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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla expressed high hope to the new House Speaker Bambang Soesatyo. Jusuf Kalla, a senior politician of the Golkar Party, hoped that the House of Representatives under Bambang Soesatyo can increase the public's trust, especially on corruption eradication commitments. In addition, Bambang Soesatyo is also expected to maximize the productivity of DPR's performance, especially in producing regulations or laws. This was said by the Vice President Jusuf Kalla to reporters at the Vice President's Office, Jakarta, on Tuesday (16/1).

“It is hoped that he can manage and increase public’s trust to the House of Representatives. Secondly to make efficiency of the budget, making the DPR really more productive,” Vice President said.

Golkar politician Bambang Soesatyo officially serves as the new House Speaker. He was inaugurated by the Supreme Court Chancellor Hatta Ali in the plenary session of the House of Representatives on Monday, January 15, 2018. In his first speech as the Speaker of the House, Bambang Soesatyo highlighted several issues such as corruption// (Rizki)


Bambang Soesatyo was officially inaugurated as new Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives–DPR RI on Monday, January 15 at Parliamentary building in Jakarta on Tuesday,replacing Setya Novanto.  In response to this, Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly, Zulkifli Hasan told the press  on Tuesday (16/1) that the new Speaker must be able to work optimally to support and realize the welfare of Indonesian people.

Firstly, I would like to congartulate Bambang Soesatyo who has been inaugurated  asthe speaker of the House, although he will serve less than 2 years. I hoped, with the leadership of the new chairman, the House’s performance will improve, so the parliament can be a representativeto realize the people’s aspiration,” said Zulkifli Hasan.

Moreover Zulkifli Hasan hoped that the new House speaker Bambang Soesatyo is able tolead members of the House well and provide significant input for Indonesian government for the sake of the improvement of Indonesian nations//AF.VOI

The worlds largest flower Rafflesia arnoldii has bloomed perfectly in bushland forest, Bengkulu. The position of the flower was hanging above the host stem and also about two meters above the ground. member of Guci Oandang Rare Care Puspa Community, Nopriansyah said on Monday(15/1) in Bengkulu that the position of the blossoming Rafflesia arnoldii  is very unique. The flower habitat has mapped by community members and monitored for protection. Moreover, Rafflesia Arnoldi is mostly located in the rubber garden and coffee that maintain by the people. Nopriyansyah added, that he tries to make the habitat of Rafflesia arnoldii in Kaur, Bengkulu is protected and becomes the conservation area. The community together with local government and Natural Resources Conservation Center (NKSDA) Bengkulu-Lampung already mapped Rafflesia arnoldi habitat in Kaur. The forest area around Penangkulan River has known as habitat of Rafflesia arnoldii and Rafflesia bengkuluensis//   Voi.Tempo 
The Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) has deployed 53 medical personnel to handle the measles epidemic in Asmat District of Papua Province. Head of the TNI Information Center Mayor General M. Sabrar Fadhilah stated in a press release received by Antara News Agency on Monday(15/1) that the personnel deployed under the TNI Task Force for the extraordinary event have departed aboard a Hercules A-1326 helicopter from the Halim Perdanakusuma Airbase to Papua. Fadhilah noted that Indonesian President Joko Widodo had urged TNI Commander Marshall Hadi Tjahjanto to treat people suffering from measles in Asmat District.  The TNI commander has established a health task force to assist the Health Ministry to fight the measles outbreak. The team comprises medical personnel from the TNI and Army health center as well as the Navy and Air Force health service. The task force will strengthen the medical team of the Cendrawasih Regional Military Command centered in Timika City. The team comprises medical specialists, paramedic officers, and medicine specialists//Antara