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Friday, 03 December 2021 13:49

Communications Ministry readies portal for Indonesia's G20 Presidency

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The Communications and Informatics Ministry has readied an information portal regarding Indonesia G20 to serve as a reference for Indonesia's Presidency in G20.

"Indonesia creates a new page in history by taking over the G20 presidency. The Indonesian Presidency's key message is Recover Together, Recover Stronger. We hope it would be implemented properly," Minister of Communications and Informatics Johnny G. Plate noted in a press release on Friday.

Indonesia had officially taken over the presidency in the G20 forum on December 1, 2021. The government had also launched the portal that will become the reference for the entire series of activities of the G20 Forum.

The portal is managed by the Communications and Informatics Ministry. The ministry will provide information in various languages from countries in the G20 forum.

"The portal is not only available in English. The ministry will provide various languages in it. At least, we will keep up with the previous G20 portals," Plate informed.

The government plans more than 150 activities for the G20 Presidency in nine cities in Indonesia.

The Sherpa Track will take place on December 7-9 and the Finance Track is scheduled on December 9-10.

The highlight of the G20, the Leaders’ Summit, will take place in October 2022.

Plate drew attention to two schemes for the two forums as a precautionary measure against obstacles due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

First, the meeting will be held virtually if the new coronavirus variant emerged.

Second, the government will hold the meeting in a hybrid format. However, if the pandemic is brought under better control, the government would make preparations for the meeting to be held physically.

"Of course, we are paying attention to the developments in terms of the number of COVID-19 cases. Currently, many G20 member countries are striving to control the spread of the new Omicron variant," Plate remarked.

The G20 meeting will not only be attended by leaders of G20 countries but also of several other multilateral organizations, including private institutions for the Working Group and the Engagement Group, the minister stated.

Indonesia prioritizes three issues for the G20 Presidency: inclusive healthcare, digital transformation, and energy transmission. (Antaranews)

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