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The number of active COVID-19 cases in Indonesia increased by 1,005 on Saturday to touch 23,748, the COVID-19 Handling Task Force reported.

With 3,141 fresh infections added per day, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases recorded in the country since March 2020 has reached 6,487,905.

The number of deaths climbed by 27 on Saturday, bringing the national death toll from the virus to 158,571.

Meanwhile, the number of recoveries increased by 2,109 to bring the total count to 6,305.586 nationwide.

Jakarta contributed the highest number of recoveries on Saturday at 852, followed by East Java (336), Banten (270), West Java (202), and Central Java (101).

Jakarta also contributed the most additional active cases at 1,041, followed by East Java (473), West Java (401), Central Java (246), and Banten (234).

Meanwhile, the highest number of deaths was recorded in Central Java at 8, followed by East Java (4), Jakarta (3), and South Sulawesi (3).

According to the task force, the total number of suspected patients reached 4,985 and the number of specimens examined touched 49,982 on Saturday.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown no signs of abating, the government has called on the public to follow the health protocols, including wearing masks and washing hands with running water.

Earlier, the Health Ministry appealed to citizens to get the booster vaccine soon as part of preparations for the COVID-19 endemic phase. (antaranews)





The red and white border activity in Jagoi Babang, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan broke the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) record. With the most flag hoisting in the border area of ​​Indonesia - Sarawak, Malaysia as many as 2022 flags.

"Breaking the MURI record for raising the most flags in Jagoi Babang is also a border cruising activity by motorcycle lovers throughout Kalimantan. And our brothers from Malaysia are also involved," said Head of the Youth, Sports and Tourism (Disporapar) West Kalimantan I Made Putra Negara in Bengkayang, Saturday (29/10/2022).

Made explained that the 4th red-and-white activity was also related to the celebration of the 2022 Youth Pledge Day. "The red and white flag was flown simultaneously with the central point of the Garuda Monument on the Jagoi Babang border," he said.

With this activity, he said, it became a momentum for tourism business actors because they were driven to take a role. And of course there are many benefits from organizing these activities.

"Even tomorrow, October 30, 2022, motorcycle lovers will be invited to visit the waterfall or Riam Parangek and its surroundings. The goal is to recognize and at the same time feel the cool water of the Tanggi River and of course play rafting for those who are pleased," he said.

Regarding tourism development, his party continues to be aggressive by carrying out various assistance, promotions and activities involving the parties. "Bengkayang Regency has tourist destinations of beaches, islands, waterfalls, mountains, culinary, culture, and others," he said. (RRI)




Japan donated 200 vials of the drug Fomepizole to treat acute kidney disorders in Indonesia. This was conveyed by the Head of the Communication and Public Service Bureau of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI) Siti Nadia Tarmizi.

"This drug (Fomepizole) arrived in Indonesia Saturday (29/10/2022) in the morning. And it was distributed as needed to all provincial-level referral hospitals in Indonesia," said Siti Nadia Tarmizi in Jakarta, Saturday (29/10/2022) night.

Siti said the drug was a donation from PT Takeda Indonesia which was immediately distributed to 14 referral hospitals at the provincial level.

A total of 14 national referral hospitals are located in 13 provinces, namely North Sumatra, South Sumatra, DKI Jakarta, and West Java. And DI Yogyakarta, Central Java, East Java, and Bali. Other provinces are South Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua.

The hospitals include RSUP H Adam Malik (Medan), RSUP dr Djamil (Padang), RSUP dr Hoesin (Palembang), and RSUP dr Cipto Mangunkusumo (Jakarta). And RSUP dr Hasan Sadikin (Bandung), RSUP dr Sarjito (Yogyakarta), and RSUP dr Kariadi (Semarang).

Next, Dr Soetomo Hospital (Surabaya), Sanglah Hospital Denpasar (Bali), Dr Soedarso Hospital (Pontianak), and Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital (Samarinda). Also Dr Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Hospital (Makassar), Prof R D Kandou Hospital (Manado) Dok II Hospital Jayapura (Jayapura).

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the drug grant was implemented in good faith. In the name of humanity for the benefit of Indonesian children's health.

"This antidote will be given free of charge to all patients in Indonesia," said Minister of Health Budi.

Previously, Indonesia also imported 10 vials of similar drugs on October 10 and 18, 2022, from Singapore. In a trial at RSCM Jakarta, 10 patients who received Fomepizole showed improved health.

"Three children no longer need a ventilator and one person has been discharged. It can be concluded that this drug has a positive impact on the treatment of patients with acute kidney disorders," he said. (RRI)


Dozens of people were injured in a stampede in Seoul as a huge crowd poured into a central district of the South Korean capital for Halloween festivities late on Saturday, the Yonhap news agency reported.

Fire authorities were administrating CPR to at least 50 people in the Itaewon district as of 11:30 p.m. (1430 GMT) on Saturday, according to the news agency.

Social media footage showed several people being assisted by rescue officials and private citizens at the scene. Reuters could not verify authenticity of the footage.

South Korea's President Yoon Suk-yeol ordered the dispatch of emergency medical team to the area and said hospital beds should be prepared to minimise casualties, his office said. (Reuters)