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Wednesday, 11 July 2018 00:00

Mosaic of Indonesia

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Non-commissioned Officer of village builder of 12/Mranggen of 0716/Demak Military District Command participated in helping farmers to harvest rice in Tani II season at Batursari village, Mranggen district, Demak regency, on Tuesday (10/7). The activity is one of ways to succeed the government’s program on self-sufficiency in food. Commander of 0716/Demak Military District Command, Lieutenant Colonel Abi Kusnianto, through Commander of 12/Mranggen Military Rayon Command, Capt. Rahmad Sugiarto, mentioned that the mentoring activity is begun with counseling. Capt. Rahmad Sugiarto said that Non-commissioned Officers are always ready to accompany the farmers and to coordinate with related party for succeeding national food security program in Demak regency. Furthermore, Rahmad Sugiarto explained that the activity is also to foster togetherness and still establish harmonious relations with the community. On the other side, the farmers responded the existence of the positive program and hoped it will increase their welfare.

Bandung regent, Dadang Naser opened the 102nd Indonesian military entering village 2018 in Bandung, West Java on Tuesday (10/7). The event which was conducted by 0609 Military District Command of Bandung, will be held for 31 days until August 8, 2018. Dadang Naser after opening the event, told the press that his party gave very high appreciation to 0609 Military District Command staffs on their role in helping to succeed development in the region. According to Dadang Naser, the personnel of the Indonesian military involved are willing to sacrifice for the region to be able to more advanced and not left behind the other regions. The event also supports Citarum Harum program which was planned by President Joko Widodo. The commander of 0609 Military District Command, Lieutenant Colonel Arhanud Andre Wira Kurniawan, told Radio Republik Indonesia that in the wartime, the Indonesian military soldiers fought against enemies with weapons to defend the state and the dignity of Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. But in peacetime, the Indonesian military still fights along with people to develop welfare, especially in remote regions such as Cibeurem village, Kertasari district, Bandung regency.

The activity of Mt. Agung on Monday is still high, marked by reappearing tremor harmonic and non-harmonic earthquake. Anwar Sidiq from Centre of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation said in press release on Tuesday (10/7), that since 00.00 until 12.00 Central Indonesian Time, the harmonic tremor happened 7 times, blowing tremor happened 10 times and shallow volcanic 1 time. Anwar Sidiq also said that based on monitoring data Mt. Agung is still high potential for eruption which throws rocks and lava, sand, and ash to outside of the crater. For that, the stakeholders are asked to increase readiness and to follow the activity of volcano by time to anticipate all changings which can happened fast. The same thing was conveyed by head of administration of Centre of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Gede Suantika, that volcanic activity of Mt.Agung. Centre of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigationis still in 4 kilometer area, because based on evaluation which was conducted by Centre of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, if Mt. Agungexplode, its exploition is still in radius of 4 kilometer.The evaluation will be conducted if based on data of Centre of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigationof Mt.Agung exploition is expected more than radius 4 kilometer.

Read 1231 times Last modified on Wednesday, 18 July 2018 19:21