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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah

Indonesian President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana attended the 69th Indian Republic Day Parade in Rajhpat, New Delhi, Friday morning, January 26, 2018.
Upon arrival at Rajhpat, President and Mrs. Iriana was greeted by Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 
After attending the 69th Indian Republic Day Parade, President and Mrs. Iriana and entourage left for Islamabad, Pakistan via Air Force Station, India at 13:45 PM Local Time.
Following President Joko Widodo and Mrs. Iriana on the flight to Islamabad, Pakistan are Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Special Staff Coordinator President Teten Masduki, Presidential Secretariat President Heru Budi Hartono, Director General of Protocol and Consular Ministry of Foreign Affairs / KPN Andri Hadi, Special Staff of President Ari Dwipayana, Military Secretary of President Marsda TNI Trisno Hendradi and Commander of Presidential Security Force Maj. Gen. TNI (Mar) Suhartono. (Release of Protocol, Press and Media Secretariat of the President)
President Joko Widodo encouraged the strengthening of cooperation between Indonesia and Vietnam in a number of respects. During a bilateral meeting with the Vietnamese Prime Minister, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, on the sidelines of the ASEAN-India Summit held at the Taj Diplomatic Enclave Hotel, New Delhi, India, on Friday, January 26, 2018, he raised the discussion about two main points that need to be made the attention of both countries.
"First, I want to re-emphasize the importance of accelerating the completion of negotiations on exclusive economic zone (ZEE)," he said.
The discussion is expected to create stability in the waters of both countries such as preventing the occurrence of incidents or tension in the waters. In addition, negotiations on ZEE can also be accompanied by cooperation in the wider field of terrorism and maritime handling.
"In this regard I welcome the achievement of a preliminary agreement relating to the ZEE delimitation area last November.I asked that the two countries' negotiating teams be able to immediately reach a shared understanding of the potential delimitation of the ZEE boundary," he continued.
Meanwhile, the second focus the president has been trying to raise is the policy in the automotive sector that Vietnam implements. The policy regulates the standards and requirements of vehicles imported into the country.
The Head of State said that to comply with the policy taking effect as ofJanuary 2018 takes considerable time and cost. The President expressed his concerns if the policy had implications for the disruption of increased trade cooperation between the two countries over the past three years.
"I see that the policy could have negative implications for Indonesian exports to the Vietnamese market, especially for completely build-up vehicles and completely knock-down vehicles," he said.
To that end, President Joko Widodo asked the Prime Minister of Vietnam to provide an opportunity for Indonesia to learn more detailed rules and policies.
"I hope the Vietnamese government can provide an opportunity for Indonesia to study this policy, consider differences in standards and regulations between countries, and provide a transition period for the exporting country," he said.
President Jokowi also urged that six agreements in education, law, gas utilization in the border region of the continental shelf, rural development, strengthening of maritime security cooperation, and coal supply signed last year can continue to be implemented.
After the meeting, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that both countries have discussed the issue of ZEE delimitation. "We have held talks 10 times, there is progress but we have to push for progress," said Retno.
On the occasion, President Jokowi and PM Nguyễn immediately instructed his staff to accelerate the completion of ZEE.
Accompanying the President during the meeting, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung and Special Staff Coordinator of President Teten Masduki./// (Release Protocol, Press and Media Sector Secretariat of the President)
On the sidelines of the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a bilateral meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Taj Diplomatic Enclave Hotel, New Delhi, India, Thursday, January 25, 2018.
In the meeting, President Jokowi conveyed the importance of efforts to increase economic cooperation because bilateral trade between the two countries actually have began to grow since last year but still far from its real potential.
"Therefore, efforts to increase trade should be continuously done including eliminating trade barriers," said the President.
Another thing that was conveyed by President Jokowi is the high tariff increase on vegetables oil to India.
An increase in palm oil tariff will affect Indonesia's palm oil exports. "If Indonesia's palm oil exports are dwindling, I believe it will also affect the fulfillment of the growing Indian market," he said.
Therefore, President Jokowi hopes the Indian government  reconsider tariff policy on vegetables oil.
As for the architecture of the Indo-Pacific region, President Jokowi wants to invite key countries in the region to discuss the concept of Indo Pacific.
"My advice, this concept is developed based on openness, inclusive, based on the spirit of cooperation," said President Jokowi.
As a very active country in IORA, President Jokowi believes PM Modi will agree to strengthen the IORA. "So that the Indian Ocean Circle can be a stable and prosperous area," said President Jokowi.
President Jokowi also appreciated India's support for the ASEAN-led Mechanism including the East Asia Summit (EAS).
"Indonesia has proposed the start of maritime cooperation in the EAS which is also supported by India," said President Jokowi.
Therefore in the future, maritime cooperation will be one of the priorities of cooperation between the two countries.
Meanwhile, at the beginning of the meeting, President Jokowi said that the bilateral relations between Indonesia and India are getting stronger, especially since President Jokowi's meeting with PM Modi in December 2016 in India.
"To maintain the momentum of this close cooperation, I invite Your Honor to visit Indonesia this year," said President Jokowi.
Indonesian, President Jokowi invites PM Modi to Indonesia to discuss bilateral cooperation in detail.
Also present were the President, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Special Staff Coordinator of President Teten Masduki and Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Sidharto Suryodipuro. (Release Protocol, Press and Media Sector Secretariat of the President)
A peaceful, stable and prosperous ecosystem must be formed in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean circles in the Indo Pacific Circle. This was conveyed by President Joko Widodo when speaking at the ASEAN - India Commemorative Summit at India Prime Minister Retreat session with the Head of State / Head of ASEAN Government in Rasthrapati Bhawan, Thursday, January 25, 2018.
"I believe through ASEAN-lead mechanism and through the ASEAN-India partnership,  a peaceful, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific region can be achieved," said the President.
The President further said the Indo-Pacific concept can naturally be developed based on the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation of ASEAN where all key countries have become parties to the treaty.
"The development of the Indo-Pacific concept, should also be carried out openly, transparently, inclusively based on the habit of dialogue; based on the desire to work together and uphold the international law, "the President said.
With such a concept, the President continued, unhealthy rivalry that can lead to "power projection" can be avoided. 
The development of the Indo-Pacific concept would be good if carried out through a building block approach, among others by strengthening bilateral and plural-lateral cooperation such as ASEAN-India, strengthening regional mechanisms such as IORA in the Indian Ocean, and ASEAN-lead Mechanisms, especially East Asia Summit (EAS) Pacific Ocean; Linkage and integration of the mechanisms of cooperation between the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
"The strengthening of building blocks will also create an Indo-Pacific region that became one of the main sources of economic growth, trade and industrial centers of the world," said President.
The President underscored that maritime cooperation is key in the development of Indo-Pacific region architecture and Indonesia has a strong commitment in enhancing maritime cooperation through both IORA and EAS.
"I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for India's support for ASEAN's centrality. I am optimistic that ASEAN and India will be the backbone of Indo-Pacific cooperation," said the President.
At the beginning of his speech, the President said that last year, we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of ASEAN. At the same time we also commemorate 25 years of ASEAN-India partnership.
"If for the past 50 years, ASEAN has succeeded in creating a peace and welfare ecosystem in Southeast Asia then the ASEAN-India partnership should also be able to contribute equally to the wider region," the President said.
Also present at the ASEAN - India Commemorative Summit were  President Joko Widodo and Mrs. Iriana, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita. (Release of Protocol, Press and Media of the Presidential Secretariat)