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Wednesday, 15 May 2024 00:00

Development policy literacy as a National Priority

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Deputy for Human Development, Society and Culture, Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas Amich Alhumami, giving his remarks on the National Sector Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) Library (Photo : Perpusnas) - 



VOInews, Jakarta : Deputy for Human Development, Society and Culture, Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas Amich Alhumami, said that the government has a dream to become a developed country within the next two decades. He conveyed this at the National Sector Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) Library, which took place at the Mercure Hotel, Jakarta on Tuesday (14/5/2024).

Meanwhile, Amich presented material with the title "Development policy literacy as a National Priority in the 2025 – 2029 RPJMN”. “Indonesia can become a developed country, characterized by high achievements in many fields. In relevant development sectors and will indicate for creating a quality nation. Reflected in economic productivity, achievements in development of education, science and technological innovation which are barometers for see whether the nation has good achievements or not," he explained.

However, continued Amich, currently the human capital index is only 0.54 percent. That This means that people born today will become productive humans 18 years later with that percentage.

“This is relatively low, meaning there must be an increase in the sector health and education. "Because literacy skills will be reflected there," he added.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Tuesday (14/05/24), in realizing the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045, education plays an important role creating superior and quality human resources with literacy skills. “Want to come in Companies must demonstrate good literacy skills, reading work manual, understand instructions, oriented to the work field and responsible for the task at hand," he explained. 

Amich said that in Golden Indonesia 2045, the government also has a vision education 2045. With a population of 278 million people, if an analysis is made Population structure according to age group and level of education, majority 59 percent of the population only graduated from junior high school/madrasah tsanawiyah (MTs) and below. 

“Literacy is important in the future and can both identify and strengthen. There is no absolute doubt that the increasingly advanced world is developing and competitive. It requires the most elementary and complex literacy skills. Through literacy can encourage societal transformation in various dimensions of life, even by utilizing technology, including artificial intelligence, to achieve achievements high," he said//VOI

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