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Saturday, 17 July 2021 10:18

Police chief asks ranks to step up social aid distribution

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Police chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, and Army Commander, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, distribute basic food assistance to residents in Turangga village, Lengkong, Bandung, West Java on Friday (July 16, 2021). (ANTARA/HO-Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police) - 


Chief of National Police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has asked all ranks to accelerate the distribution of social assistance among COVID-affected people during the imposition of emergency restrictions on community activities (PPKM).

He conveyed his instructions during a working visit with  Chief of the National Defence Forces (TNI)  Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, to the Micro PPKM Command Post in West Java on Friday.

"During this emergency PPKM, please help the community. Collect data and distribute assistance immediately. Give the best service to the community," said Prabowo, according to a written statement released by the National Police Public Relations Division.

He said his instructions on social aid applied to all ranks of the military and police in the regions, adding that he hoped the assistance would ease the burden on the community amid a spike in COVID-19 transmission.

He said he hoped people would use the government assistance properly to meet their daily needs so they would not have to venture out of their homes during the imposition of the emergency PPKM.

"This is assistance from the government delivered by the military and police. Hopefully, this assistance can be used optimally. And we urge the public not to leave the house during emergency PPKM," he added.

During Friday's visit, Prabowo and Tjahjanto distributed assistance among the community and observed mass vaccinations at the Arcamanik Youth Center, Bandung, West Java. The vaccination activity targeted 4,500 people.

"The military and police are coordinating with local governments in determining vaccination targets for the red zones. The President has asked us to inspect areas that have not been vaccinated," Prabowo informed.

During their visit, Prabowo and Tjahjanto also visited slum areas and distributed food packages to residents affected by the pandemic in the areas.

Earlier, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment. Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, said that President Joko Widodo has ordered his staff to ensure that people's basic needs are met amid the pandemic.

Hence, the military and police have been asked to distribute rice to the community, starting Wednesday this week, he added.

The minister, who is also deputy chair of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (PEN), said that military and police officers will distribute the rice aid to all eligible residents.

The government has also distributed 300 thousand packages of COVID-19 therapeutic medicines to asymptomatic and mild symptomatic patients, starting Wednesday this week, he further informed.

Panjaitan said the medicine packages would reach 210 thousand COVID-19 patients and military officers will be involved in their distribution//ANT

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