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Friday, 19 August 2022 13:44

Airlangga Says Risk of Corruption Increases in Crisis Times

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Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said the risk of corruption is easy to occur during a crisis, not least during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, according to him, the uncertainty of the financial climate is also a risk factor for corruption.

"We must not be careless in dealing with problems. The risk of corruption and violations in corporate governance also increases during a crisis," said Airlangga in the B20-G20 Dialogue: Integrity and Compliance Task Force, Friday (19/8/2022).

The risks, said Coordinating Minister Airlangga, are in the form of bribery, money laundering, terrorism financing, and cyber crime. This was triggered by a number of factors, such as the volatile financial climate, the shifting of the company's focus on risk mitigation and crisis management, to the increasing threat of cybersecurity along with the rapid digital transformation during the pandemic.

"For this reason, companies are required to be able to take adequate corruption mitigation steps. This is through the implementation of good corporate governance practices and transparency in reporting," he said.

According to him, good governance based on transparency will maintain national and even international security, as well as support business operations. As part of the Open Government Partnership, the government seeks to build synergies with all stakeholders.

This, he continued, in order to support the eradication of corrupt practices. And create a pandemic response that is transparent, effective and fair in the long term.

In the G20 Indonesia Presidency, this synergy is carried out in various ways, including through the G20 Digital Economy Working Group (DEWG). The government encourages G20 member countries to adopt the common principles of Cross-border Data Flow and Reliable Free Flow of Data consisting of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, and reciprocity.

"The Trusted Flow of Data is one form of structural transformation. This is to create a balanced, inclusive, and multilateral global order," he said.

In addition, there is also the Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) which focuses on increasing transparency and accountability for both the public and private sectors. Then, through the Paris agreement, Indonesia will also increase the transparency of various efforts in dealing with the impacts of climate change as a commitment.

He added that it was also to advocate for a green economy. So as to achieve the sustainable development agenda in 2030.

“In the midst of uncertainty, B20 raised issues that are very important to maintain business sustainability. This is very important," Airlangga concluded. (RRI)

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