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Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan chaired the Coordination Meeting on Support for the 2022 G20 Presidency in Nusa Dua Bali, Thursday afternoon (25-11-2021). The meeting was attended by officials from the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Secretariat, Ministry of PUPR, Head of LPS, TNI and Polri.

“At this meeting, we want to ensure the smooth running of 182 activities in the 2022 G20 Summit which will be held in various locations. For that, I ask for thorough preparation in various aspects," said Coordinating Minister Luhut.

Starting the meeting, Coordinating Minister Luhut explained the follow-up directions to ensure the smooth implementation of the G20 Summit next year. He conveyed to the Ministry of State Secretariat, Kominfo, Ministry of Trade, TNI, and Ministry of Health to make event service standards in each field that can be applied to a series of G20 activities.

"We are here to work as a team. We work with good preparation, then the results will be good. Like when we held the IMF-WB Annual Meeting, all parties looked down on them, but we proved that this nation is a great nation that can solve its problems," he said.

He conveyed that all agencies and parties involved should be proud and work sincerely and not feel that the institution is the greatest, because the organization is a team work.

“I ask everyone present today not to just talk, everyone must set a target. Success in achieving the target is the measure of success later, "added Coordinating Minister Luhut.

Regarding the implementation of the health protocol during the activity, Coordinating Minister Luhut requested that the Minister of Health be included in Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2021 concerning the National Committee for the Implementation of the Indonesian G20 Presidency in 2022.

In this regard, the Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, said that he had directed the committee to provide a sense of security to the G20 participants.
“Security is certainly in the health sector. We must be able to show that the health protocols are strictly implemented to show that we can really control the implementation of the health protocols in our country,” explained Minister of Health Budi.

He also explained that his party was preparing written guidelines for the summit participants related to the implementation of health protocols, starting from the arrival of the participants, during the event, until the time of their return.

"We are coordinating so that there is a minimum standard of health services for each meeting to be carried out," added Minister of Health Budi.

Regarding the publication of the event, Coordinating Minister Luhut asked the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G. Plate, to prepare carefully.

"I really want the arrangement. Do not let what we have done is not heard by many people. I tell you that our technique of providing explanations is very important," added Coordinating Minister Luhut.

Regarding this, the Minister of Communication and Information said that the President of the Republic of Indonesia had directed that the implementation of the Summit be successful in terms of substance and success in terms of implementation. For this reason, his party will carry out public communication orchestration well.

“I ask Bakohumas Ministries/Institutions to submit this orchestration to coordinate with each other. We will also hold a thematic forum with national media, in this case I ask the leaders to participate,” he explained.

The Minister of Communication and Information also said that he would hold a thematic forum with foreign media that already have a network in Indonesia as part of the information process.

"For this reason, I ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for assistance as a liaison with this international media. This needs to be done as a proactive step in building good relations with the media,” he said.

As a follow-up, Coordinating Minister Luhut asked the ministers who were present to hold a technical meeting in Jakarta, in the context of maturation of preparations for the G20 Summit and its series of activities. (VOI)





On 23 November 2021, students of Sekolah Indonesia Den Haag (Indonesian School in The Hague/SIDH) and Herenweg School Wassenaar handed over the Climate Village Project built in Minecraft game application to the Ambassador of Indonesia to the Netherlands, Mayerfas, and the Climate Envoy of Netherlands, HRH Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme at the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague.

The Climate Village Project was a collaboration between 14 SIDH students and 50 Herenweg School students, aged 10-14 years, from 16 September to 1 November 2021, with the support of the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague and the Indonesia Nederland Society. In Minecraft, the students' built climate adaptation and mitigation programs based on the situation in Malino that they identified through interviews with the villagers.

The handover of the Climate Village Project for Malino was done in the Launching and Webinar attended by 80 audiences, including the Government of Gowa Regent and people of Malino through an online platform.

At the handover, Ambassador Mayerfas stated that the Climate Village Project can be implemented in real life. “This Climate Village Project can be a good contribution to the Indonesian Government and people, including in Malino. The Indonesian Government has conducted the Climate Village Program since 2016 and built the village in more than two thousand locations. If implemented in Malino, this project will contribute to the achievement of the Indonesian Government’s target to build 20 thousand Climate Village in 2024,” explained Ambassador Mayerfas.

The Dutch Climate Envoy also welcomed the project. “The students in a creative and fun way find a solution for the world’s problem (climate change). The proposed solutions are in line with the problems faced in Malino, such as waste management. The Dutch Government is currently working with the Indonesian Government through the circular economy for waste management,” said Prince Jaime.

The member of the Board of Trustees of the Indonesia Nederland Society and former Dutch Foreign Minister, Bernard Bot, who witnessed the handover stated, “This project can stimulate and reach out to the policymakers. Hence, it would be good to integrate the project into the curriculum of primary education.”

The students build the Climate Village Project in 6 weeks addressing seven main problems in Malino, which are clean water, waste, food security, wildfire, deforestation, electricity, and climate-related disease. They proposed to build a clean water filter; a waste management system; a farming and farmer’s market; a river around the forest to prevent wildfire; tree plantation; hydroelectric and solar panels; and a hospital.

The SIDH and Herenweg School worked on the Climate Village Project as part of climate education learning and using the momentum of the meeting of COP 26 UNFCCC in Glasgow. (VOI)




The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, encourages creative economy players in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, to increase their product and marketing potential through the Indonesian Creative Appreciation (AKI) program.

In the Indonesian Creative Appreciation event at Phinisi Point, Makassar, Tuesday (11/23/2021), Sandiaga said that this activity aims to spur the growth of the creative economy ecosystem to strengthen the national economy and create jobs.

"We at Kemenparekraf are present in several sub-sectors in collaboration with other ministries and also city/district governments," said Sandiaga.

Sandiaga said that this event was attended by 35 creative economy actors from various creative economy sub-sectors in the "Anging Mamiri" city. These include craft, fashion, culinary, digital, film, and music sub-sectors.

Later, the 35 creative economy actors will be curated again to showcase their work at the national level.

"Some of the participants selected here will later go to Jakarta to compete at the national level," he said.

On the same occasion, the Mayor of Makassar, Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto, appreciated the implementation of AKI activities in his city. He hopes that this activity can foster more seeds of creative economic potential that have sprung up in Makassar.

"Thank you to the Minister, because the Minister has succeeded in building tourism cells (in Makassar). Because if one cell is sick, the whole body will be sick. But if the cells are healthy, God willing, the whole body will be healthy and if Indonesia's 'cell tourism' excels, Indonesia will excel through tourism," said Ramdhan.

In addition to Sandiaga and Ramdhan Pomanto, this event was also attended by the Special Staff of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy for the Sector of Tourism Destinations and Strategic Issues, Brigadier General Ario Prawiseso; Director of Culinary, Craft, Design and Fashion Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf Yuke Sri Rahayu; and the Head of the Culture and Tourism Office of South Sulawesi Province, Muhammad Jufri.

In addition to the exhibition of creative economy products, this event was also filled with talk shows and performances by creative economy actors from the music and film sub-sectors. (VOI)




The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy held the 'Road to Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) Conference & International Events 2022' at the Bali Nusa Convention Center (BNDCC), on 25-26 November 2021, in an effort to accelerate the revival of Indonesia's MICE and events industry.

Road to AVPN Conference & International Events 2022 is an activity to welcome the AVPN Global Conference 2022 which is planned to be held on 21-24 June 2022 in Bali.

The event is one of the international events that Indonesia has won in the international bidding events program facilitated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

The Deputy for Tourism Products and Event Organizers of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Rizki Handayani, explained that the 'Road to AVPN Conference & International Events 2022' will carry the theme 'Creative, Agile and Adaptive to The New Paradigm of Tourism and Creative Economy', and will be implemented in a hybrid manner with the implementation of strict health protocols/CHSE which will be attended by 120 participants (offline) and 1,000 participants (online).

"By hosting a number of international activities, hopefully, 2022 will be a momentum for the revival of the MICE industry and events in Indonesia. And the 'Road to AVPN Conference & International Events' activity is an effort to accelerate that revival," Rizki Handayani, Deputy for Tourism and Tourism Products said in a release on Wednesday.

There are several interesting themes discussed in the ‘Road to AVPN Conference & International Events 2022’. Among them are themes that discusses how to 'Access Philanthropy Financing for Creative Economy Actors' by presenting the Deputy for Industry and Investment of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Baparekraf Fadjar Hutomo, Kumpul.ID CEO & Co-Founder Faye Wongso, and Director of AVPN Indonesia Dini Indrawati Septiani.

Then there will be a theme that discusses 'Business Tourism Outlook and Special Interests in the Adaptation of New Habits' which presents GainingEdge Executive Chairman Gary Grimmer, and Indonesia MICE Outlook and features a number of national MICE figures such as ASPERAPI Chairman Hosea Andreas Runkat, ASTINDO General Chair Pauline Suharno, and Chair of the ICCA Committee Indonesia Raty Ning.

There will also be sessions discussing 'The Future of Event Ecosystem & The MICE Industry', 'Event Planner Sport Tourism', to topics that discuss 'The Mega Shifting of Customer Behavior Post COVID-19.

"The series of themes are presented to broaden horizons and prepare MICE stakeholders when holding international events, so they can re-engage the contribution of the tourism industry and the creative economy to the national economy during the adaptation period of new habits," said Kiki.

AVPN was founded in 2011 by Doug Miller. After forming the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) in 2004, Doug Miller created a similar network in Asia to facilitate funders and resources to collaborate and make a change.

In a span of 10 years, AVPN has managed to reach over 600 members. AVPN is the only platform in Asia that caters to the entire spectrum of social investors. (VOI)