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Monday, 13 December 2021 13:02

Manpower Ministry commits to implementing JKP Program in 2022

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Secretary-General of the Manpower Ministry Anwar Sanusi underscored the government's commitment to implementing the Job Loss Insurance (JKP) Program to commence in 2022.

"We remain committed to implementing this JKP. The regulations, from the government and the Manpower Ministry and Finance Ministry, have been completed," Sanusi noted during a discussion on job market access in JKP on Monday.

The secretary general remarked that based on the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the Job Creation Act, with the JKP program in it, the law is still valid until it is revised within two years.

The JKP aims to accommodate every employment issue, including termination of employment (PHK) with the government's assistance, he noted.

Sanusi informed that the JKP program provides three key benefits to workers: cash benefits to be offered for a maximum of six months, job training to help beneficiaries start working in new companies, and access to labor market information.

Specifically for labor market information, access was provided for JKP beneficiaries to get the actual and required information on ideas about new jobs or companies, he noted.

The job market information provided is not only for domestic jobs but also for job opportunities abroad, Sanusi remarked.

For job training, the government aims to provide training in an effort to help JKP beneficiaries to have competencies in the jobs they pursue.

However, Sanusi stated that the training will also offer provisions and directions to function as independent workers or entrepreneurs.

"The Ministry of Manpower has made several preparations, including those for building a system, which we know as Ready to Work (Siap Kerja)," he noted.

JKP is part of the social security assistance received by workers affected by layoffs that will receive various benefits. The government is preparing to start providing such assistance for workers in 2022. (Antaranews)

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