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Thursday, 23 March 2023 14:21

Indonesia Supports Strengthening IMT-GT Cooperation

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Jakarta (voinews): Deputy for Coordination of International Economic Cooperation of the Coordinating Economic Affairs Ministry, Edi Prio Pambudi, assessed that the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) cooperation should be strengthened to generate broader benefits for each country.

"IMT-GT cooperation needs to take into account risks and opportunities from global dynamics and megatrends to realize the IMT-GT Vision 2036," Pambudi who led the Indonesian delegation at the IMT-GT Strategic Planning Meeting said in a statement here, Thursday.

During the meeting, delegates from IMT-GT member countries discussed eight areas of cooperation, including agriculture, tourism, halal products, digital transformation, trade and investment, environment, connectivity, and human resource development.

In addition, the development of cooperation between academics and business actors was discussed.

Furthermore, a series of priority agendas for 2023 include the 15th IMT-GT Summit that will take place on the sidelines of the 42nd ASEAN Summit in May, the 30th anniversary of the IMT-GT, and the 2023-2025 IMT-GT Visit Year.

"The age of 30 is the ideal age for the IMT-GT cooperation to reflect and play an active role in the current and future multidimensional crisis," Pambudi affirmed.

Pambudi drew attention to several important issues to be considered in the future, including boosting connectivity to facilitate the flow of goods, people, and capital.

In addition, the adoption of digital technology, including for the development of MSMEs, accelerating energy transition, and increasing the benefits of IMT-GT strategic commodities in trade, are perceived as being of concern.

In particular, Pambudi also conveyed directions related to food security, sustainability of the agricultural sector, increasing various stakeholders in reopening tourist attractions, and digitizing sub-regions.

Closing the meeting, several senior officials also gave directions to each working group regarding ongoing projects and proposed new projects. (Antaranews)

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