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Head of Indonesia’s National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) Joko Setiady in Meeting with media at BSSN Building Jakarta Friday afternoon (05/01) said Indonesia’s National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) is a new institution established by the Indonesian government to provide security and protection from cyber crime. This Agency immediately takes concrete steps to complement facilities and infrastructure including the addition of Human Resources as an effort to support execution of duties. It was stated by Head of Indonesia’s National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) Joko Setiady in Meeting with media at BSSN Building Jakarta Friday afternoon (05/01).

"The short term is mainly to maintain security, to protect that is in the cyber region of our country. This institution needs more human resources to work. Of course we will recruit with certain conditions to strengthen cyber body. Furthermore, we will immediately work with the stages that we have prepared. Just  for information, the budget for BSSN will be discussed later,  on January 16 through the commission I of the House," he said.

Joko Setiady also said that besides securing government agencies and the private sector, it is expected that BSSN also protect the public from cyber crime in any form and even protect people from the crime of terrorism through early detection. (AF, transby Alika)



Poverty Gap Still Homework

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Published in Indonesia Today
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President Joko Widodo appreciated the decreasing number of poor people in Indonesia.


President Joko Widodo wants the government to pay more attention to develop human resources namely by improving more skills and education towards Indonesian youths. In his remarks during the Cabinet Plenary Meeting in Jakarta on Wednesday, President Joko Widodo said that the Indonesian nation has high demographic bonus due to the high number of Indonesian youths. He views that such demographic bonus should be utilized by providing more vocational training and education for the youths. 


“…I want in 2018, we pay attention to improve our human resources investment. We have about 250 million people and 60 percents of them are the youths. This demographical bonus should be our strength and chance through the improvement of education quality and vocational training as what we started in 2017,” President Joko Widodo said.


Furthermore, President Joko Widodo has asked his ministers to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources, saying that the better qualified human resources will meet more industrial needs. The President also hopes that trainings and skills taught at vocational schools can meet the industrial needs as well. He also remarked that there are still a lot of Indonesian human resources with low educational level, hence requires the government’s attention to improve their skills by expanding training programs in the country. (Ndy/ahm)   





The existence of SmallMicroMedium Enterprises-UMKM must be able to encourage the economy and welfare of people. Thus, they must be continuously supported for the sake of development  of a country. This was said by Acting Secretary General of House of Representatives –DPR,  Damayanti at a meeting of Association of Retired Secretary General of House of Representative at Parliamentary Building in Jakarta on Wednesday (03/01).


SmallMicroMedium Enterprises-UMKM have flexibility and capability to adapt towards the market condition which changes faster. It has also big contribution for the economic development of a country because it can provide specific service for huge business which is assumed to have less efficient cost,” Damayanti said.


Moreover, Damayanti also hoped that SmallMicroMedium Enterprises businesspeople can boost their quality products. So, the products can be competitive and well received by many people. (VOI-AF/EDT AHM)