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Wednesday, 11 April 2018 12:52

Diplomatic Corner

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Indonesian Foreign Affairs Vice Minister, A.M. Fachir met Andorra Foreign Affairs Minister, Maria Ubach Font in Andorra La Vella on Monday (9/4). The meeting is meant to increase bilateral cooperation, especially in economic sector and people-to-people contact. On the occasion, Vice Minister Fachir invited Minister Ubach to increase trade and investment of the two countries. According to Fachir, trade and investment of the two countries is very dynamic in the last three years. Meanwhile, Minister Maria Ubach invited Indonesia to be a new partner in the economic diversification process of her country. Indonesian Vice Minister A.M. Fachir also encouraged relation among citizens, through Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship Program and interaction among entrepreneurs, and also artist exchange of the two countries.

The Indonesian embassy in Tokyo held an event, Gathering of Indonesian Entrepreneur Assocation in Japan. The gathering which which was organizedin cooperation between the association managers and the Indonesian embassy in Tokyo, was attended by Chairman of Japan Indonesia Association(Japinda), Yasuo Fukuda, Chairman of Indonesia – Japan Economic Committee,  Shigeo Ohyagi, Japanese businessmen community and Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday (4/4). The association which was established on August 17, 2017, has purposed to increase economic cooperation and   people to people contact, to implement research and to increase awareness of Japanese people on Indonesia.Besides that, the implementation of business training can contribute to economic growth of the two countries.

The United States of America, director general of International law and agreement stated that Indonesia was the most active country to negotaite marine border. Currently, Indonesia is actively negotiate marine border with all neighbor countries by emphasizing its status as the archipelagic country, thus the principle of the archipelagic base will still be the basis for the negotiation of mapping the boundary line.It was stated byDamos Dumoli Agusman, Director General of International Law and Agreement of Foreign Affairs’ Ministry in his presentation before the experts on international law who were joined in American Society of International in Washington DC, (6/4/2018). In a joint panel with the figures of international law, Damos described Indonesia’s complexity and experience in negotiating maritime boundary. In the discussion, the panelists discussed on current issues on maritime boundary, especially conciliation result of Timor Leste and Australia which is considered as an innovation in history of resolution for the dispute and also to suggest for the mechanism in solving maritime dispute, especially by Asia Pacific countries. In the discussion, Damos also appreciated the innovation reminding that conciliation result is not binding and remain submitted to the agreement of the parties.Currently, Indonesia still relies on negotiations because dialogue becomes the pillar in Indonesia's foreign policy.

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