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Monday, 21 November 2022 10:48

Ministry adopts German system to produce competent work trainers

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The Industry Ministry adopts the in-company training system that has been implemented by Germany in Indonesia to produce competent workplace master trainers.

Under the in-company training system, workers are trained by professional trainers in accordance with the German Ordinance on Trainer Aptitude (AEVO).

"The benefit of this system is that companies can produce competent manpower that truly meet the companies' demand and need," Head of the Industry Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) Arus Gunawan noted through a statement, Sunday.

"This can save cost, time, and manpower in the recruitment process," he added.

The ministry's BPSDMI was actively involved in the formulation of the Vocational Education and Training Development National Strategy as a derivative from Presidential Regulation No. 68 of 2022.

This encompasses the provision of workplace trainers as one of the main aspects of vocational education and training.

"The demand for workplace trainers is estimated to rise, especially since the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadinda) across Indonesia can provide in-company trainer training service," he remarked.

To support the provision of workplace trainers in Indonesia, the ministry has organized master trainer training that aims to train and produce workplace trainers in Indonesia.

"This program is done in collaboration with the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Indonesian Kadin (Chamber of Commerce and Industry), IHK Trier Partnership Program (German), GIZ-TSR (German), and Swisscontact's S4C Program (Switzerland)," Gunawan noted.

The training has 16 participants, who are the best Ausbildung der Ausbilder International Basic (AdAIB) training graduates from various regions, and the selection process is quite stringent.

"For five days, participants are trained by Senior Masters, and there will be an exam at the end of the training," Head of BPSDMI's Industry Vocational Education Development Center (PPPVI) Restu Yuni Widayati stated.

According to Widayati, the requirement to become a Workplace Trainer through the program is to be a permanent worker, be healthy, and have training methodology and technical competence.

Moreover, they must be appointed by their managers and understand internship regulation.

"Workplace trainers are also in charge of intern selection, intern work flow plan formulation, and vocational training material implementation in companies, so that the interns' quality meets the expectation," she explained.

After participating in the activity, participants will receive assignments as instructors in workplace trainer training in Indonesia.

"To this end, participants are expected to prepare themselves, continue to strengthen cooperation, and be supportive of one another. This is because Master Trainer is part of the Industry Vocational Education ecosystem," she remarked. (Antaranews)

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