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Friday, 21 June 2019 13:24

Gulai Talang from Jambi

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In the past, Batanghari people of Jambi province had cooking habit for lunch at garden which was called talang or ketalang in the local language. The food is called Gulai Talang. The local people of Jambi usually make the food for lunch, taken from materials which are easily found at the garden such as duck, partridge and mouse deer which could be hunted in surrounding garden. The Gulai Talang has simple ingredients, such as salt, red onion, garlic, chili, coriander, ginger, curcuma and lemongrass. Although, the food is cooked by using spices, gulai talang has unique tastes, a blend of spicy, sweet and sour. Currently, the local people of Jambi has gulai talang eating tradition, which is called masak talang, in of local community’s home which will hold celebration event. The Gulai Talang eating tradition is usually by a resident who wants to perform wedding event. The masak talang tradition is conducted at night before the party being held. In the masak talang tradition, all residents gather at the house. In the eating together which is called makan behidang, the gulai talang is served in a tray for three to four persons. Currently, Gulai Talang cannot only be eaten in celebration event or party. Anyone can try the typical culinary of Jambi at food stalls in the region. For example the brestaurant on Jalan lintas Batanghari-Tebo. The price is relatively cheap, only Rp.10,000 - Rp.15,000 per portion. In addition gulai talang, in Batanghari has also some other culinaries, such as gulai terjun. It is called gulai terjun, because all ingredients of the food such as bufallo’s meat, undak, coconut milk, chili and spices are cooked together. The situation is called by the local people with terjun means at once.

Read 1331 times Last modified on Monday, 24 June 2019 10:01