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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah

VOI News - Projects resulting from the signing of a cooperation agreement between the grant management agency, Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia, with international development organizations, Hivos, have a positive impact on communities in East Nusa Tenggara, in particular Sumba Island. Education and industry sectors have a positive impact on the quality of these projects.  This was stated by the Head of the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Boni, on the sidelines of the National Learning on renewable energy entitled Terangi Nusantara: Turning Hope , Answering the Challenges of Renewable Energy in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 24, 2018.
"So it means that the existing improvement is an example from the educational point of view. There was no electricity there. But when there is the electricity, the reading would interest increases.  Then the working hours of the industries in the area will also improve," Boni said. 
Boni further explained that the Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia projects implemented in East Nusa Tenggara Province, especially in Sumba Island have also succeeded in creating new livelihoods in various sectors for the local communities. With the new livelihood, the local people's welfare will be better than ever. Hivos is one of the international development organizations that focuses on the latest global issues, one of which is renewable energy, to realize a sustainable economy and an inclusive society // (Rezha/ahm)
VOI News - On the sidelines of a state visit to Sri Lanka on Wednesday, January 24, 2018, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)  received a courtesy visit by Sri Lanka Parliament Opposition Leader Rajavarothiam Sampanthan at the Hilton Hotel Colombo, Sri Lanka.
President Jokowi also welcomed the visit aimed at encouraging concrete and beneficial cooperation for both countries. Moreover, diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Sri Lanka have been well established for more than six decades.
"In my visit to Sri Lanka, I would like to encourage the strengthening of cooperation in various fields, especially in the economic field," said President.
One of them is by establishing Free Trade Agreement and building capacity cooperation. Therefore, President Jokowi hopes that Indonesia can be given an opportunity to participate in Sri Lanka's economic development.
"I look forward to the support of the Sri Lankan parliament in strengthening the Indonesia-Sri Lanka relationship, including through enhancing close cooperation between parliaments," he said.
In addition, President Jokowi also expressed the readiness of Indonesia to exchange experiences with Sri Lanka related to nation-building, given Sri Lanka's strong commitment to post-conflict resolution in 2019.
"As in Sri Lanka, the process of nation building is also continuously strengthened in Indonesia which has a pluralism with Pancasila as the philosophical foundation of the nation," said the President.
Accompanying the President in the meeting were Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Indonesian Ambassador to Sri Lanka I Gusti Ngurah Ardiyasa. (Release Protocol, Press and Media Division of Secretariat of the President)

US Defense Secretary James Mattis made a working visit to Indonesia amid efforts to resolve the conflict in Asia.

During his visit in Jakarta, after received by Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, James Mattis immediately met his counterpart Defense Minister Ryamizard Riyakudu. A number of issues became the attention of both government officials. As stated by Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu, they discussed among others, the two countries cooperation, North Korea, South China Sea, and Rohingya.

Against these issues, Indonesia and the United States generally can be said to have the same view. On North Korea, for example, Indonesia also hopes that Pyongyang will stop its nuclear test. Related to Rohingya refugees, like Indonesia, the United States sees the need for handling efforts with attention to the human side.

The United States Defense Secretary also pays attention to trilateral talks between Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. James Mattis expressed the US commitment to support the three countries' defense cooperation in Southeast Asia, especially in handling the entry of ISIS into Southeast Asia. Washington's support was made on the similarity that terrorism should be prevented from spreading.

James Mattis' visit to Indonesia, in addition to being viewed from the perspective of various issues, has also become important regarding the follow-up of bilateral cooperation in the field of defense. As is known, Indonesia and the US have agreed on defense cooperation through the Join Statement in Comprehensive Defense Corporation, signed in October 2015, when President Joko Widodo visited Washington. The commitment of the cooperation was reaffirmed when President Jokowi met President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the G 20 summit in Germany last year.

During this time more than 6,000 Indonesian Military and civil servants have studied in the US. Meanwhile, at least 61 US officers have had the opportunity to attend the Indonesian Military (TNI) Staff and Command School in Indonesia.

It is within this framework that the visit of James Mattis to Jakarta this time can be seen as strategic enough to enhance mutual understanding between the two countries . Particularly in the form of defense dialogue and enhance the cooperation that is realized in concrete activities.

The US Defense Minister, James Mattis after meeting  with Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu, at the Indonesian Defense Ministry in Jakarta on Tuesday (23/01) said the US will help Indonesia to fight against terrorism. He explained that  terrorism has become common enemy of countries in the world that must be solved together.
"Respond any requests from Indonesia on counter terrorism to include special forces unit that conduct counter-terrorism, protect it innocent people and we must work together larger problems," James Mattis said. 
Meanwhile, Indonesian Defense Minister appreciated the US support to involve actively in maintaining the security in South East Asian region especially to counter terrorism. Minister Ryamizard said the support will give significant meaning because the US has modern equipment to detect terrorism//Ahmad Faisal// VOI RRI//====