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Tuesday, 25 June 2024 16:59

National Library donates 713 library in Bandung

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Acting Head of the National Library E. Aminudin Aziz simbolically give a book to Acting Governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin in Bandung on Tuesday June 25th 2024 (Photo : Perpusnas) - 



VOInews, Bandung : The book assistance program for 10 thousand reading rooms in village libraries and community reading parks (TBM) shows evidence of the benefits of the state's presence in society. The literacy emergency that occurs in Indonesia is not due to a low reading culture but rather the absence of reading books that suit the needs of people's reading interest.

"In fact, Commission X of the house of representative formed a Panja to look at Indonesia's literacy condition, the conclusion of which was that Indonesia was facing a literacy emergency," explained Acting Head of the National Library E. Aminudin Aziz at the socialization of the Indonesian Reading Movement program in Bandung, Tuesday (25/6/2024).

When the lack of reading books became a major problem, continued Amin, the National Library tried to synchronize with the program that had been initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture by providing reading books for children at PAUD and elementary school levels. 

“They must be taught correct reading habits. "Because the love of reading must be developed from an early age," he added.

The advancement of the internet has indeed changed people's reading habits. They prefer short reading texts. When given a long text, I become lazy. Even with the presence of the digital world, opinions arise, why do you still have to print books?

Responding to this, Amin emphasized that the ability to increase literacy is actually built when physically reading books. Physical relaxation will be much calmer than having to tire of looking at the screen while reading a digital book. The touch of hand on paper has a psychological impact.

"Therefore, until now the National Library and the Ministry of Education and Culture have never thought about stopping the book printing program because books play a much more important and significant role than reading on a device," he said.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Tuesday (25/06/24), the Acting Governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin, acknowledged what the Acting Director of National Library said. The party also felt a literacy emergency due to the limited availability of books.

Therefore, the West Java Provincial Government fully supports the National Library's Indonesia Reading Movement. From the assistance of 10 thousand village libraries or TBM, West Java province received 713 villages. Bey considers this effort a joint effort to increase community literacy as development capital//VOI

Read 148 times Last modified on Tuesday, 25 June 2024 23:46