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Friday, 21 October 2022 11:03

Government Continues to Commit to Build Papua

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The government has taken two approaches to developing Papua. This was done during the last three years of the leadership of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

"Such as the infrastructure and human resources (HR) approach. These two approaches are the basis for development in Papua and of course this will continue," said Deputy V for Security and Human Rights of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardani in a written statement, Friday. (21/10/2022).

Jaleswari hopes that the Papuan regional government will follow up on the basis that has been built. Especially by getting closer and building a two-way communication pattern.

"Especially with the people who are spread all over the Earth of Cendrawasih. How public services and the fulfillment of people's rights continue to be prioritized," he said.

He said President Jokowi at every opportunity has emphasized the national development paradigm. Even now it is not Java or Sumatra centric, but must be oriented towards Indonesia centric.

"Since the beginning of his administration, the President has been committed to building a centric Indonesia starting from the Land of Papua. The President has visited Papua 15 times. That is important because the Head of State sees it based on data and facts," he said.

The infrastructure approach, he continued, was also carried out by the President starting from education to health services. This has been consistently carried out since the first period of government until the second period together.

"The commitment to bring social justice for all Indonesian people. Without exception in Papua and West Papua, it will continue to be maintained," he said.

This is also stated in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua. This Presidential Instruction requires 43 ministries/institutions to participate in accelerating the development of the welfare of the Land of Papua.

"So, it's not just a commitment to visit there which has been there 15 times, but with the issuance of regulations that support all of them. It's in the National Medium-Term Development Plan, specifically for Papua it is a National Priority Program," he said. (RRI)

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