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Saturday, 29 October 2022 10:54

Five Million Doses of Pfizer Vaccine Ready to Use

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A total of five million doses of Pfizer vaccine from Covax's grant have been distributed to 25 provinces in Indonesia. This is done as an effort to fulfill the COVID-19 vaccine stock which was empty in several areas.

"This is our effort to speed up the injection of complete to booster doses of vaccine," said the Director General of Disease Prevention and Control, dr. Maxi Rein Rondonuwu in an official statement in Jakarta, Saturday (10/29/2022).

Half of the vaccines have been distributed to provinces/districts/municipalities, while the rest is the central stock buffer. "We provide the allocation according to requests from the regions," said Maxi.

Maxi reminded that the flow of vaccine injection must be carried out correctly before the storage period ends in February 2023. In accordance with the storage principles of Early Expired First Out (EEFO) and First In First Out (FIFO).

Other considerations for using the Pfizer vaccine include:

1. Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine is a COVID-19 vaccine with an mRNA platform administered in 2 doses (@ 0.3 ml) intramuscularly with an interval of 21 days. This vaccine can be given to the age group from 12 years and above as referred to in the BPOM factsheet and the recommendation of the Immunization Expert Advisory Committee.

2. To support the quality of the vaccine, this vaccine can be stored with the following storage temperature management

a. -70°C in Ultra Low Temperature (ULT) cold chain to support vaccine shelf life of 6 months

b. -20°C in the freezer with a shelf life of 2 weeks

c. temperature 2 – 8 °C in a vaccine refrigerator with a shelf life of 30 days

3. Planning must be done carefully so that the vaccine can be used before the shelf life ends with ED February 2023

4. Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine is used to meet the need for a 2 (two) dose and a booster dose of COVID-19.

5. In their use, all vaccines observe the _Early Expired First Out_ (EEFO) principle, then the _First In First Out_(FIFO) principle, or in accordance with other binding provisions

6. To support the optimization of the use of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, coordination with related LS/LPs and health service networks in their respective work areas can be carried out by paying attention to vaccine storage management, administration of COVID-19 vaccination as well as technical recording and reporting in accordance with with applicable technical instructions. (RRI)

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