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The Indonesian Pavilion participated in the London Coffee Festival 2024 exhibition.// The Indonesian Ambassador to the UK and Ireland, Desra Percaya at the opening of the Indonesian Pavilion, Thursday (11/04) explained that this participation was a manifestation of his commitment to always support Indonesian coffee farmers and exporters, as well as to promote the excellence of Indonesian coffee in the international market.// Apart from that, this participation also takes advantage of strengthening cooperation between Indonesia and the UK, especially during the 75th anniversary of the two countries' bilateral celebrations this year.//

This event was attended by more than 300 exhibitors related to coffee, such as coffee producers, roasters, cafés, traders, equipment manufacturers, as well as coffee-based food and beverage products. // Approximately 30,000 visitors from business circles and consumers from Great Britain, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, came to attend the London Coffee Festival 2024//

Director General of National Export Development, Indonesian Ministry of Trade, Didi Sumedi said, promoting coffee at prestigious international exhibitions is always a priority for the Indonesian Ministry of Trade.// Especially for England, this exhibition is important because England is a large market as a destination for Indonesian coffee exports.//

The Indonesian Pavilion targets visitors from the UK, various European countries including Germany, the Netherlands, Latvia, Italy, France, Spain and other countries such as South Africa, Mexico, India, Mauritius, Malaysia.// Apart from promoting Gayo Arabica and Mandailing coffee, the Indonesian Pavilion also showcased coffee strains and coffee cuppings made in Indonesia as well as business matching opportunities.// Head of Bank Indonesia's London representative office, Farida Warinangin, said that her party was presenting Micro, Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) coffee products from Sibolga and Jember for London Coffee Festival (LCF) 2024, to present a taste of Indonesia to importers and coffee lovers in the UK.//

Trade Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in London, Ayu Siti Maryam, explained that Indonesia is one of the 10 largest coffee exporting countries to the UK with an export value of 26 million US dollars, in 2023.// She said opportunities for penetration of the Indonesian coffee market are of course still wide open, seen from the trend of increasing coffee consumption by 7.43% in the UK.//


Gumanano is a village in Mawasangka District, Central Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province.// This village is about 84 kilometers from Wamengkoli port, Buton.// To get to Mutiara Beach, visitors have to go to Gumanano Village first.// This village is very remote, so it's not easy to get there.// Visitors can start their journey from the center of Labungkari city, the capital of Central Buton Regency which can be accessed by ferry boat//

Arriving at Mutiara beach, visitors will be greeted by the beauty of this beach.// Fine white sand stretches along the beach.// Mutiara Beach will be even more beautiful, if the water is low, because the white sand will be more widely visible, with the blue and clear sea water.// Therefore, this beach is a favorite for Central Buton tourism.// Many tourists who come there capture the beauty of Mutiara beach with their cameras.// Don't forget to swim at the beach to enjoy the clear sea water.//

Apart from swimming, visitors can also fish because there are many types of fish on Mutiara beach.// Apart from that, visitors can also enjoy other tourist attractions in Gumanano village.// In this village there is also a fort, the remains of the Buton Sultanate, namely Lasayidewa Fortress.// This fort has 7 lawa or doors.// Visitors can also bathe in the Gumanano Baths. The water is fresh but a little brackish.//If you are in Central Buton, take the time to visit Mutiara Beach with its white sand like pearl flakes.//


In the midst of the fast-paced and stress-prone dynamics of life, maintaining physical and mental health has become increasingly important. This is where innovation comes in, not only to improve health problems but also to prevent them. One of the interesting innovations that emerged from Malang State University students was the creation of "ImmuniTea," a health tea specifically designed to maintain body immunity and mental health. ImmuniTea, an innovative health product that originates from the idea of a student, Ananta Ardyansyah.


The development of this product began during the Covid-19 pandemic. The idea for developing ImmuniTea products began with Ananta's concern about the declining condition of immunity and mental health in society. This inspired Ananta to create a formula for a health tea with a multitude of benefits. The creation of ImmuniTea products is not only based on the need to increase physical immunity, but also on the importance of maintaining mental health such as increased anxiety and changes in people's behavior, especially in difficult times such as the pandemic. ImmuniTea not only provides physical benefits but also realigns emotional balance. The combination of selected natural ingredients such as green tea, turmeric, cinnamon and ginger makes ImmuniTea drinks able to provide maximum benefits for consumers.


This drink, which is rich in antioxidants, is very good for maintaining the body's immunity and relieving stress which can affect mental health. Through the ImmuniTea product, Ananta succeeded in winning the essay competition held by UNS in 2021. Not only that, in the same year Ananta formed a team to bring the ImmuniTea product to an even more prestigious event, at the national level in 2021.



Situ Cipanten is a tourist spot in Majalengka, West Java with the beauty of an exotic fresh water lake, With an area of around 1.2 hectares, surrounded by green and beautiful hills, it offers stunning natural views and various complete tourist facilities. Situ Cipanten's water source comes from seven springs which reportedly never dry up even during the dry season. The beauty of this lake makes it a popular tourist attraction in the Majalengka area.




To go to Situ Cipanten, visitors can use private vehicles or public transportation. The distance from the center of Majalengka city to Situ Cipanten is around 10 km. Situ Cipanten offers many facilities to support tourist activities. Visitors can enjoy the view of the lake while feeding the fish in the lake. Here there are two lakes with different depths that can be used for swimming. Apart from that, there is also a large parking area and a prayer room. The attractions of Situ Cipanten include the clear water so you can see the bottom of the lake and the fish that swim in this lake. This area is also an interesting underwater photo spot. The beauty of the area and the surrounding forests really adds to its beauty and fresh air.




To visit Situ Cipanten, there are several tips to make the trip more enjoyable. It's best to come in the morning, wear clothes that are comfortable and appropriate for the activity you are going to do, bring the necessary equipment such as sunblock, a hat and enough water. Obey the regulations that apply at Situ Cipanten, such as not throwing rubbish carelessly, and keeping the surrounding environment clean, don't damage the natural surroundings and don't take anything from nature without permission. For visitors who want to stay overnight, around Situ Cipanten there are also accommodations with affordable prices.