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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah

During a bilateral state visit President Joko Widodo met with Afghan Peace Council chairman Karim Khalili. The meeting was held at the Haram Sarai Palace, Kabul, Afghanistan, on Monday, January 29, 2018.
The President started his talk by conveying his deep sorrow for the tragedy that took place in Kabul some time later. The incident up to claimed at least dozens of lives.
He was also grateful for the visit made by the Chairman of the Peace Council of Afghanistan and the delegation to Jakarta some time ago. Through this return visit, President Joko Widodo intends to strengthen Indonesia's commitment in helping peace efforts in Afghanistan.
" I will use this visit to affirm Indonesia's commitment to help peace building in Afghanistan as requested by the President of Afghanistan," the President said.
This visit is really used by the President to conduct more detailed discussion about the steps to be taken forward, including the plan of organizing the international clerical meeting.
The President also suggested that the peace process be inclusive. This meeting will be followed up immediately in Jakarta.
"Indonesia is ready to host my suggestion, the meeting is inclusive," said the President. (Release of Protocol, Press and Media of Presidential Secretariat)
President Joko Widodo expressed his deep sorrow to Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, along with all the Afghans for the tragedy in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, including the attack that occurred two days ago and Monday morning.
This was conveyed by the President during a joint press statement after a bilateral meeting with the Afghan President at Agr Agr Presidential Palace, Kabul, on Monday, January 29, 2018.
"I pray that the victims will soon be restored and to the families and relatives left behind may they be given the patience," said the President.
At the same time, President Joko Widodo stated that his visit to Afghanistan is a form of self-respect for a similar visit by the Afghan President to Indonesia last year. The Bilateral Visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to Afghanistan was also the first since nearly six decades have passed.
"My visit to Afghanistan was the first Presidential Bilateral Visit of the Republic of Indonesia after nearly six decades, and last President Sukarno visited Afghanistan in May 1961," he said.
Given these facts, this visit can be interpreted as Indonesia's strong commitment to improve relations and cooperation with Afghanistan. Indonesia is also committed to building peace and supporting the welfare of the nation of Afghanistan.
The commitment was ultimately strengthened in the bilateral meeting between the two countries that took place warmly and full of brotherhood. Cooperation related to peace building in Afghanistan has been matured by both parties.
"Indonesia and Afghanistan will step up activities that can help in the process of peace building and reconciliation in Afghanistan," the president said.
One form of Indonesian support for peace in Afghanistan is also demonstrated by the continued construction of the Indonesian Islamic Center (IIC) complex in Kabul. According to the plan,  health facilities will be built in the complex this year.
"The health clinic at the IIC complex will begin construction in the spring of 2018 complementing the As-Salam Mosque that has been used by Afghans since 2015," he said.
The IIC Complex is a symbol or monument of the friendship of Indonesia and Afghanistan. The location is expected to be the center of activities that promote peace.
Meanwhile, President Ashraf Ghani welcomed the presence of President Jokowi in Kabul, Afghanistan.
"I really appreciate and thank the people of Afghanistan for coming here. President Jokowi always encourages peace in Afghanistan, "said President Ghani.
In addition, the visit of President Jokowi also brings a blessing to the people of Afghanistan. The arrival of President to Kabul was accompanied by snowfall which is believed to bring blessing.
"His Majesty's arrival did not have to bring gold, but brought rain and snow. Rain and snow are blessing to us. Snow and rain never choose to go down on the rich or the poor, "said President Ghani. (Release Protocol, Press and Media of Secretariat of the President)
In a one-hour bilateral meeting held at the Agr Agr Presidential Palace on Monday, January 29, 2018, President Joko Widodo and Afghan President Ashraf Ghan agreed that peace-building efforts in Afghanistan should also be sustained by the country's economic development. Both things must go hand in hand.
"Without peace there will be no prosperity, without prosperity, peace will not be sustainable, therefore, when we work together to build peace, economic cooperation must be increased in parallel," said President Jokowi.
President Jokowi alludes to the relatively low trade value of the two countries. In fact, he believes that the potential for trade cooperation between the two countries is huge. Therefore, he will follow up the matter by assigning the related line.
"I have asked my ministers to encourage business-to-business contacts," he said.
Previously, approximately one hundred Afghan businessmen attended the Trade Expo Indonesia last year. Their arrival booked a transaction value of more than USD 1.1 million. President Joko Widodo himself then promised to send a potential business delegation to Afghanistan in the first quarter of this year.
"I am sure that more intensive interaction between businesspeople of both countries can open various cooperation opportunities," said President Jokowi.
In addition, Indonesia's support for peace efforts in Afghanistan is also shown by the cooperation of increasing human resources capacity. Indonesia, according to President Jokowi, will continue to improve capacity building programs for Afghan society such as women empowerment, SME development, health, law enforcement, and governance.
"Indonesia is also ready to provide 100 scholarships for Afghan students," he continued.
In bilateral talks, President Ghani has repeatedly expressed his appreciation for President Jokowi's commitment to the peace process in Afghanistan, through cooperation in the context of Peace Building.
Accompanying President during the talks were Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Special Staff Coordinator of President Teten Masduki and Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Afghanistan Arief Rachman. (Release by Protocol, Press and Media of Secretariat of the President)
Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)  and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo arrived at Hamid Karzai International Airport, Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, January 29, 2018 at 11:40 pm Local Time or 14.10 West Indonesia Time. 
President Jokowi's State Visit to Afghanistan was the second visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to Afghanistan after the State Visit of President Sukarno in 1961.
Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Afghanistan Arief Rachman and Head of the State Protocol of Afghanistan welcomed President Jokowi and Mrs. Iriana.
The cold air and even snowfall that blanketed Kabul did not reduce the warm welcome of the Afghan government. Afghan officials welcoming President Jokowi were Vice President Sarwar Danish, Foreign Minister Salahudin Rabbani, Finance Minister Eklil Hakimi, Afghan Ambassador to Indonesia Roya Rahmani, Kabul Governor Mohammad Yaqoub Haidan, Kabul Mayor Abdullah Habibzal.
From the airport, the President continued his journey by car to the Presidential Palace of Arg. (Protocol, Press and Media of Secretariat of the President)