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Sunday, 08 April 2018 00:00

Mosaic of Indonesia

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A total of 22 events have been designed by the Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports (Disparpora) Bukittinggi in the 2018 tourism calendar with the target to attract tourist visits and increase the number of visits. Head of Tourism and Creative Economy at the Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports of Bukittinggi, Suzi Yanti,said on Saturday (7/4/2018) that the event included various fields such as culinary through Bukittinggi Culinary Festival and Junior Culinary Festival, while in cultural sector there were Ai Matsuri (Ai No Kagayaki), International Multiethnic Festival, Traditional and International Silat Festival. Then, in sports there were Horse Racing Tour Derby and Tennis Executive International, in education there were Bukittinggi Library Fiesta, National Archives Exhibition, and other activities. She explained these 22 events also involved the other Organization of Regional Government (OPD), tourism actors from Bukittinggi City, West Sumatera Province to Minangkabau Travel Mart by the Association of Indonesian Professionals Tourism (ASPPI). She added besides the tourism calendar,there was also an international annual event on cycling Tour de Singkarak which has been included in the national tourism event calendar.

Commander of Military Distric Command (Kodim) 1708 Biak Numfor Infantry Lieutenant Colonel, Dominggus.C.A.Soumokil in Biak on Saturday (7/4/2018) said The Military Program to Build Village (TMMD) is a positive program that can build the character and community independence.Soumokil said the non-physical programs they organized during TMMD were mass treatment, Family Planning (KB) counseling, agriculture, economics, fisheries and other fields so it can change lifestyle of society. He added the construction of 25 units of houses in Wandos Village Bondifuar District, will be equipped with clean water facilities designed specifically to provide comfort for the owner. He added it could be performed based on the synergy between the military and Biak Numfor regency.He stressed that it shows that the devotion to the Nation and the State is very real.

Vice Governor of Special Capital Territory (DKI) Jakarta, Sandiaga Uno said on Saturday (7/4/2018) that the provincial government of Jakarta increased the supervision on entertainment venues in North and West Jakarta. According to National Narcotics Agency (BNN), many entertainment places are used by drug traffickers. He said the state should not give up figting against the war of drug abuse, which brings about disaster to the generation. He also emphasized that the provincial government supports the efforts of BNN to investigate entertainment venues which have been suspected to be the location of transactions and drug trafficking. Meanwhile, Deputy for the Narcotics Eradication of BNN Inspector General of Police, Arman Depari previously said that his agency suspected that many entertainment venues in North Jakarta and West Jakarta have become places for drug transaction. He emphasized that National Narcotics Agency will investigate the controllers, regulators, and people who involved in drug trafficking in Jakarta's entertainment venues.

Read 1456 times Last modified on Thursday, 12 April 2018 18:37