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Sunday, 16 May 2021 06:36

Indonesia's push crucial for UN peacekeeping mission to Palestine

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The Indonesian member of Commission I House of Representatives DPR RI, Sukamta - 



The Indonesian member of Commission I House of Representatives DPR RI, Sukamta urged the Indonesian government to strongly push the United Nations (UN) to deploy peacekeeping forces to Palestine.

"The deployment of peacekeepers in several countries facing conflicts has proven successful in reducing the escalation of conflicts," Sukamta noted in a statement here on Saturday.However, the PKS Faction deputy chairperson admitted that materializing such a peace mission would be challenging owing to the veto of the United States as a permanent member of the UNSC.

However, Sukamta is optimistic that all-out efforts would be made to contain the spread of violence and conflict.

"The Indonesian government can propose a deployment of peacekeepers in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict area through an emergency session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the United Nations," the legislator emphasized.

The member of Commission I DPR RI also urged the Indonesian government to ready peacekeeping troops for deployment in the Palestinian territories, if the UN were to take a decision to deploy peacekeepers in the Israeli-Palestinian buffer zone.


Sukamta praised Indonesia's commitment to realizing world peace by sending officers to join the UN peacekeeping missions in several countries, if conflict tensions between Israel and Palestine aggravated, it would cause the situation to spiral out of control and likely lead to an open war.In the event of this occurring, more civilian casualties would occur, such as during the Israeli military aggressions on Gaza in 2014 that resulted in 2,251 Palestinians being killed.

Earlier, Deputy Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW), had urged President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to take concrete steps to support the Palestinian independence in keeping with the promises he made while campaigning for the earlier presidential elections.

Wahid also drew attention to the Israeli forces' attacks on Palestinian worshippers in the Al Aqsa Mosque complex that inflicted injuries to over 300 Muslims.

He lauded President Jokowi's open statement on the forced eviction of Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem by Israel//ANT

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