by Antara on Wednesday (23/2), while receiving a visit by Deputy Speaker of the House of Representative (DPR), Rachmat Gobel to responding to an invitation from the Hungarian parliament, Dimas Wahab pointed out  that currently, there are 110 Indonesian students every year, who receive scholarships in Hungary. This number increased to 40 people within 4 years.

Ambassador Dimas Wahab further explained that the Indonesian government also provides scholarships for Hungarian students in Indonesia. He said this is important to introduce and promote Indonesia and strengthen relations of both  countries. He also remarked that Indonesian arts and culture are quite well known in Hungary. In April 2023,  the Indonesian Embassy will hold a puppet show, and the tickets will be sold out immediately by the Hungarian people.

Furthermore, Ambassador Dimas Wahab also  explained that in the last four years, the number of Indonesian workers working in Hungary has continued to increase. This can be seen from the number of Indonesian citizens in Hungary from 300 to around 1,300 people. Over the last few years, lots of young Hungarians have chosen to work in other countries in Western Europe due to higher  salaries. Thus, the Hungarian Government has opened up workers from various countries, including Indonesia.

Meanwhile in the field of the economic sector, trade and investment relations are still relatively small. The biggest new investment is from Roatex Ltd which won the tender for the digital toll payment system or Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) with an investment of around US$300 million.

Meanwhile, Deputy Speaker Rachmat Gobel also said that students and workers from Indonesia could learn and adopt technological advances in Hungary. He hopes that there will be more cooperation related to people-to-people contacts between the two countries, in addition to economic cooperation that still needs to be improved.




The Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) Seoul and Financial Supervisory Services (FSS) of South Korea held a Business Forum on Monday (20/2) to commemorate 50 years of diplomatic relations of both countries. The forum was themed "Developing Closer Friendship and Stronger Partnership through Enhanced Financial Cooperation." The event was supported by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Seoul Branch. The forum was held at the Dragon City Convention Seoul and it was attended by around 100 guests. They consisted of leaders and representatives from South Korean financial institutions, including banks, companies, asset management, insurance and securities companies which mostly operate in Indonesia.


Indonesian Ambassador to South Korea, Gandi Sulistiyanto in his remarks stated that  apart from maintaining economic growth and political stability, the Indonesian Government  will continue to build an inclusive and strong financial services sector. He also explained that Indonesia's promising economic growth recorded growth of 5.31 percent last year. Indonesia's current economic strength is the main foundation for South Korean financial companies to believe in Indonesia as their main business expansion destination.


Meanwhile, Senior Deputy Governor, Lee Joon Soo affirmed that currently, Indonesia is the fourth largest market for South Korean financial companies. According to Lee, the business forum can help Korean companies to better understand the policies and supervision carried out by OJK so that they can position themselves appropriately to contribute to the development of the financial industry and consumer protection in Indonesia. Lee also invites more Indonesian financial companies to establish business in Korea, and FSS will support them proactively.


Moreover, this Business Forum on Financial Cooperation is the beginning of a series of activities in commemoration of 50 years of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and South Korea, particularly in the economic field, organized by the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul. Other activities in the context of this commemoration throughout this year included investment and trade forums, talk shows, sports activities, book launches and gala dinners.



Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian People's Representatives (DPR) Coordination Sector for Industry and Development, Rachmat Gobel explained the development of the  National Capital of Nusantara (IKN) in East Kalimantan before the leadership of the Hungarian Parliament.  During his return visit to the Hungarian Parliament, Rachmat Gobel affirmed that  IKN would give  many  strategic benefits for Indonesia, particularly for economic equity, economic growth, and reduction of social and environmental burdens for Jakarta and Java.


Rachmat Gobel to Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament, Olah Lajos in Budapest Monday (20/2) explained that so far, Indonesia's economy has developed more in Java, Sumatra and Bali Provinces. Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua, and Nusa Tenggara have been left behind. By moving the capital city, Jakarta  to Kalimantan, the eastern region which has been left behind so far will have great opportunities to grow and develop. Besides optimizing national economic growth, according to Rachmat Gobel, it will also equalize the economy in the eastern region. Moreover, Gobel also explained that the development of IKN will be environmentally insightful so that it is to relatively avoid deforestation. It will be an example and model for other cities in Indonesia in terms of spatial planning and green urban development.


Meanwhile, Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament, Lajos asked that there has to be a representative of  the Indonesian government to come to Hungary to explain the construction of the IKN before Hungarian businesspeople so that they could see investment opportunities that Hungarian entrepreneurs could make in IKN.


In response to this, Rachmat Gobel will invite or ask the IKN development leaders to come to Hungary. Furthermore, he appreciated a policy of the Hungarian government to give 110 scholarships per year for Indonesian university students  to extend their study in University in Hungary. Rahmat considered the scholarships as people to people contact based on heart to heart as built by both parliaments of the countries. He also appreciated the Indonesian and Hungarian economy which develop continuously.



Indonesia joined the Chinese Foreign Ministry's charity event dubbed "Love Knows No Border". Indonesian Ambassador to China, Djauhari Oratmangun in Beijing, Saturday (18/2) said that Indonesia frequently joins in the charity. In the event located in Beijing, Indonesia brought up the theme "Wonderful Indonesia". The event was broadcasted live by CCTV, the national broadcasting service in China.


Some top products of Indonesia,such as crackers, biscuits, and coffee were sold directly to the visitors of the exhibition, which was joined by 39 foreign representative offices."Love Knows No Border"has beenheld by the Chinese Foreign Ministry since 2008. The sales will be used to fund hospital development in China.AmbassadorDjauharialso remarked thatIndonesia's participation in the event, besides promoting the good image of the country in China, also promotes the mutual cooperation principles of Indonesian people.

Besides foodsand beverages, the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing also promoted the nation's tourism. Indonesia was one of 20 tourism destination countries in China's international tourist group program starting this month.



The Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo promoted Indonesian coffee to Japanese people through the Indonesian Culture House program. With the theme "Indonesian Coffee" , the event  was held at Balai Indonesia in Tokyo, Japan.  The embassy in its statement on Tuesday (7/2) mentioned that  the Indonesian Cultural House program in collaboration with the Japan Indonesia Association (JAPINDA) was held offline for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world. The Indonesian Culture House is a medium for promoting Indonesian culture and soft diplomacy of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo to the Japanese people.


Deputy Ambassador to Japan, John Tjahjanto Boestami  in his remarks at the opening of the event emphasized the importance of cultural understanding among the people of both  countries as the foundation of national and state life. John Tjahjanto who is also the Chargé d'Affaires Ad Interim of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo pointed out that both Indonesia and Japan as archipelagic countries  have  wealth and cultural diversity which have a special attraction in the eyes of the world.

Moreover, according to John Tjahjanto,  a nation will become great if cultural values are rooted in people's lives. 


Therefore, the Indonesian Culture House program is very strategic for Indonesia and Japan. Besides, the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo also stated that more than 100 Japanese citizens attended  the event of  Indonesian Culture House. They seemed enthusiastic in enjoying some Indonesian coffees provided by the committee for the guests.  Among the coffees served areAroma Bandung, Gunung Puntang, Papua, Gayocoffee andMandailingcoffee. Guests and visitors were also given the opportunity to taste Indonesian chocolate products and soto Betawi (native Jakarta aromatic soup).



A total of 72 Indonesian companies participated in the international woodcraft and household goods exhibition, Ambiente- 2023 in Germany.

According to a statement from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Berlin on Tuesday (7/2), before there was no implementation in 2021 and 2022, the Ambiente exhibition was again held from 3 until 7, February 2023, which was attended by more than 3,600 multinational companies from around the world.

Ambiente is an annual international exhibition that showcases the woodworking and homeware products, such as kitchenware, glass and glassware, ceramics, woodworking, light furniture and home decor.

The total number of Indonesian companies participating in Ambiente this time was the largest since the Government of Indonesia has built its own pavilion since 2017.

The participation of Indonesian companies in the exhibition was also the largest in ASEAN, followed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.

The Indonesian Pavilion occupies Hall 10.4 with 11 companies, while 61 other Indonesian companies are spread across Hall 10, Hall 11 and Hall 8.

Indonesian Ambassador to Germany, Arif Havas Oegroseno, and the Indonesian Consul General in Frankfurt,Acep Somantrialso visited the Indonesian Pavilion.

On the second day of the exhibition on Saturday (4/2), the Indonesian Embassy in Berlin witnessed the signing of a trade contract by an Indonesian company, Art Classic for decorative lighting products.

On the third day of the exhibition, from activities at the Indonesian Pavilion and other booths, there were a number of potential interests and transactions from buyers and distributors from the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Italy, the United States, Soutj Korea, Egypt, Morocco, and India.

Several other companies outside the Indonesian Pavilion, such as PT Inspira Furnexindo, received potential trade transactions for wood cutting board products, and CV Nuansa Kayu Used for outdoor wood furniture products, with a total transaction of IDR 6.6 billion.

During the 2023 Ambiente Exhibition, the total participation of all Indonesian companies generated potential transactions of around IDR 151.6 billion.

Even more encouraging, all companies participating in the Indonesian Pavilion that exhibited craft products and home decorations made from processed wood have obtained FLEGT-Indonesia Legal Wood certificates.

FLEGT is a license that can provide data on certified timber, making it easier for monitoring and law enforcement agencies to trace timber to the source of its logging.

The majority of participating companies also took advantage of the Ambiente exhibition to strengthen networks with old partners after two years of the pandemic, as well as an initial networking event ahead of the Indonesia International Furniture Expo, which will be held in Jakarta from 9 until 12 March 2023..



The Indonesian Embassy in Stockholm participated in the Balttour 2023 international exhibition to promote Indonesian tourism, culture, and  coffee. The Balttour Exhibition, which is the largest tourism exhibition in the Baltic region, namely Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, was held at the International Exhibition Center, Kipsala, Riga, Latvia from 3 to 5 February 2023 after being temporarily closed for the 2021-2022 period due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Balttour 2023 presented 253 travel agents/operators from 32 countries as exhibitors and was attended by approximately 8,000 visitors during a three-day event. The Indonesian Embassy in Stockholm cooperated with travel operator, Asienparadisresort to provide information and tour packages in Indonesia as well as information on the latest regulations for entering Indonesia, both related to visas and Covid-19 regulations.

Indonesian Ambassador to Sweden and concurrently to Latvia, Kamapradipta Isnomo stated that this tourism exhibition would prioritize five super priority destinations in Indonesia to consumers in Latvia in particular and the Baltic region in general.

The level of foreign tourist arrivals from Latvia to Indonesia increased 5 times in the 2021-2022 period. The reopening of Indonesia's international tourism, the electronic arrival visa facility and the enthusiasm of the Latvian public to visit Bali supports the projected increase in visits by foreign tourists from that country.

At the exhibition, the Indonesian Embassy in Stockholm also promoted Indonesian culture through collaboration with Bagusföreningen, an Indonesian community arts group in Malmö, Sweden. Exhibition visitors were enthusiastic about the performances of theTandok Dancefrom North Sumatra and the Enggang Dancefrom East Kalimantan.

Besides culture, the Indonesian Embassy in Stockholm also promoted Indonesian coffee at Balttour 2023 in collaboration with a roastery from Latvia. The Indonesian outlet held a coffee tasting using Indonesian coffee variants and Rigas Gailis (Rising Rooster), which is a product of Rocket Bean Roastery, using coffee beans from Sigarar Utang, West Java.



The Indonesian Embassy in Moscow, in cooperation with the Friendship Society with Indonesia (FSI) and the Russian Association for International Cooperation (RAIC), held a cultural arts performance entitled "Indonesia-Russia Friendship." The activity was held at the Gostniny Dvor Atrium, a prestigious exhibition hall located near Red Square, Kremlin, Moscow on Thursday (2/2).

In a press release received by Antara on Saturday (4/2), it was also stated that the event was in the commemoration of 73 years of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Russia.

First Secretary for Media Functions (Information), Public Diplomacy (Social) and Culture of the Indonesian Embassy in Moscow, Hosea RB Manurung explained that the stage featured a collaboration of cultural arts from the two countries in the form of Indonesian dances by a dance studio, Kirana Nusantara Dance, assisted by the Indonesian Embassy in Moscow. Meanwhile, Russian dance was performed by Moscow City Creative Group Folk Ensemble "Kladets" led by Vyacheslav Urshov.

In addition, there was a demonstration ofPencak Silatby the Russian Pencak Silat Federation led by Valeri Maistrovoy. Baritone singer Raymond Sihombing, an Indonesian diaspora who lives in Moscow, sang Indonesian and Russian songs.

In addition, on the giant screen, the tourism promotion film "Wonderful Indonesia" produced by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia was presented.

Documentary films about the visit of the Prime Minister of the Soviet Union Nikita Kruschev to Bali in 1960 and President Soekarno's visit to Moscow in 1961 were also presented.

In the atrium of the arts and culture stage, 15 archival photos were also displayed, showing the correspondence of officials from the Soviet Union and the Republic of Indonesia regarding the recognition of Indonesian sovereignty and the opening of Indonesia-Soviet Union diplomatic relations. There are also photos of visits and meetings between leaders of the two countries on various occasions, as well as photos of the activities of the Indonesian Embassy in Moscow.

The cultural arts performance was officially opened by Indonesian Ambassador to the Russian Federation accredited to the Republic of Belarus, Jose Tavares along with the Deputy Director of Asia III, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vadim Velikanov.

The cultural arts performance of "Indonesia-Russia Friendship" is part of the "Golden Hands of the World" activity which was attended by the Indonesian Embassy in Moscow from 24 January to 5 February 2023.

This activity exhibited various objects of cultural arts and creative industries by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in various regions in Indonesia.