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President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hopes that the G20 can become a catalyst for an inclusive economic recovery. This is important in the midst of global conditions that are currently facing a difficult situation.

"Indonesia hopes that the G20 can continue to be a catalyst for an inclusive economic recovery. In the midst of a very difficult situation, the G20 continues to work to produce concrete achievements," said the President at the opening of the G20 Summit at The Apurva Kempinski Bali, Tuesday (15/110/2022).

According to the President, the G20 is also preparing funds to deal with future pandemics through the Pandemic Fund. Not only that, 20 large economy countries also help low-income countries fiscal space through resilience and sustainability trust.

"The G20 accelerated the achievement of the SDGs, produced hundreds of concrete collaborations and supported a greener and more sustainable world economic recovery," he said.

"Through the Bali Compact regarding the energy transition. We are not just talking but taking concrete steps," said the President.

He said the G20 showed the world that members consisting of 20 countries with large economies could act wisely. In addition, they also assume responsibility while demonstrating leadership.

"Let's work, and let's work together for the world. Recover together, recover stronger," he said. (RRI)





Indonesian President Joko Widodo stated that Indonesia's democratic spirit must be reflected in the implementation of Indonesia's G20 Presidency, including at the summit of the G20 Summit Forum in Nusa Dua, Bali, Tuesday.

"As a democratic country, Indonesia is very aware of the importance of dialogue to bring together differences and this same spirit must be shown at the G20," Jokowi said in his remarks at the official opening of the G20 Summit Forum.

Jokowi explained that even though Indonesia has 17,000 islands, 1,300 ethnic groups, and more than 700 regional languages, the spirit of democracy can run from the lowest level.

The spirit of democracy in Indonesia runs from the village level, namely the election of village heads to the state level, such as elections for the president, governors, regents and mayors.

Jokowi emphasized that the G20 had no other choice but to maintain the collaboration paradigm because it was needed to save the world.

"We all have a responsibility not only to our people, but also to the people of the world," he stressed.

This responsibility includes respect for international law and the principles of the United Nations (UN) charter.

Being responsible also means creating a win-win situation, not a win-lose situation.

In addition, being responsible also means that the G20 must end the war because if the war does not end it will be difficult for the world to move forward.

“We must not divide the world into parts. We must not let the world fall into another world war," said Jokowi. (RRI)





Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut B. Pandjaitan attended the Ocean 20 High-Level Launch Event and Ocean 20 Dialogues at BNDCC, Bali on Monday (14-11/2022). The Ocean20 program with the theme "Can Be Together" is expected to uphold the principles of the G20. Coordinating Minister Luhut also invited all parties to realize the goals of Ocean 20 or O20 in terms of development, both locally, regionally, between countries and the world, which can be achieved through this program.

“We are here not only to advance our interests in the short term, but we will achieve the right policies for our oceans. This is the spirit of O20. Our task is to achieve the right balance, a sustainable balance, between the oceans as a growth opportunity and the oceans as a source of life," said Coordinating Minister Luhut in a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Monday.

Furthermore, Coordinating Minister Luhut also said that if all parties can commit to comply with this "Can Be Together" principle, then collaboration through O20 can be meaningful and have a significant impact, especially for the younger generation.

“O20 can be meaningful and significant for the younger generation, like my grandchildren, all our children, all generations and all our citizens. Hopefully the spirit of O20 will not stop here," he hoped.

In realizing the O20 goals, it is necessary to take concrete actions, because then O20 is used as a global platform in generating and implementing many concrete actions for the sustainable use of the ocean. At this high-level panel will be the launch of O20 and initial steps in addressing the maritime issues discussed through this year's G20 Presidency.

“With the support of the G20 countries and many ocean partners, we hope this can become a permanent agenda for the G20 Presidency. Can be together, let's do it together!” concluded Coordinating Minister Luhut.

For information, O20 is an activity to convey concrete policy recommendations that can be followed up socio-economically and ecologically to conserve and utilize sea and maritime resources in a sustainable manner as Blue Natural Capital (BNC). The theme for the O20 at the G20 Summit is Building Stronger Ocean Prosperity for All (Recover Together, Recover Stronger). The meeting topics discussed were blue economy, blue energy, blue carbon, blue food, blue investment, marine tourism, marine pollution, ocean conservation, and expertise in the maritime field.

The event was attended by Klaus Schwab, always Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum and Peter Thomson as United Nations Secretary General's Special Envoy for The Ocean, Ray Dalio as Founder, Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Bridgewater Associates and Founder of OceanX. (VOI)




President Joko Widodo appreciates the support of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for Indonesia's G20 Presidency.

President Joko Widodo said that the success of the G20 is a joint responsibility of all G20 countries.

“Nice to meet again after His Majesty's last visit last June in Bogor. I really appreciate Your Excellency's presence at this G20 Summit and Australia's support throughout the Indonesian Presidency," the President said during a bilateral meeting, Monday (14/11), at The Apurva Kempinski Bali.

Regarding the bilateral relations between the two countries, President Joko Widodo appreciated the value of trade in goods between the two countries which reached US$12.64 billion in 2021, an increase of 76.84%.

"We must continue to maximize the implementation of the IA-CEPA in order to accelerate economic recovery," said the President.

During the meeting, the President also mentioned concrete cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region, including through the implementation of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.

"Under the chairmanship of Indonesia, next year I will invite Australia to participate in the Indo-Pacific Infrastructure Forum," said President Jokowi.

Also present accompanying President Jokowi at the meeting were the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan, Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia, Director General for Asia Pacific and Africa Ministry of Foreign Affairs Abdul Kadir Jailani. (VOI)