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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


The rare "super blue blood" moon phenomenon has been visible here on Wednesday since 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. local time.

The rare total lunar eclipse could also be witnessed for hours in several cities across Indonesia.

According to ANTARA's observation in Jakarta, the total eclipse was still visible without using any binocular, although the sky was slightly foggy.

The eclipse in Jakarta started to appear at 7 p.m., but was shortly covered by clouds at 7.16 p.m.

The moon starts to be completely covered from 7.51 p.m. to 20.29 pm, and the total eclipse was over at 9.08 p.m.

The Chairwoman of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati revealed that the rare phenomenon occurs once in 150 years, and the rare total eclipse will only be visible in certain locations.

Karnawati explained that the super moon, blue moon, and blood moon are actually different eclipse phenomena. However, now, the super moon (when the moon appeared to be bigger and brighter), the blue moon (a second full moon in a month), and a blood moon (a red eclipse) will coincide for the first time since 152 years ago in 1866.

The previous super blue blood moon lasted for 20.2 minutes, she added.

"In order to enjoy the rare celestial trifecta, we have to set up a special venue at the Ancol Beach, North Jakarta," Karnawati noted on Wednesday.

Apart from the special venue, the agency will also broadcast the super blue blood moon live via Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, as well as the official website of ""

The live-streaming of the eclipse, she said, is done considering the traffic that may occur during the eclipse.

"We have live-streamed the total eclipse, so that people would enjoy the moon with their gadgets," she remarked.

The agency, she added, also has prepared several observation posts in Makassar, Ambon, and other regions across the country.

The chairwoman called on researchers and other people to not only view but also further study the rare super blue blood moon./// (ANTARA)


World cup is one the biggest sport events that can be enjoyed by the people around the globe. World Cup 2018 will be held on June 14th to July 15th 2018 with Russia as the Host. In order to make people with disabilities around Indonesia enjoy the event, the Football Momentum Asia (FMA) acknowledges RRI to be the licensed Radio Broadcaster of World Cup 2018. After a press conference at the Galeri Triprasetya RRI on Tuesday, January 30th 2018, Chairman of The Football Momentum Asia (FMA) David Kim to Voice of Indonesia said the main reason he chooses RRI as the licensed radio broadcaster of world cup 2018.

“For me radio has more public interest than anything else and this is business but at the same time we need to do something that is going to benefit everybody and absolutely everybody especially the 1.5 percent of the population that cannot see and enjoy the game, why shouldn’t they. So it is the only choice for me ‘cause everybody else is going to turn it into commercial gimic and it is enough with television so that was my main reason for working with RRI,” said David Kim.

On the same occasion the Memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Radio Republik Indonesia and FMA was signed. RRI which has more than 90 radio stations in Indonesia is hoped to bring the World Cup until the remote areas in Indonesia. The press conference and the launching of RRI as the licensed Radio Broadcaster was also attended by a member of Presidential Advisory Council, Agum Gumelar, Secretary of Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs Gatot Dewabroto, the National Broadcasting Commission Chairman Yuliandri Darwis and RRI management staff// (VOI/NK)


According to a Nielsen survey, Radio Republik Indonesia is the only radio with the biggest listeners in Indonesia. This is why Football Momentum Asia (FMA) chooses RRI to broadcast world cup to be held in Russia from June 14th to July 15th 2018. During a press conference that was held at Galeri Triprasetya RRI Building, Jakarta on Januari 30th 2018, President Director of RRI M. Rohanudin said that RRI facilitates disabilities to listen to the World Cup 2018.

“This is what RRI can do and earlier we mentioned it is not 1.3 percents of disabilities but 1.5 percents of disabilities and 80 percents of them is Radio Republik Indonesia listener,” M. Rohanudin said.

RRI President Director added that RRI will give all the best by deploying the reporters on the field to give information to the listeners about world cup 2018. On the same occasion a memebr of Presidential Advisory Council, Agum Gumelar stated that he is proud that RRI provides facilities for 1.5 percents of disabilities in Indonesia to listen to live broadcast of the World Cup 2018// (VOI/NK/AHM)


Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani ensures the government will not raise National Health Insurance (BPJS) contribution to National Health Insurance participants. In a discussion on the Optimization of the Implementation of the National Health Insurance Program, Wednesday, January 31st in Jakarta, Puan said to overcome the deficit in National Health Insurance, the government is making efforts to revise Presidential Regulation No. 12 of 2013 on National Health Insurance. According to him, the revision of the Presidential Regulation will include breakthrough steps to overcome the deficit of the insurance’s Health financing without having to raise the contribution to the beneficiary contribution (PBI) participants. Puan explained the breakthrough step will synergize the steps of various parties including ministries and local governments.

“So, we need to find a breakthrough in addressing the gap input and financial output of the National Health Insurance. These breakthroughs are made so that it will become the substance of the revised Presidential Regulation No. 12 of 2013 on the National Health Insurance (JKN) which is being done. The revision reaches the substance associated with the policy that can strengthen BPJS Health's financial capacity namely to refine the referral system, the regional government’s roles, strategic purchasing, fraud mitigation, operational efficiency and so on. This we have also gained with the Board of Trustees and others. So how is the input? Of course, there must be cooperation and synergy between all parties. Another breakthrough in increasing the financial capacity of National Health Insurance can be done in accordance with the laws and regulations,” Puan Maharani said.

Before a number of ministers and participants of the discussion, Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani also stressed the importance of improving the quality of service to the community participants of the National Health Insurance. This, according to her, should be done in mutual assistance among various related ministries including local government to ensure maximum service to the participants of National Health Insurance. Puan also conveyed the importance of data synchronization of beneficiaries of 92.4 million contributors. In addition, Puan also encourages employers to also register their workers for the National Health Insurance so that the health development in mutual assistance can run. In addition, Puan Maharani also conveys the importance of education and socialization aspects to the public regarding the importance of National Health Insurance. Puan also stressed the importance of building public awareness to have healthy life and behaviors and the importance of prevention efforts over treatment./// (VOI/ Ndy/trs Rezha)