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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


In commemorating the World Girls' Day which fell on October 11, 2018, the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs gives an opportunity for a student from Lembata, East Nusa Tenggara, Maria Lengari or Osin to have experience and opportunities to become the Coordinating Minister for maritime affairs for one day. This is part of the Plan International Indonesia Foundation (YPII) program which collaborates with several ministries including the Ministry of Maritime Affairs to choose Indonesian daughters to sit as ministers for one day. At a press conference held in Jakarta on Thursday (11/10), Secretary of Maritime Affairs Ministry, Agus Purwoto explained that Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Panjaitan fully supported the activity.


"So it is not the program of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs. So this is one of the destinations to be here and we appreciate the permission of Mr. Luhut because he also wants to introduce to all Indonesians that since Indonesia’s independence day, this is the first time Indonesia has Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs. This is what he wants to broadcast,” said Agus Purwoto.


Maria Lengari or Osin is one of twelve girls who has been selected to participate in the "One Day Minister" program. This activity has been carried out for the third time in Indonesia and was participated in by more than 300 participants from all over Indonesia. (VOI/NUKE/AHM)


The Palestinian government provides humanitarian assistance to the Indonesian government for victims of the earthquake and tsunami in the cities of Palu and Donggala, Central Sulawesi. The 21 truck assistance consists of food, drinks, electricity generating equipment and baby needs. The Palestinian Ambassador to Indonesia, Zuhair Al Shun, in a press release at the Palestinian Embassy office in Jakarta on Thursday (11/10) said that the aids from the Palestinian people and nation is a form of brotherhood between the two countries. On the same occasion, the Director General of the Palestinian International Cooperation Agency / PICA, Imad Al Zuhairi said the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas gave direct instructions to the agency to provide assistance to areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami.


"Initially, we receive direct instructions from President Mahmoud Abbas to immediately move to provide assistance to the areas affected by earthquake and tsunami. Based on information received from the Indonesian government , the location is still isolated and it is impossible for us to reach it. So it hampers our movement. So we carry out the second plan which is to give the assistance here in Jakarta only," Imad Al Zuhairi.

Imad Al Zuhairi added that the Palestinian government would continue to provide assistance to the Indonesian government not only during the disaster but also during post-disaster recovery. (VOI/Viqran/AHM)


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated that world economic growth of 3.7 percent is not strong enough to face all challenges. This was stated by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde during a press conference at the Nusantara Room, Westin Hotel, Nusa Dua, Bali, on Thursday (11/10), on the sidelines of the IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings. She noted, there are several challenges facing the world. One of them is trade war, especially between the United States (US) and China.


"Yes, the economy is strong at the moment. We expect growth to remain steady at 3.7% this year and next. The real question is: Is the economy strong enough? Our answer is probably not enough. Because we clearly see that Growth has plateaued if 3 years in a row at 3.7%, and we also see that growth is more or less allocated around the world.If this tension went to escalate, the global economy would take a significant hit.So our strong recommendation is to deescalate those tensions and work toward a global trade system that is stronger, that is fair and that is fit for purpose and fit for the future," said Lagarde.

According to Lagarde, in recent years, excessive inequality generated by technology, trade, integration and capital work policies has increased the economic and social tensions, especially in developed economies. Therefore, Lagarde stressed that the world needs policies and reforms that not only encourage growth but also must be inclusive and sustainable. She stressed that the world needs international cooperation. (VOI/PANE/AHM)


The global economy continues to grow firmly, however the growth is unequal across region and people. There are some risks emerge, such as risk to economic stability and prosperity, risk to the principle and institution that underpin international cooperation which deliberate so many benefits to so many people, to so many years. It was stated by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde in her speech in the IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting Plenary Session in Nusa Dua Bali on Friday (12/10). She said that Indonesian President Jokowi has recently reminded that it is the cooperation that brings back the world from the brink of global financial crisis.


"Not so long ago as President Jokowi reminded us that’s only very cooperation that help bring the world back from the brink of global financial crises. And continues in this region, in the ASEAN region to bring about many benefits because of that cooperation. And that cooperative approach that is adopted by the ASEAN offers important lesson for now, and the cooperation that is likely different from the past. It has to be more inclusive, more people centered and you know what I mean by that," said Lagarde.

Christine Lagarde also said that the world is facing the challenge of the economic landscape. She characterize it in two dimensions. The first dimension is quite familiar to many others include monetary , fiscal and financial layers of economic interaction, the second dimension is more challenging, comprises inequality technology and sustainability. Therefore in tackling the problems she urged to combine domestic policies and people center, and international cooperation. (VOI/DP/AHM)