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Indonesian Wonder (630)


Meat Village is located in Tampahan District, Toba Regency, North Sumatra. This village is one of 34 spots for developing Lake Toba tourism which was initiated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Located under the hills with a population of approximately 900 people with a village area of approximately 300 hectares, the residents of the Meat Village make a living as fishermen and Ulos craftsmen. The  Meat Village is also one of the locations for the annual '1000 Caldera Tent' event. This event is the only village community-based festival that aims to develop tourism through an artistic and cultural approach.

In addition, the village which is estimated to be 300 years old also has several traditional Batak houses; one of which is decorated with typical Batak carvings. There are also paintings of people wearing VOC uniforms worn during the Dutch colonial era. Villages that still uphold their culture through traditions that are still being carried out today are the advantages of this tourism village. The facilities for tourists who visit this village are quite complete, ranging from homestays that are being built, restaurants typical of the Meat village community to toilets that are kept clean.

The village can be reached within 30 minutes from Sisimangaraja XII International Airport or Silangit Airport by motor vehicles and it presents a stretch of green hills from a height with the arrangement of village hamlets located far apart in the background. At first glance, the scenery looks like New Zealand or the rice fields in Bali. The green hills with terraced rice fields and a view overlooking Lake Toba fascinate anyone who comes to visit.


Tumpang Koyor

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The Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, recently proposed the City of Salatiga, Central Java to be nominated for Creative City of Gastronomy to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN). According to Mayor of Salatiga, Yuliyanto, as a miniature of Indonesia, Salatiga is a place where various ethnicities and tribes mingle with culinary diversity with unique flavors. This fact has resulted in meaningful acculturation which is the uniqueness of Salatiga City; one of which is a variety of cuisines. Mayor Yuliyanto also said that Salatiga is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia, with a long history of rich cultural heritage and culinary variety. In Salatiga's long history, one of the great legacies of its food recipe is Tumpang Koyor, which was found in the Serat Centini manuscript in 1814.

Tumpang Koyor, this Salatiga typical food may seem unattractive. But the taste will make you addicted. The main ingredient is Tempe Semangit. Tempe Semangit is the one that has been fermented to an advanced stage for up to two until three days. Among the Javanese people, such tempe is often called Tempe Bosok or rotten. Tempe is what makes this dish so special. The other main ingredients are Tetelan and Koyor or Tunjang. Tetelan is a piece of beef which is actually a piece of meat that is attached to the bone. Meanwhile, Tunjang is cow's trotter. Cooking Tumpang Koyor uses spices, such as shallots, garlic, Kencur, lime leaves, Salam, Galangal, and chili, and then mixed with coconut milk. This dish is called Tumpang because when it is cooked, it uses a pan that is placed on the stove for at least two hours.

A portion of Tumpang Koyor is usually served with tofu skin. When eaten, there is a combination of savory, spicy, slightly sour, with a soft texture. The dish is usually eaten with a serving of warm rice or a bowl of porridge. In Salatiga itself, it is not difficult to find Tumpang Koyor. There are many restaurants selling this special food at a relatively affordable price. It is around Rp25,000 to 30,000/serving. Do you want to try it? Come to Solo City, Central Java.



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When having a culinary tour, especially Indonesian traditional snacks, you will find a variety of traditional foods that are almost the same in several regions in Indonesia. For example, if you are on a culinary tour in areas on the island of Java and Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi, you will find a traditional snack called ongol-ongol. This wet cake has a chewy, soft texture with a sweet taste. This cake can be round, square or rectangular, depending on the taste of the maker. However, ongol-ongol is usually rectangular.

Ongol-ongol is made from dry sago flour, palm sugar, pandan leaves, salt, and water. These ingredients are mixed and cooked until done. Then the dough is moved to another container. After the dough is cool, ongol-ongol is ready to be served with a sprinkle of grated coconut on top. Because it uses brown sugar, ongol-ongol is brownish. But now, you can find ongol-ongol with a variety of colors, because it uses dye.

Besides having more variants of colors, now ongol-ongol is also made from various foodstuffs, such as pumpkin, purple sweet potato, cassava, and glutinous rice. Ongol-ongol is usually eaten with a cup of hot tea or coffee. It is not difficult to find ongol-ongol, you can find it easily in traditional markets. The price is quite affordable, around Rp5,000 to Rp10,000 per serving.


Flores is one of the islands in East Nusa Tenggara. The island is famous for its various exotic lakes. One of them is Lake Lotus in Pota Village, Sambi Rampas District, East Manggarai Regency which is very different from other lakes. The lake is named Lake Rana Tonjong which is the second largest lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) lake in the world after the same lake in India. In the East Manggarai language, 'Rana' means lake and 'Tonjong' means lotus which means Lake Lotus. The pink lotus flower, which blooms, is very beautiful. The plant only grows on water and has leaf morphology in the form of a wide round leaf with a diameter of about 5 to 10 centimeters. The uniqueness of this lotus plant is that its stems stand straight and do not spread like other lotuses with a height of approximately 3 meters. In fact, this lotus flower can bloom depending on the water that enters the lake.

Lake Lotus has an area of 2.5 hectares. The Lotus flowers always bloom from April to June every year. Even, the lotus seeds can be eaten by the local people to cure various diseases. The protein content of this lotus seed is very high. The residents around this lake, who come from Pota Village, always take the fruit to eat. It tastes like peanuts. Uniquely, this giant lotus cannot grow anywhere else. This type of lotus is only found in two places, namely in India and in Pota, Sambi Rampas, East Manggarai. To visit the place, you can enjoy the beautiful lotus flower in bloom. Don't forget to capture it with your camera.

Lake Rana Tonjong is located in lowland surrounded by hills in the west, south and north, while in the east there is a fairly large area of rice fields belonging to the local community. Lake Rana Tonjong is also a natural habitat for freshwater fish, rice field snakes and frogs, as well as some white swans, eagles and storks that also want to find prey here. If you want to come to Lake Rana Tonjong, you can travel from Ruteng, the capital of Manggarai Regency via Reo to Pota. Then, your journey continues to Rana Tonjong with a distance of about 90 kilometers and can be reached in 4 hours by motor vehicles.


The dance is created from the fairy tales of the people of Ogan Kemering Ilir, South Sumatra. It tells about the greatness of a princess, who has strength in her index finger. Allegedly, when the princess points her finger up, the thunder will blaze.

Generally, Puteri Telunjuk Sakti dance is performed by five or more female dancers. It depends on the size of the stage. But, the number must be odd, because one person must act as the princess. The dance movement is dominated by hand movements which symbolize women have power, namely in their actions. At the beginning of the dance, four dancers will form a sitting cross-legged formation, and the princess will continue to dance by getting on a higher place. At the end, all the dancers will take out a dagger and draw it into the sky as a symbol of the true power of women. The dance is accompanied by a combination of traditional South Sumatran musical instruments, including drums, gongs, percussion, and other percussion instruments, and it is also given a touch of accordion as a characteristic of Sumatran Malay music. These various musical instruments are combined with other modern musical instruments, such as guitar and bass.

The dancers of Puteri Telunjuk Sakti wear traditional South Sumatran clothes which are dominated by gold color. The head is decorated with a siger which is equipped with a knitted jasmine flower. While the bottom part of the dancer's clothes is wrapped in black Songket cloth with floral motifs. The left and right hips of the dancers are equipped with scarves and tucked into a dagger.

The dance shows the masculine side of women. In this case, women are actually strong figures and even have hidden strengths. By taking the fairy tale of the princess in its movements, the dance of Puteri Telunjuk Sakti breaks the hegemony of masculine culture. The dance also shows how the people of Ogan Komering Ilir really respect the position of women.


Sego Boranan

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Published in Indonesian Wonder

Sego Boranan

Having a culinary tour is not only about Soto Lamongan. There is also Sego Boranan, which is delicious too. Sego boranan consists of rice, spices, urap, rempeyek and other side dishes such as empuk (fried flour) and pletuk (peanuts and aking rice crumbs).Urap is a dish, which contains cooked vegetables mixed with seasoned grated coconut. While rempeyek is fried rice flour filled with peanuts. Sego Baronan is usually hunted every Lebaran Eid festivity arrives. But now, the typical food of Lamongan can be enjoyed in every corner of Lamongan city.

The word boranan derives from the rice container, which is made of woven bamboo. Usually this container is carried by using a scarf. To look more attractive, the seller of Sego Boranan will serve it by using pincuk from banana leaves and woven bamboo plates. In its serving, Sego Boranan is covered with urap. Don't forget to add urap seasoning from the grated coconut, stir-fried spices and some sambal or chili paste.

For the side dishes, a variety of choices are offered. These include chicken, offal, milkfish, omelet, salted egg, tofu, and tempeh. Another unique side dish that is not found in other foods is Sili fish, which is more expensive than the other side dishesSili fish is a freshwater fish that can only be found wild in swamps or rivers. This typical Lamongan rice is usually sold around the city markets in Lamongan for 24 hours. The price varies. For one portion it is usually sold Rp10,000, but specifically for Sili fish, one portion can be Rp15,000 to Rp25,000 depending on the size of the Sili fish.


The island of the gods, Bali has a lot of charming views that are hard to forget. There are not only its traditions that attract tourists, but also its beautiful  natural panoramas. Bali has a series of beautiful beaches that are already famous abroad. One of them is Kelingking Beach which was recently crowned the most popular on Instagram. Kelingking Beach is located in the Nusa Penida area.  Its popularity is recognized by The site analyzed more than 26 million Instagram hashtags with the keywords Most Popular Beach in The World. They also count posts about certain beaches. As a result, Kelingking Beach ranks at the top of the list. A total of 338 thousand photos accompanied by the hashtag #PantaiKelingking prove the popularity of this natural tourism attraction among domestic and foreign tourists. Kelingking also won the title of the Most Instagrammable Beach 2021.

This beach is named Kelingking because on the beach there is a rock that looks like a little finger. The Paluang Cliff on Kelingking Beach resembles the neck of a Tyrannosaurus or T-Rex. That's the Paluang Cliff which is the hallmark of Kelingking Beach. The name, Paluang was given according to the name of the temple there. To take pictures and witness the natural beauty of this cliff, you need to walk down wooden stairs which are quite energy-consuming. Kelingking Beach offers not only photogenic beach views, but also an attraction that you must try when visiting this beach, namely diving at Manta Point. Not a few tourists visit Kelingking Beach, who take the time to dive with dozens of manta stingrays surrounded by exotic coral reefs. Kelingking Beach is included in the marine conservation area of The Global Coral Triangle belonging to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). You can also visit other attractive beaches in the vicinity, such as Atuh Beach, Crystal Bay Beach, Broken Beach, and Angel's Billabong.

If you plan to visit this hidden paradise on the island of Nusa Penida,  you should come in the morning around 7 am local time, because at that time. it is still quiet from visitors and you can enjoy the beauty of this beach without too much disturbance. The price of admission to Kelingking beach is officially only charged Rp 5,000 for local tourists. If you have an adventurous spirit and usually like hiking a mountain, you can go down to the white beach at Kelingking beach. Kelingking Beach has a very stunning sea gradation which also complements the beauty of this beach. Even though you can't swim in the amazing water, you are guaranteed to be never disappointed, because there are many photo spots that can be explored in this place.


Drini Beach is located in Ngestirejo Village, Tanjungsari District, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. The distance is 60 kilometers or about 2 to 3 hours by motor vehicles from Yogyakarta City. During the trip, visitors will be treated to a very beautiful view of the coral hills. Arriving at the entrance, visitors have to walk about 400 meters to get to Drini Beach. On this beach, there is a gazebo located on this beach. In addition, on this beach there are also several food stalls that provide a variety of appetizing seafood.

The attraction of Drini beach lies in a large rock in the middle of the beach and divides this beach into two sides, namely the West and East sides. This coral looks so beautiful that it looks like a small island floating in the middle of the beach. It is said that the island is overgrown with Santigi, or local people usually call it "drini". That's why this beach and island is named "Drini". When the sea is receding, you can go to this island. On this island was built a lighthouse where from the tower you can see an amazingly beautiful view. Here you can also clearly see the seaweed among the sea corals and other marine life.

A coral island on the shore divides Drini Beach into two parts with opposite characters. On the east side, you will be treated to towering cliffs, combined with sturdy rocks that make the shores be protected from the fierce waves. If it's low tide, you can see small fish swimming. You can walk to the middle of the sea, far from the beach but you have to be careful with sharp corals. The west side is also interesting. The gently sloping terrain makes this side very pleasant for playing in the water. On this side, many people swim and enjoy the freshness of the water of Drini Beach. On the edge of the sea, rows of fishing boats line up ready to wade through the fierce waves of the Indian Ocean.


If you travel to Malang, East Java, you can visit a lot of tourism destinations, especially if you like to take photos for yourself. One of them is Taman Langit Gunung Banyak or Taman Langit Malang. It has various interesting photo spots. You can also take photos with the background of Gunung Banyak and views of Malang City. It is located in Brau Hamlet, Gunungsari Village, Bumiaji sub- district, precisely in the Gunung Banyak area, Malang, East Java.

There are various unique and interesting photo spots at Taman Langit Gunung Banyak, starting from fairy tale photo spots, grass beds, giant white swans, winged princesses to unique bird nests. You can try them one by one. After you are satisfied with taking selfies, you can try paragliding activities at Tandem Paragliding. You can also parachute with an officially licensed guide man. You only need to pay Rp 400,000 for a single flight with a duration of 15 to 20 minutes. If you are interested, Tandem Paragliding operates from 8 am to 4 pm.

When you are tired of paragliding, you can relax for a moment at the Café located in the area of Taman Langit Gunung Banyak. At the Café, namely “Cangkruk Manuk”, you can enjoy various traditional dishes, starting from Javanese fried rice, Tempe Mendoan, fried tape, to Cangkruk noodles. If you want to spend your time all night, Taman Langit Gunung Banyak provides lodging. If you go with your family, you can book an inn that consists of two floors, namely “Gardu Pantau”. The price per night on weekdays is Rp750,000, while on weekends it is Rp850,000 per night. The price includes a suite bathroom, hot water, and breakfast.  Then, you can also stay at the Lavender Villa. The price per night is Rp500,000 for weekdays and Rp650,000 for holidays. The price includes a bathroom, hot water, and breakfast.


Sade is one of the hamlets in the village of Rembitan, Pujut, Central Lombok. The village is only 13 kilometers or 25 minutes away by car from the airport. This village is known as a village that maintains the customs of the Sasak tribe. The Sasak Sade tribe is well known among tourists who come to Lombok. The local Tourism Office has made Sade as tourism village because of the Sade Village’s uniqueness and the Sasak tribe that live in it. Even though it is located right next to a smooth asphalt highway, the residents of Sade Village in Rembitan still strongly maintains the authenticity of the village. Sade Village still displays the atmosphere of the original Lombok native village. It can be seen from the house building that seems very traditional. The roof is made of fibers and some the roofs are made of bamboo without nails; the walls are made of woven bamboo, and are directly grounded on the earth. The Sasak Sade people name the building, Bale.

There are eight Bales, namely Bale Tani, Jajar Sekenam, Bonter, Beleq, Berugag, Tajuk and Bencingah. Those Bales are distinguished from their function. In this village, there are 150 houses with 150 heads of families with a total of 700 people. This village has been inhabited for 15 generations. In the past, many of the population adhered to Islam Wektu Telu (only three prayers a day). But now, many Sade residents have left the Wektu Telu and embraced Islam completely. Uniquely, the villagers have a special habit of mopping the floor using buffalo dung to beautify and strengthen the floor. So, the function of buffalo dung is as an adhesive so that the floor is not porous.

Woven fabrics and accessories from threads, such as bracelets and necklaces are the expertise of the women of the Sade village. The women of the Sade Village must be able to weave. They can even get married if they are good at weaving. Sade village has an unusual marriage tradition, namely eloping marriages, where a man will elope the woman he likes and takes her away. Afterwards, the man asked for the blessing of the woman's family. This tradition is still carried out by the Sade community to this day. Proposals, and fiancées or proposing are considered a violation of custom. Amid the modernity, the Sasak Sade tribe still maintains their customs and traditions. Naturally, some tourists flock to get to know more about this village that has existed since 1500 years ago.