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Thursday, 27 October 2022 14:36

ASEAN Foreign Ministers Discusses Five-Point Consensus Implementation

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The ASEAN Foreign Ministers held a Special ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting in Jakarta. The meeting specifically discussed the issue of Myanmar, mainly related to the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus (5PC).

The Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi in a Press Briefing of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jakarta Thursday (27/10) said the meeting of the Foreign Ministers was carried out as a follow-up to the agreement on the informal meeting of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers in New York City, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. last September.

"The purpose of this Special Meeting is to provide input on the issue of Myanmar to ASEAN leaders who will meet at the November summit in Phnom Penh under the chairmanship of Cambodia," said the Foreign Minister.

Furthermore, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi also explained that President Joko Widodo had sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Cambodia, Hun Sen on September 16 that the upcoming ASEAN Summit was important to discuss the implementation of the 5PC.


“PM Hun Sen has replied to the letter and said that he has assigned ASEAN Foreign Ministers to prepare it. So that is the background of today's Special Meeting of ASEAN Foreign Ministers," she stressed.

In addition, Foreign Minister Retno said the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' meeting was held in a very open atmosphere. Many sensitive issues were discussed. As a family, it is important to have an open discussion for the good of all.

According to the Foreign Minister, the approach to keeping problems under the carpet should no longer be an option in the ASEAN working mechanism.

Foreign Minister Retno conveyed a few points during the meeting. First, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers expressed their concern and disappointment with the lack of significant progress from the implementation of the 5PC.

This concern is clear and some countries have expressed frustration at the lack of progress.

According to Retno, instead of progressing, the situation is even said to have worsened. The language used by the Chair is "deteriorating and worsening." And this is a reflection of what was conveyed by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers.

“This situation is, of course, very unfortunate. 5PC is the decision of the ASEAN leaders, is the result of a special meeting where General Min Aung Hlaing was also present and is intended to help Myanmar overcome its political crisis," said the Foreign Minister.

Second, at the meeting, Indonesia also expressed concern about the continued increase in violence in Myanmar which has claimed many victims of civilians. Indonesia also conveys data on the increase in violence that has occurred since the coup until now. Other Foreign Ministers also expressed concern about the continued occurrence of acts of violence that claimed civilian casualties. The attack carried out by the Myanmar Military Junta during a music concert in Kachin must be condemned and unacceptable.

The Foreign Minister also explained that Indonesia conveyed its condolences and sympathy to the victims and their families. According to her, acts of violence must again be stopped immediately. Indonesia conveyed that this message must be conveyed to the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed Forces).

"Still related to violence, the ASEAN Chair has given a statement regarding the importance of ending violence on Wednesday (10/26). Without a cessation of violence, there will be no conducive conditions for resolving this political crisis," said Retno.

Third, Indonesia emphasizes the importance of immediate engagement with all stakeholders as mandated by 5PC. Engagement with all stakeholders is clearly in the 5PC. So when Indonesia emphasizes the importance of it, it is solely in the context of 5PC implementation.

Retno said for the record, engagement with the Military Junta was only carried out as part of engagement with all stakeholders. Engagement with the military has nothing to do with recognition issues.

"We believe that only with engagement with all stakeholders, ASEAN will be able to carry out its function to facilitate dialogue. And it is this national dialogue that is expected to be able to discuss the future of Myanmar," said Retno.

The Foreign Minister said that the Myanmar problem can only be solved by the Myanmar people themselves. Therefore, according to Retno, dialogue between them is very important and ASEAN's task is to facilitate it.

Fourth, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers meeting also discussed how humanitarian assistance can be continued, provided that humanitarian assistance can reach the people who need it.

Foreign Minister Retno said the ASEAN Secretary General in the meeting reported that so far a commitment of USD 27 million has been received for humanitarian assistance in Myanmar, especially for the first phase, namely the life-saving phase.

As is well known, ASEAN humanitarian assistance is divided into two phases:


  • Phase I: life-saving, still running with a commitment of USD 27 million.
  • Phase II: life-sustaining, where the AHA Center must conduct a comprehensive assessment.

However, this assessment has not been completed due to the lack of access from the military junta.

Access is the key to humanitarian aid to reach people in need. And this issue will be followed up by the Secretary General of ASEAN and the AHA Center.

ASEAN Foreign Ministers' meetings must draw up recommendations for next month's summit in Phnom Penh. Recommendations will be formulated, of course, through the Chair and will be consulted with ASEAN member countries.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs also explained that the consultation process regarding recommendations will continue to be carried out by the Foreign Ministers which will later be submitted to the Leaders for consideration.


According to Retno, at the ASEAN Foreign Ministers meeting, Indonesia submitted several elements of recommendations that can be used as input in the preparation of the overall recommendations. will be presented to the Leaders.

In addition, Foreign Minister Retno said this meeting was to prepare for a summit in Phnom Penh in November 2022, which included a special session that would discuss the implementation of the 5PC. (VOI)

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