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Thursday, 18 August 2022 13:46

Presidential Staff: President Aware of the World Challenges Climate Crisis

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Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office Wandy Tuturoong said President Joko Widodo realized that the world's challenge was the climate crisis. For this reason, the state speech delivered at the MPR Annual Session discussed many environmental issues.

"The challenges of the climate crisis in the future inevitably get closer," she told Pro3 RRI, Thursday (18/8/2022). "Even some countries have started to feel it."

The President in his speech at the MPR Annual Session was optimistic that Indonesia would be able to become a producer of competitive green products in the international market. Because Indonesia has abundant natural resources.

The president, according to Wandy, has a strategy to build strong economic performance as it is today. But on the one hand, the President also does not want to rule out other challenges, including climate change.

"We have to start even though the challenges we face are quite heavy, especially with the wars between Russia and Ukraine," she said. "It has been conveyed by the President starting from the grand industrial or the Capital of the Archipelago, which will soon begin its ground breaking." (RRI)

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