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Sunday, 08 April 2018 00:00

Diplomatic Corner

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Central Aceh District Government is exploring the marketing of Gayo coffee Arabica to South Africa by cooperating with businesspeople from the country in order to arrange the initial step to promote the commodity. South African businessman, Paul Du Plessis told reporters in Takengon on Saturday (7/4/2018) that he would help promoting Gayo coffee to his country through a documentary video.He said he would prepare the documentary video footage of Gayo coffee to introduce this excellent commodity to the consumers in his country. Paul Du Plessis and Regent of Central Aceh, Shabela Abubakar visited a number coffee farms in the area. They also reviewed a number of coffee processing plants to record the process, including how the coffee beans go through a number of important stages to produce the highest level of coffee quality, before being ready to market. Regent Shabela Abubakar appreciated Plessis’ early steps to introduce Gayo coffee to South Africa. Regent Shabela hopes that with this step, people in his country will have good knowledge on coffee, especially Gayo coffee.

During the official visit of Ottawa Ambassador to Prince Edward Island, Canada in late March 2018, a unique and unexpected fact was revealed.Prince Edward Island, abbreviated PEI, is a province and island on the east coast of Canada, more than 15,000 km away from Indonesia.But, who would have thought in that place there are nuances and taste of Indonesia. It is Dunes, an art gallery as well as a café featuring a variety of Indonesian handicrafts in the form of Balinese carvings, sculptures, batik, and paintings and presents several menus inspired by Balinese cuisine.The information was addressed by Premier PEI Wade MacLauchlan and Governor Lieutenant PEI Antoinette Perry to the Indonesian Ambassador to Canada Teuku Faizasyah during his official visit to the island province.The Ambassador emphasized the importance of people-to-people contact in improving Indonesia's relationship with PEI, as indicated by the gallery.

Morocco teenagers who participated in the practice of the Art of Culture of Indonesia (SSBI) in the Indonesian Embassy in Rabat, took part in the Sekar Rinonce Dance performance together with Indonesian children during the 25th International Children's Music and Song Festival held by the El-Adwatain Foundation, in Salle Bahnini, Rabat on Saturday (7/4/2018).Information, Social and Cultural Affairs of the Embassy (Pensosbud KBRI) in Rabat, Hanung Nugraha, told ANTARA News today that the International Children’s Music and Song Festival hold regularly every year before spring. The event is supported by Morocco's Ministry of Youth and Sport, the Moroccan Ministry of Culture and some of the country's major private companies, such as Office Chrifien des Phosphates (OCP) which does business of fertilizer material, and BMCE Bank. It is said that SSBI Embassy of Rabat performance is very special because it displayed magical power from the sound of gamelan with Indonesian lyrics songs, Garuda Pancasila.Moroccans in Salle Bahnini gave a cheerful applause.The shouts of "Bravo ... Bravo ..." echoed in Salle Bahnini's theater room after the dance was over.SSBI Embassy of Rabat performance this time is more special when Moroccan teenager took part in Sekar Rinonce Dance. Moroccan citizens' enthusiasmto learn Indonesian cultural arts could be seen from their cheerfulness and flexibility to danceSekar Rinonce under SSBI trainers, Bambang Priambodo,who is also the head of Greget Semarang Studio.First Secretary of Indonesian Embassy, Hanung Nugraha, also received an award from the organizers, who expressed appreciation as well as inviting the public who are interested in the Indonesian culture to practice in SSBI Embassy of Rabat.According to Hanung Nugraha, the Indonesian cultural arts performance at the International Children's Music and Dance Festival in 2018 is an Embassy of Rabat’s effort to promote the Indonesian arts and cultures, and strengthen bilateral social-cultural cooperation. SSBI Embassy in Rabat is part od efforts to maintain the continuity of promotion of the Indonesian culture through institutions that can provide regular courses to the people of Morocco.

Read 1365 times Last modified on Thursday, 12 April 2018 18:42