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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Economic Advisor and Director of Research Department of International Monetary Fund (IMF), Maurice Obstfel, on Tuesday (9/10) in Bali encourages Indonesian government to improve efforts to survive amidst global economic tension at present. The effort can be done by giving tax incentive that provides opportunity for investment entry to Indonesia. Maurice also said the investment can be utilized to increase Indonesian empowerment resources, encouraging educational sector  as well as pressing inequality.

For countries of Indonesia’s income level, we would think that there might be a higher level of tax revenue to allow investment in the educational system, in infrastructure, in the social safety net, all would be beneficial to the people. So our sort of advice to all countries of Indonesia’s income status are to look at those issues, to try to raise the agility of the workforce, to raise the human capital of the work force, to fight further against inequality which is come down in Indonesia in recent years,” said Maurice Obstfel.

Moreover, Maurice Obstfeld explained that the depreciation of rupiah to US Dollar is the effect of the strengthening of US dollar. She said that US monetary strict policy which affected to many countries in the world is a fact that happening right now. Besides, she said Indonesia is now facing trade war between the US and China. Therefore, IMF predicted the Indonesian economic growth will keep strong if the government of Indonesia can utilize national economy that gives real benefit for Indonesian people. (VOI/Ndy/TRANS:AF/DP)


Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo, Monday in Nusa Dua Bali said, Indonesia proposed 4 main points at the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)-World Bank (WB) in Bali. He said, the four points are the harmonization of policies among countries for global recovery, non-state budget infrastructure financing, digital economy and Islamic economics and finance.


"How do we voice that there is a strengthening of coordination and harmonization of policies among countries on how to jointly restore the global economy and overcome a number of risks and global uncertainties. This is related to how to make the world economic growth not only be supported by the US but also by other countries including in particular emerging market countries. It also includes how to normalize the monetary policy. Including the increase in the US interest rates as well as other countries, including also about trade tensions in various countries. We will voice Indonesia's interests in this context so that the global economic recovery can be more balanced, the increase in interest rates in developed countries can be more clearly directed and there is also progress in resolution or resolution on trade tensions between countries," said Perry.

According to Perry Warjiyo, Indonesia wants to encourage the creation of significant influence from developing countries on the formation of global economic growth so that the dynamics of the world economy are not only controlled by developed countries such as the United States (US). (VOI/Ndy/AHM)


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has expressed belief that the 27th National Qur`an Reading Competition (MTQN) would function to strengthen the nation`s unity.

"The MTQN aims to foster the love for the Qur`an among Muslims and then practice it well for the benefit of the nation," President Jokowi remarked at the opening of the Qur`an reading competition at the Astaka Building here on Sunday.

Jokowi expressed hope that the MTQN would serve to strengthen Islamic teachings that must be translated into daily life.

In this way, the president believes no more slander, hoax, and scorn news would be spread solely due to political interests and ego.

"Muslims must foster a sense of brotherhood and unity and uphold harmony among the Indonesian people. All this is the strength and energy of Indonesia," he noted.

Jokowi, who wore traditional red Malay clothing, beat the Begud and Gondang IX to mark the opening of the 27th MTQN.

In the meantime, North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi was content that the province was pleased to host the MTQN.

For North Sumatra, the governor noted that the implementation of MTQN offers the necessary momentum and motivation to do hard work and make endeavors to provide the best contribution to the welfare of dignified North Sumatra people.

He said that not only Muslims but also other religious communities were delighted over the implementation of the MTQN.

He stated that the MTQN in North Sumatra was followed by 1,555 participants from 34 provinces.

Religion Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin remarked that the opening of MTQN in North Sumatra was delayed by a day owing to President Jokowi`s enthusiasm to be able to open the event.

The minister believes that since the benefits offered by MTQN were wide-ranging, the implementation must be successful, with positive results.

"Registration with `finger print` until the judging process through digital applications is one of the efforts made by the government for the successful implementation of the MTQN," he added. (ANTARA)


The athletic sports branch again contributes a gold medal to the Indonesian contingent at the Asian Para 2018 Games on Monday, October 8, 2018 at the Gelora Bung Karno Complex (GBK), Jakarta. After the athlete of the F20 shot put, Suparniyati who shot 10.75 meters, won gold, T20 long jump athlete Rica Octavia also won gold after making a 5.25 meter jump. Two gold achievements managed to improve Indonesia's position in the standings to third after in the previous day, the men's badminton team number SL3-SU5 won the gold medal. Met by the media crew after submitting the gold medal to the medalist in the T20 women's long jump athletic branch, the Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports (RI) Imam Nahrawi said all gold medalists from Indonesia would automatically enter as contingents at Paralympic Tokyo 2020 without qualification.

We must push this to the maximum so that we have a lot of gold medals, to take us to Tokyo Paralympic 2020. So this gold medalist has automatically qualified without qualifying at Tokyo Paralympic 2020. Therefore there is still a chance, hopefully these three golds will trigger, spur and provide inspiration for athletes this afternoon, evening, night, and even tomorrow, until the end, they will fight to win as many gold medals as possible,” said Imam Nahrawi.

Imam Nahrawi further said that the gold achievement this time was a new history for the world of Indonesian athletics during their participation in the Asian Para Games. The T20 and F20 are field number athletic classifications with intellectuals impairment. Whereas for the SU3-SU5 men's double badminton sport is a match involving athletes with poor running balance disorders with athletes with impaired upper body and light in teams or teams. (VOI/Rezha/DP)