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The Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek held a meeting with the Namibian media (Press Gathering) with the theme "Indonesian Foreign Policy Achievements in 2023 and Priorities in 2024", at the Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek last Friday (19/1). The Press Gathering was attended by a number of famous Media on Namibia Africa TV, some journalists from the newspapers New Era, Republikein, and Namibian Sun. The meeting aimed at disseminating information regarding Indonesia's diplomatic achievements in almost a decade and Indonesia's foreign policy priorities in 2024.According to the Functional Coordinator for Information, Social and Culture at the Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek, Ari Hadiman, this Press Gathering is an important forum for prioritizing transparency and establishing collaboration with media partners. He hopes that the information presented today can create a positive understanding of Indonesia in Namibia. Starting the presentation about Indonesia's diplomatic achievements, the invitees were invited to watch the video "Advancing Free and Active Foreign Policy – a Ten Year Journey" produced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia. Then, the journalists followed an explanation of Indonesia's diplomatic achievements over the last nine years.On this occasion, the Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek also conveyed a brief explanation regarding the achievements of  in advancing bilateral relations between Indonesia-Namibia and Indonesia-Angola. The press gathering event was packaged interactively in a question-and-answer format. Closing the press gathering, the Indonesian Embassy also conveyed information related to  opportunities for the Developing Countries Partnership Scholarship (KNB) program which has been open from 23 January to 23 February 2024. The Press Gathering is also a means for the Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek to promote traditional Indonesian culinary delights, namely yellow rice, beef rendang, and snacks like rissoles and fried meatballs.



Probolinggo Regency is one of the main tourist destinations in East Java. The regency is one of the entrances to Mount Bromo via Cemoro Lawang. However, Mount Bromo is not the only interesting tourist spot in Probolinggo. There is also the Madakaripura Falls in the regency. Besides being known for its beauty, it is said that Madakaripura Waterfall was where Gajah Mada, a great leader of the Majapahit Empire, meditated for the last time before he died. This myth refers to the choice of the name Madakaripura which was taken from three related words. Mada is taken from Gajah Mada, Kari means heritage, and Pura means prayer or meditation. Based on this story, local people believe that Madakaripura Falls is eternal. The reason is that the waterfall so far has never experienced a drought. To get to Madakaripura Waterfall, from Probolinggo city, you have to drive towards Branggah hamlet. Its location is approximately 37 kilometers from the city center of Probolinggo. The entrance ticket price for Madakaripura Falls is 33,000 rupiah or about 2 US dollars per person. When you arrive at the entrance, you still have to do trekking to get to the waterfall location. This journey takes approximately 20 minutes from the entrance.One of the features of Madakaripura Falls is the cliff height of around 200 meters. The height makes Madakaripura Falls the highest waterfall in Java island, as well as one of the highest in Indonesia. Besides its height, the charm of Madakaripura Falls can also be seen from the cliff shape surrounding the waterfall. It has a circular shape like a towering giant glass at first sight.Another unique feature is that the water not only flows from the middle of the waterfall but also through narrow gaps in the cliffs. This makes the atmosphere under the waterfall seem as if it is raining because the water dripping from all directions makes the area around the waterfall look like drizzling. The fall of the water also creates very dramatic water waves and forms a natural pool under the waterfall. The water in the natural pool is transparent blue and refreshing to the eyes. Apart from that, the shady trees in the area make the atmosphere cooler and more beautiful.



The Indonesian  Ambassador to Fiji, Dupito D. Simamora, symbolically handed over a grant of USD  25,000  to the Prime Minister of Fiji, Sitiveni Rabuka at the Fiji Prime Minister's Office on Thursday ( 18/1). The grant is  to support the Bula coffee  project in Fiji. The Indonesian Embassy  in Suva, as quoted on its website, stated that agriculture has become an important development priority for Indonesia, Fiji and the Pacific region. According to the Indonesian Embassy, as one of the largest coffee producing countries, Indonesia is very suitable to be Fiji's partner in developing its coffee industry to meet domestic demand and support its growing tourism industry. The Bula Coffee project, originally proposed by the Fiji Prime Minister's Office, aims at equipping approximately 10,000 residents of 41 villages in the Sigatoka region with the knowledge and skills needed for coffee cultivation and processing. The Indonesian Embassy in Suva said that this project also aims to empower rural communities in Fiji through sustainable coffee cultivation. As a follow-up, Indonesia and Fiji will conduct a consultation and training program which is scheduled to be implemented in the first quarter of 2024. This program will provide further training and capacity building to Bula Coffee project participants, to ensure long-term sustainability and guarantee success of their coffee farming business. Ambassador Dupito has  conveyed that Indonesia is happy to support the Bula Coffee project. According to him, this project empowers Fiji in the agricultural sector. At the same time, it also build rural development, food security, alternative development and livelihoods for people at the grassroots level. Ambassador Dupito also pointed out that Indonesia and Fiji are also building a Regional Agricultural Training Center and Demonstration Farm in Rakiraki this year. According to him, this collaboration is an important marker in relations between the two countries. Indonesia and Fiji this year celebrate the 50th anniversary of bilateral relations. Dupito claims, with this collaboration Indonesia is showing a very significant commitment to helping increase agricultural resilience. This momentum is an opportunity for the two countries to partner and help the region achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and the Blue Pacific Strategy by 2050. Moreover, Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka appreciated the grant and the cooperation that has existed between Indonesia and Fiji. According to him, Indonesia’s grant is an important step to achieve Fiji's development goals. The Prime Minister also said  that the grants will empower rural communities, promote sustainable agriculture, address excessive imports and contribute to poverty reduction in Fiji. The Bula Coffee Project is an initiative led by the Government of Fiji, with support from international partners, to empower rural communities by promoting sustainable coffee cultivation and processing. The project aims at equipping residents with the knowledge and resources needed to improve their agricultural capabilities, improve livelihoods and contribute to economic development in Fiji.



The Japanese government via the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), has expressed interest from several Japanese companies in building and operating airports in Indonesia, especially Sultan Aji Muhammad Sepinggan Airport in Balikpapan. This was conveyed at the Air Transportation Working Group (ATWG) event, on January 18-20, 2024 in Bandung, West Java. Director for Airports at the Transportation Ministry's Directorate General of Civil Aviation Lukman F. Laisa, in a statement received in Jakarta, Saturday (20/01) said that Japan introduced four companies: Japan Airport Terminal Co., Ltd, JALUX Inc., Taisei and SECOM. Co. Ltd, all of which had experience in the construction and operation of major Japanese airports, such as Haneda and Narita. The four companies expressed their desire to collaborate in developing airports in Indonesia, especially in Balikpapan. These improvements would improve the function of Sultan Aji Muhammad Sepinggan Airport in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, as the entrance to the capital of the archipelago. ATWG was one of the agendas for the 11th Vice-Ministerial Level Meeting between Indonesia and Japan in the transportation sector. Furthermore, Lukman said that Japan's extensive experience, technological capability, and expertise in airport development and operation both in Japan and abroad, is expected to help further develop Indonesia's aviation industry. Indonesia's proposal to improve travel routes to Japan was also discussed. With final discussions focusing on the Indonesia State Safety Program, and also developments in the use of alternative fuels for sustainable aviation (bioavtur), for flights across Indonesia.