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Wednesday, 11 April 2018 00:00

Mosaic of Indonesia

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The United States of America consulate for Sumatra region, Juha P Salin, accompanied by special official of political and economic sector, Rachma Jaurinata, discussed environmental issues and Leuser forest area for during this time which has become the attention of the world, on Tuesday (10/4). In the discussion in Banda Aceh, Juha P Salin asked about the issue of development which was conducted at Mt.Leuser National Park and has attracted the attention of the environmental activists, Non-governmental organization, even UNESCO. On the occasion, Vice Governor Nova Iriansyah, asserted that the government of Aceh very committed on forest protection. It is also part of Aceh Green program which is carried out by the government of Aceh. Vice governor Nova Iriansyah conveyed that the geothermal project infrastructure surrounding Mt. Leuser National Park which previously has been planned by the government of Aceh, is also canceled. The Vice governor added that the government of Aceh will establish cooperation of forest management with Oregon, the United States.

Governor of North Sulawesi, Olly Dondokambey, invited all young people in North Sulawesi to inflame nationalism for the unitary of republic of Indonesia. This was stated by the governor when attending ceremony on state potential, and also received barret to become honorable student regiment which was held at the campus of institute of public administration, Tampusu Minahasa, on Tuesday (10/4). The governor also invited young generation to play strategic role to defend the unitary of republic of Indonesia,. He stressed that young generation  must practice the national values and nationalism through love homeland action State’s defend becomes essential and must be practice by all citizens. The awareness to defend the state is the capital and basic of national strength, to protect the integrity and dignity of the people of Indonesia and state. Young generation must also be able to make changes to a better direction.

After conducting routine investigation for three days at class II immigration office of Nunukan, North Kalimantan, 6 of 8 Malaysian citizens which were secured by Nunukan immigration officer on Friday (7/4), were officially deported to Tawao, Malaysia,  on Tuesday (10/4) by using KM. Labuan Expres through Tunontaka port, Nunukan. Head of class II Nunukan immigration, Ferry Herling Ishak South, told RRI that the time for the investigation must be in accordance with data from consulate, to make sure that the 8 foreigners are Malaysians. Two Malaysians, name Nisran Bin Kadir and Amir Hamsyah Bin Umar will be deported separately while waiting for completeness of their document from the consulate. The 8 Malaysian citizens were participants of Grass Track National Championship Round 1 of Kalimantan Region. According to head of the group, Amir, the organizing committee guaranteed their arrival to Indonesia. With the guarantee from the committee, the 8 Malaysian citizens dared to take risk coming to Sebatik without passport. After arriving at Aji Kuning dock, Central Sebatik district, they were investigated by  Sebatik immigration post. During the investigation which was conducted by head of Sungai Pancang immigration post, Muhamad Anas Awalludin, the 8 Malaysian citizens could not show their travel documents to enter Indonesia.   Meanwhile, their 5 trail motorbikes are secured at the Customs office.

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